Asylum seeker

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An asylum seeker is an individual who flees their home country due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, and seeks international protection in another country.
Objective: To review stressful experiences and stress reactions among child and adolescent refugees, as well as interventions and ethical considerations in research and clinical work, within the framework of the chronological experiences... more
Context Worldwide, the number of refugees and asylum seekers is estimated to be about 11.5 million plus a much larger number of former refugees who have obtained a residence permit in a new country. Although asylum seekers have been... more
This paper uses 'othering' theory to explore how forced migrants are received in developed countries and considers the implications of this for public health. It identifies a variety of mechanisms by which refugees, asylum seekers and... more
Compared to research on displaced persons whose refugee status has been endorsed prior to arriving in Western countries, there is little systematic information available about levels of past trauma, postmigration living difficulties and... more
Background: This paper is a part of the work of the group that carried out the report "The state of the mental health in Europe" (European Commission, DG Health and Consumer Protection, 2004) and deals with the mental health issues... more
Immigration is an increasingly important political issue in Western democracies and a crucial question relates to the antecedents of public attitudes towards immigrants. It is generally acknowledged that information relayed through the... more
Background: The aim of our article is to characterise and compare current standards of health care provision for asylum seekers in the 25 European Union (EU) countries in order to identify the needs and potential for improving access to... more
■ Abstract With nearly one in ten residents of advanced industrialized states now an immigrant, international migration has become a fundamental driver of social, economic, and political change. We review alternative models of migratory... more
The UK has become a leading proponent of European restrictionalism and has focused its efforts on developing policy that excludes asylum seekers from mainstream society. Dispersal policy has focused upon sending asylum seekers to excluded... more
Postnatal depression (PND) is recognised as a common maternal health problem, but little evidence examines PND among refugee, asylum seeker and immigrant women in developed country settings. This review aimed to identify the rates of PND... more
Objective: To document the psychiatric status of a near complete sample of children and their families from one ethnic group held for an extended period of time in a remote immigration detention facility in Australia.Method: Structured... more
A social identity framework was employed to understand why people support the exclusionary treatment of refugee claimants ('asylum seekers') in Australia. Over and above individual difference effects of social dominance orientation and... more
j Abstract Background Refugees in western countries often face long juridical procedures before their requests for a resident permit is granted. The, still scanty, literature shows high prevalence rates of psychopathology among asylum... more
... This shifting between categories is here referred to as status mobility. ... due to financial difficulties, or to the traffickers to whom people are in debt; in other cases they are because of the policies of transit and destination... more
Background: Missed appointments are known to interfere with appropriate care and to misspend medical and administrative resources. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of a sequential intervention reminding patients of... more
Biometrics is often described as `the next big thingin information technology'. Rather than IT renderingthe body irrelevant to identity – a mistaken idea tobegin with – the coupling of biometrics with ITunequivocally puts the body center... more
Sie hier: Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen... more
Although women, young people and refugees are vulnerable to sexual and genderbased violence (SGBV) worldwide, little evidence exists concerning SGBV against refugees in Europe. Using community-based participatory research, 223 in-depth... more
Currently, migrants and other mobile individuals, such as migrant workers and asylum seekers, are an expanding global population of growing social, demographic and political importance. Disparities often exist between a migrant... more
The present study examines the effect of torture in generating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms by comparing its impact with that of other traumas suffered by a war-affected sample of Tamils living in Australia. Traumatic... more
Background: Studies suggest that the rates of self harm vary by ethnic group, but the evidence for variation in risk factors has not been synthesised to inform preventive initiatives.
This paper examines the relationship between the nation-state and migration through the activities of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The IOM operates at the intersection of nation-states, international human rights... more
Refugee and asylum-seeking women in Canada may have significant harmful childbearing health outcomes and unmet health and social care needs. The most vulnerable of these women are: those who have left their countries by force (e.g., war,... more
Right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, Australian and human identity salience, and perceived Australian and human norms were related to the attitudes, feelings and behaviors toward asylum seekers of 242 Australian... more
Background: Changing immigration trends pose new challenges for the UK's open access health service and there is considerable speculation that migrants from resource-poor countries place a disproportionate burden on services. Data are... more
Dental age estimation methods based on the radiologically detected third molar developmental stages are implemented in forensic age assessments to discriminate between juveniles and adults considering the judgment of young unaccompanied... more
To assess feasibility and yield of diagnostic procedures after active case finding for tuberculosis with radiologic screening at the three main entry points for asylum seekers to Switzerland. Method: Prospective multicenter study on the... more
The number of refugees worldwide is now 12 million, up from 3 million in the early 1970s. And the number seeking asylum in the developed world increased tenfold, from about 50,000 per annum to half a million over the same period.... more
These working papers provide a means for UNHCR staff, consultants, interns and associates to publish the preliminary results of their research on refugee-related issues. The papers do not represent the official views of UNHCR. They are... more
Little is known about the food insecurity situation among families resettled into the United States as part of the refugee resettlement program. This paper reports on a pilot study examining food insecurity among recently arrived refugee... more
Much of the literature on asylum seekers and refugees tends to be atheoretical. This article uses ideas from Giddens' structuration theory as a conceptual framework to analyse the voices of a group of asylum seekers and refugees. The... more
Parents and children in immigration detention are often vulnerable to mental health problems before they reach Australia. Experiences in prolonged detention add to their burden of trauma, which has an impact not only on the individual... more
Policies of deterrence, including the use of detention and temporary visas, have been widely implemented to dissuade asylum seekers from seeking protection in Western countries. The present study examined the impact of visa status change... more
Refugees often suffer from complex trauma including persecution in their home countries, flight, and disadvantaged conditions of life in the host country. The body is directly involved in these traumatic experiences. Dance/movement... more
Although many individuals applying for political asylum allege maltreatment and sometimes torture in their countries of origin, the utility of medical evaluations in asylum adjudication has not been documented. This study compares the... more
Background: Several suicide and suicidal behaviour risk factors are highly prevalent in asylum seekers, but there is little insight into the suicide death rate and the suicidal behaviour incidence in this population. The main objective of... more
This article examines the policy responses of Western countries in the realm of asylum. We begin by explaining the reasons why the asylum issue has made its way up the political agendas of liberal democratic countries in recent years.... more
Although the numbers of asylum seekers in Europe is decreasing, the asylum policy of most European Union member states (EU MS) continues to be driven by a fear of a potential increase. As a result, EU MS refuse to address the growing... more
An estimated 190 million people are now living outside their countries of birth or citizenship, and the rate of this migration is expected to remain high. The resulting growing cultural and ethnic diversity in societies adds specific... more
Context. Refugee survivors of torture in the United Kingdom have multiple problems, of which pain may be underrecognized, given the high prevalence recorded in similar populations in Denmark.
Le logement des réfugiés à Montréal trois ans après leur arrivée: le cas des demandeurs d'asile ayant obtenu la résidence permanente -Springer