Recent papers in Atlas
Proyecto que muestra a través de la herramienta Story Maps las diferentes aportaciones del I Seminario Internacional Atlas Histórico de América, realizado en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile los días 13 y 14 de noviembre de 2017. Este... more
Las luchas por la independencia en el siglo XIX en América Latina se produjeron en el contexto de las revoluciones europeas, tal como sugirió Juan Bautista Alberdi, son un capítulo de la revolución Española, así como esta es un capítulo... more
Resource managers need to know how species are distributed, how abundant they are in the landscape and the relative suitability of different habitats for a given species. Distribution maps in reference books and field guides have been... more
This paper presents a tutorial introduction to the handling of uncertainty and decision-making in medical reasoning systems. It focuses on the central role of uncertainty in all of medicine and identifies the major themes that arise in... more
Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Plus de 70... more
This paper presents the results of an investigation of the magnitude-intensity and intensity-attenuation relationships for earthquakes in the Atlas block and Algeria using macroseismic data. This work is based on a selected sample of... more
h i g h l i g h t s • A new stereotaxic guidance software for high-precision stereotaxic surgery in the mouse brain is developed. • The software allows 3D visualization and navigation through the 3D CT/MRI hybrid surgical atlases of the... more
army if raja nanda of kalinjar is defeated
The use of lateral mass atlas screws is an important technique to achieve fusion and stability at the craniocervical region affected by different pathologies (degenerative, traumatic, inflammatory, neoplastic, or congenital). This paper... more
authors : Netter
Battle of Hussainiwala 1971
January 2000
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24470.86087
Project: Military History of India Pakistan Bangladesh Nepal Iran Afghanistan Burma Central Asian Republics China and Turkey
Agha H Amin
January 2000
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24470.86087
Project: Military History of India Pakistan Bangladesh Nepal Iran Afghanistan Burma Central Asian Republics China and Turkey
Agha H Amin
Desenvolvimento de website A pesquisa Atlas Urbanístico de Vitória, coordenada pela professora Dra. Flavia Botechia e pelo professor Dr. Heraldo Ferreira Borges desde 2014, tem como objetivo principal a... more
O Laboratório de Geologia Ambiental da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LAGEOLAM – UFSM) vem desenvolvendo uma série de Atlas Geoambientais dos municípios do centro-oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul estabelecendo um trabalho de... more
O presente artigo refere-se ao projeto "Atlas Histórico da Região da Baía da Babitonga" cujo objetivo é elaborar uma publicação com base em levantamentos documental e bibliográfico das seis cidades que circundam a Baía: Joinville, São... more
Επίσης: Χασάν Β’ του Μαρόκου “Οι Αναμνήσεις ενός Βασιλιά” Σκιαγραφόντας την κουλτούρα του Μαρόκου μέσα από τον ηγέτη του, όπως αυτός παρουσιάζεται στο πρόσφατο βιβλίο “Hassan II La mémoire d’un roi” Also: Hassan II of Morocco “The... more
Apoio: Funcultura; Secult; Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo
Apoio: Funcultura; Secult; Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo
The Cultural Atlas of Islam. Gives an overview of Arabia as the crucible of Islam; its language and history, religion and culture, and the essence of Islamic civilization. Also discussed are The Qur'an, The Sunnah, institutions, the... more
Catálogo de la exposición “Premio Eugenio Mendoza # 15”, organizado por la Sala Mendoza, Caracas, enero-mayo 2019. Incluye textos de los miembros del Jurado de selección sobre las diferentes obras elegidas: -David Ayala-Alfonso: Emily... more
The European Turtle Dove is a common breeder in Catalonia. It occurs usually from April to October in a wide variety of habitats, but there are also some exceptional winter records from near Barcelona (2.I.96; 4.XII.04). During the... more
Linares, Y. (2018). Fichas Informativas de los 29 Municipios del estado Táchira. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
O atlas inscreve-se entre os trabalhos que buscam dar uma contribuição para o entendimento da alimentação e da fome, debruçando-se sobre as situações alimentares que podem ser identificadas no Brasil contemporâneo. Ele fornece uma... more
Meerut 1857 to Battle of Badli Ki Serai 1857 and the Ridge at Delhi
June 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19616.61448
Agha H Amin
June 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19616.61448
Agha H Amin
The Syrian coast and the mountains facing the coastal plan, the Jebel al-Anwariye, from the Lebanese border to Mount Casius
Nei primi anni del XVIII secolo, la guerra di successione spagnola irrompe sull'equilibrio labile dell'Europa e sbaraglia alleanze consolidate. Il capovolgimento politico costringe alcuni ingegneri militari a procacciarsi velocemente... more
Regional Atlas of the Tadla-Azilal region (Morocco), carried out through a Volubilis "Programme d’Action Intégrée" funded by the "Comité Mixte Interuniversitaire Franco-Marocain" involving ESO-Angers (UMR CNRS 6590) of Angers University... more
Mapas de diversos componentes ambientales de Galápagos, actualizados en función de los diversos estudios sobre las islas. Documento resultado del diagnóstico para la elaboración del Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial del Archipiélago... more
The idea of creating a "Historical atlas of Poland" came from Stanisław Smolka. The book was planned as a part of a source publication named "Poland in the 16th Century in the geographic-statistical regard", which appeared in the series... more
Northern reaches of the Orontes Valley in Syria from Jisr al-Shugur north to the Jebel Wastani and Jebel Duweli regions of the Limestone Massif ('Dead Cities')