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With the increase of refugee movements since 2014 in Europe and the Near East, the debate of how to plan appropriate shelters and emergency accommodation has gained a new momentum. Established techno-managerial approaches have been... more
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      Refugee StudiesPolitical ScienceUrban PlanningControl
This insightful book analyzes the evolution of the operational tasks and cooperation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawAsylum LawIrregular Migration
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawHuman Rights Law
Alors que c’est souvent à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et à ses suites que sont associées les expériences des déplacements forcés, des internements massifs de civils et de militaires, cet ouvrage propose de placer la focale sur un long XIXe... more
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      Refugee StudiesFrench RevolutionExilePolitical Prisoners
Au tournant des années 2000, alors que l’Italie s’interroge sur l’intégration des immigré·es, les programmes de bénévolat à destination de ces populations font florès dans toute la péninsule du fait d’un consensus entre les municipalités,... more
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      Asylum seekersItalyVolunteeringIntegration
Voluntary returns of asylum seekers from Europe have increased in past years. Iraqi refugees appear to be one of the largest groups, which have sought asylum, and appear to be one of the largest groups of people, which return voluntarily... more
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      AsylumInternational Refugee LawAsylum seekersInternational Migration and Immigration Policy
To assess whether asylum seekers show increased colonization risk for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multi-resistant Gram negative bacteria, approximately 100 patients treated at the hospital in Ingolstadt between... more
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      Asylum seekersEscherichia coliInfection Prevention
Mon texte intitulé "Dans le gueule du loup" publié par Courtes Lignes dans le cadre de l'action "Vos plumes contre la Barbarie" Et si les mots pouvaient aider à supporter et penser l'impensable ?... more
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      LiteratureHuman RightsPoetryMigration
ist Lehrbeauftragter am Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik der Universität Freiburg i.Br. und arbeitet zudem an der Scuola Normale Superiore in Florenz an einer Doktorarbeit zur Transnationalisierung der politischen Selbstorganisation... more
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      Social MovementsAsylum seekers
The determination of asylum cases in Denmark, as elsewhere, ostensibly rests on the authoritative rationalities of law, country of origin information and medical and linguistic examinations-the steady bureaucratic practices of the... more
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      European Immigration and Asylum LawAsylum seekers
This paper explores the constraints created by Turkish asylum policy as a form of population control that is contested and negotiated by the individuals that fall within the category of asylum-seeker. Using the theoretical frameworks of... more
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      Migration StudiesAsylum seekersMinorities in TurkeyInternational Migration and Immigration Policy
Home Office decisions on asylum and immigration claims have been described as a “lottery” and the Law Society argues there are “serious flaws in the way visa and asylum applications are being dealt with.” The fundamental question is how... more
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      Access to JusticeImmigrationAsylum LawSocial Justice
This book examines the factors affecting the health and wellbeing of young people as they transition to adulthood under the shadow of migration control. Drawing on unique longitudinal data, it illuminates how they conceptualize wellbeing... more
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      Youth StudiesParticipatory ResearchEuropean Immigration and Asylum LawAsylum seekers
This article addresses the concern that decision-making in sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) asylum claims in Europe is often unfair, and that one way to remedy this is by improving the guidance provided to decision-makers when... more
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      Refugee StudiesSexualityAsylum LawGender and Sexuality
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la... more
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      Refugee StudiesAsylum LawAsylumEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
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      Refugee StudiesImmigrationTurkeyDetention (Immigration)
This article provides the context for the Special Issue. It outlines the differential eligibility for welfare rights experienced by people with varying citizenship statuses and notes the increasing exclusion and marginalization of asylum... more
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      AsylumAsylum seekersAsylum and refugees studies, migration and integration
The absence of the racial and cultural Other in mainstream media is noted by many scholars. In this article, a number of newspaper articles about asylum seekers in lip sewing episodes at Woomera in 2002 are examined using critical... more
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      Journalism EthicsCritical Race Theory and Whiteness theoryAsylum seekersCitizenship
This article presents a survey of 667 Australian voters examining support for a new conservative social movement in relation to attitudes toward Asian immigration, involvement in an evolving anti-immigration debate, and willingness to... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAsylum seekersSocial Issues
This article explores the experiences of asylum seekers who have been housed in Glasgow under the government's dispersal policy. It notes the work of the Audit Commission in identifying those factors which may be considered when assessing... more
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceAsylum seekersIntegration
The current report reviews the developmental, psychological, and environmental factors that influence the conduct and behaviors of children and youth (generally, ages 6-25) seeking refuge in the United States. During immigration... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthChild DevelopmentTrauma StudiesChildren and Youth
A copublication of the World Bank and Oxford University Press. This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of... more
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      EconomicsEconomic GrowthDeveloping CountriesFood Production
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      Refugee StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesAsylum seekersMissional Ecclesiology
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      EntrepreneurshipAnthropologyImmigrationEconomic Growth
Looking at the development of place attachments and 'home' within a temporary housing context, this paper examines two specific Asylum Seeker housing schemes in Zürich, Switzerland, namely the TWS Aargauerstrasse and the TWS... more
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      Place AttachmentZurichInterior DesignPlace Identity
The article analyses Italian second reception system for asylum seekers and refugees (so-called SPRAR system), through the lens of psychosocial well-being. The author examines in depth the connections between migration, trauma and... more
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      Medical AnthropologyRefugee StudiesPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)International Migration
Bisexual asylum seekers constitute a very low percentage among LGBT asylum seekers (Rehaag, 2009). While there is not enough data about the percentage of bisexual individuals among the LGBT population of the countries where most of these... more
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      European StudiesGender StudiesRefugee StudiesSexuality
The article explores some strategies of the new internal regime of «frontierization» for the asylum seeker. Indeed, extending from the entry into the Reception System up to the inclusion in the Register of Resident Population, these... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of LawBorder Studies
The aim of his paper is twofold. First, it will display an ever-increasing phenomenon of Member States’ infringements of EU migration and asylum law as an instance of the violation of the principle of solidarity and discuss the reasons... more
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      European LawMigrationMigration StudiesEU Law
In summary, our research shows that US Border Patrol agents and other CBP officers abuse migrants, physically and verbally, with significant frequency. In addition, many resent immigrants in general, and display racism toward Mexicans and... more
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      Border StudiesImmigrationImmigration StudiesAsylum Law
Alors que c’est souvent a la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a ses suites que sont associees les experiences des deplacements forces, des internements massifs de civils et de militaires, cet ouvrage propose de placer la focale sur un long XIXe... more
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      Refugee StudiesFrench RevolutionExilePolitical Prisoners
This paper is a product of the World Bank Group. The World Bank Group does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the... more
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      Dispute ResolutionCoping StrategiesEconomic GrowthDivision of labor
Practical cooperation has passed from the margins to the center of the migration and asylum policies. The operationalisation of the hotspot approach to migration management points to the emergence of an increasingly integrated European... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawInternational LawRefugee Studies
Dit boekje komt voort uit actieonderzoek. Veel professionals hebben eraan bijgedragen. Deze handleiding is voor Professionals én Immigranten in Nederland die met cultuurverschillen te maken hebben. De samenstellers zijn zelf immigranten... more
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesAsylum seekersCross-Cultural CommunicationAsylum and refugees studies, migration and integration
This research provides the first detailed, evidence-based analysis of current policy and practice in relation to age disputes of children and young people seeking asylum in the UK. The specific aims of the research are: - To examine... more
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      Children's RightsAsylum seekersYoung PeopleUnited Kingdom
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Non Fiction WritingJournalismViolenceHuman Rights
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      JusticeAsylum seekersRefugees
This paper illustrates the sites and effects of encounters between citizens and asylum seekers in different microspaces. While work on encounters has largely focused on ‘more deserving’ others, this paper analyses encounters with... more
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      Cultural EncountersMigration StudiesAsylum seekersPublic Space
Madres que buscan rastros de sus hijos en terrenos baldíos. Periodistas que tienen pesadillas en las que son ejecutados por armas de alto poder. Jóvenes que testimonian para conseguir el reconocimiento de las desapariciones forzadas en... more
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      Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)Asylum seekersDesaparecidosOrganizaciones de la Sociedad Civil - ONG
This paper will use a psychodynamic lens to examine the policies of current and past Australian governments on the treatment of asylum seekers who have reached, and attempted to reach, Australia by boat. The paper contends that the... more
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      SocioanalysisAsylum seekersPsychodynamics of work and organisationsBoat People
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      Social TheoryRefugee StudiesAsylum LawMigrant labour
The current report provides an overview of the UK legal and policy frameworks and policies on reception. Further, it maps related to the implementation of reception policies, as well as the actors involved and relations among them. Since... more
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      European Immigration and Asylum LawMigration StudiesAsylum seekers
This article explores issues raised by an earlier Irish study conducted with migrants living with HIV. The latter highlighted the fact that many of those newly diagnosed with HIV in Ireland are from sub-Saharan African, were in the asylum... more
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      Social WorkRefugee StudiesHIV/AIDSAsylum seekers
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      Migration StudiesAsylum seekersRefugees
Family Matters: The Family as a Resource for the Mental, Social, and Relational Wellbeing of Migrants, Asylum Seekers, and Other Displaced Populations Vincenzo Di Nicola and Suzan Song World Association of Social Psychiatry (WASP)... more
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      Family TherapyGlobalizationTraumatic StressMarriage & Family Therapy
Book chapter reviewing the experience of Nujeen Mustafa, a disabled child refugee who made the journey from Syria to Germany by foot at the height of the migration crisis in the summer of 2015. Full reference: Barbulescu, Roxana and... more
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      Disability StudiesHuman RightsRefugee StudiesMigration Studies
Guide for Individual Application to the Constitutional Court for Immigrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection Status
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      Asylum seekersRefugeesImmigrantsIndividual Application