Asylum seeker

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An asylum seeker is an individual who flees their home country due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, and seeks international protection in another country.
Einleitung: Im Laufe des Jahres 2014 sollten ca. 140 000 Asylbewerbern aufgenommen werden, wovon ca. 15 % nach Bayern verteilt wurden. Das bayerische Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Familie und Integration förderte ein Projekt... more
In Australia, asylum seekers either are detained in immigration detention centres or, depending upon their mode of entry into Australia and the status of their application for protection, live in the community, often in a state of abject... more
This paper explores ethical questions arising from the work of health practitioners in immigration detention centres in Australia. It raises questions about the roles of professional disciplines and the ways in which they confront dual... more
Issues of power and consent, confidentiality, trust, and benefit, risks to researchers, and potential harm to participants, are all contested when working with different cultures and within environments marked by violence and insecurity.... more
This paper investigates migrants' perceptions and experiences of urban greenspaces. The research used innovative participatory and visual (photography) methods and the 12 week programme included visits to 10 greenspaces in Sheffield. The... more
A corpus-based analysis of discourses of refugees and asylum seekers was carried out on data taken from a range of British newspapers and texts from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees website, both published... more
This article discusses the extent to which methods normally associated with corpus linguistics can be effectively used by critical discourse analysts. Our research is based on the analysis of a 140-million-word corpus of British news... more
This paper reports work on an ongoing project on the representation of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press. In recent years, the issue of refugees and asylum seekers entering the UK has has attracted intense media and political... more
Sometimes stories can only be told when there is safety, the possibility of a future, when one is drawn back from the 'abyss'; when the shame, guilt, and anger can be faced in circumstances of trust; when 'perennial' losses can be... more
Background Forced migration leaves deep marks on the psychological well-being of migrants, with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological conditions being prevalent among them. While research has clarified the extent... more
The goal of our study was to examine the relationship between the under-5 infant mortality rate and a nation's economic condition, as shown by log GDP. To investigate how economic growth affects child mortality rates in both rich and poor... more
Background: Since the onset of the 2015 European refugee crisis, ~4. 46 million people have sought asylum in the European Union, with Germany logging the largest share of all asylum applications. In addition to the severe adversities... more
In the period from 2011 to 2017, there was a fluctuating yet notable increase of unaccompanied minors transiting through Croatia. The 2015 and 2016 events involving the Balkan corridor included a significant number of unaccompanied and... more
This research uncovered evidence that refugees and asylum seekers are susceptible to forced labour in the UK. The findings are based on a two-year study by academics at the Universities of Leeds and Salford, funded by the Economic and... more
The co-occurrence of t wo words wit h frequency above chance (statistically calculated). Collocation is directional. The collocat es of a word cont ribut e t o it s meaning (Nat t inger & DeCarrico,1992: 181-182), or can provide " a... more
Refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants (henceforth RASIM) coming into the UK have attracted increased press attention . As their representation in the press can construct their identity (Duffy and Rowden, 2005: 6, in Greenslade, 2005:... more
Almost six years on from the introduction of the Pacific Solution, the commitment of Australia's federal government to the regime of offshore processing of asylum seekers appears undiminished. The offshore processing regime has damaged... more
Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Die Nutzung stellt... more
This article analyses four emerging refugee support organisations in Austria, founded before the so-called refugee crisis in 2015. It argues that these organisations have managed to occupy a middle space between mainstream NGOs and social... more
ObjectivesWe sought to identify and review published studies that discuss the ethical considerations, from a physician’s perspective, of managing a hunger strike in a prison setting.MethodsA database search was conducted to identify... more
Housing is an important social determinant of health; however, little is known about the impact of housing experiences on health and wellbeing for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds. In this paper, we outline a qualitative... more
Irregular migration is increasing in the Caribbean while the opportunities for applying for asylum hardly exist. The policy regarding most Caribbean irregular migrants is based on the view of the potential destinations, namely that the... more
Return migration is a significant aspect of global migration patterns, encompassing individuals who choose to return to their home countries after spending time abroad. Trust plays a crucial role in this process, influencing migrants'... more
Almost six years on from the introduction of the Pacific Solution, the commitment of Australia's federal government to the regime of offshore processing of asylum seekers appears undiminished. The offshore processing regime has damaged... more
Seeking asylum is a perilous endeavour with unpredictable border crossings, protection prospects, and settlement outcomes. Young unaccompanied asylum seekers face even greater risks. Yet exclusively characterizing them as vulnerable or... more
This article investigates the extent to which restrictive asylum and visa policies trigger an unintended behavioural response of potential and rejected asylum seekers. Based on our analysis of bilateral asylum and visa policies on migrant... more
Refugees and Canada 21 spark deep reflection upon, dialogue with, and activism over how refugees are supported, integrated, and included in Canada.
Background Members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) play a significant role in hosting and supporting refugees. Refugees and asylum seekers in OECD countries may face unique challenges in accessing... more
Migration, particularly among refugees and asylum seekers, poses many challenges to the health system of host countries. This study examined the impact of migration history on illness experience, its meaning and help-seeking strategies of... more
Refugee, asylum seekers, and migrant (displaced) children are at protracted vulnerability levels, and COVID-19 has exacerbated the situation. Zimbabwe accepts refugees but enforces an encampment policy, and displaced populations are... more
An increasingly common response to the lack of specialist mental health services for refugees and asylum seekers in European host countries is peer-supported services. This study examined the association between a peer-provided... more
A global refugee crisis? 1 WILLIAM MALEY Refugees and illegal migrants in the Asia-Pacific region 9 ALAN DUPONT 'Illegal refugees' or illegal policy? JEAN-PIERRE FONTEYNE The 'Pacific solution'? GREG FRY Australia's refugee and... more
List of tables 1 Countries of origin of interviewees 2 Socio-legal status of refugees and asylum seekers 3 Sectors of jobs in UK held by interviewees This report presents new findings on forced labour and migration in the UK. The... more
Background: Student-run asylum clinics handle an increasing proportion of forensic medical evaluation requests for asylum cases across the country, but the impact on medical students participating in these evaluations remains poorly... more
Surveys show that issues to do with population-migrant numbers, asylum seekers and, to a lesser extent, population size-are matters of growing concern, though whether opposition to a bigger Australia is greater now than twenty or thirty... more
As of December 2021, about 13.399 asylum seekers had entered Indonesian territory. As a non-signatory party to the 1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol, refugee protection is becoming ambiguous and uncertain; specifically, about... more
Many studies reveal the effectiveness of different psychological interventions on the adult refugees reporting mental health distress. Aim of this metanalysis was to test the efficacy of different psychological treatments on the... more
The return of rejected asylum seekers has a high priority on the national agendas of European States. In order to make wellinformed asylum decisions involving children, knowledge of how asylum-seeker children fare after their return to... more
Background: The incidence of tuberculosis (TB) in developed countries has decreased since the 1990s, reflecting worldwide efforts to identify and treat TB according to WHO recommendations. However TB remains an important public health... more
Warm Welcome? Understanding public attitudes to asylum seekers in Scotland ippr 2 The Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr) is the UK's leading progressive think tank and was established in 1988. Its role is to bridge the political... more
Background Forced migration leaves deep marks on the psychological well-being of migrants, with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological conditions being prevalent among them. While research has clarified the extent... more
Objetivo: Quantificar as atitudes frente a incapacidades, percebidas pelas pessoas com deficiências (PCDs) atendidas em hospital universitário no Brasil, assim como determinar se as barreiras atitudinais percebidas se correlacionam com... more
Background Torture continues to be a global problem and there is a need for prevention and rehabilitation efforts. There is little available data on torture survivors from studies designed and conducted by health professionals in low... more