Astronomy Education

651 papers
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Astronomy Education is the field of study focused on teaching and learning about astronomical concepts, phenomena, and the universe. It encompasses curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and the use of technology to enhance understanding of astronomy among diverse learners, aiming to foster scientific literacy and interest in the sciences.
The aim of this study is to determine the awareness of teachers working away from the city center on STEM education and to provide them with a STEM study and an example STEM practice to understand STEM education. The aim of STEM education... more
In recent decades, the interactive whiteboard (IWB) has become a relatively common educational tool in Western schools. The IWB is essentially a large touch screen, that enables the user to interact with digital content in ways that are... more
In the present study, primary school students' ideas concerning the apparent movement of the Moon are investigated. The research was carried out in five primary schools of Athens ͑Greece͒ with a sample of forty ͑40͒, fifth and sixth grade... more
by Tim Slater and 
1 more
Middle school students who have special needs because they are learning disabled require targeted attention in our nation's pursuit of improved science achievement for all students. In early 2006, the Lawrence Hall of Science conducted a... more
The use of a smartphone, with both still and video capabilities, to develop the concepts surrounding stellar parallax is described. The hands-on activities generate useful discussion amongst high school students. Reactions of both... more
The past several years have presented the astronomy education research community with a host of foundational research dissertations in the teaching and learning of astronomy. These PhD candidates have been studying the impact of... more
A new web site called Teach Astronomy ( has been created to serve astronomy instructors and their students, amateur astronomers, and members of the public interested in astronomy. The content includes an... more
This study ͑Note 1͒ investigated the beliefs about stars that students hold when they enter an undergraduate introductory astronomy course for nonscience majors. Students' preinstructional ideas were investigated through the use of... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
The idea of sustainability has invaded every aspect of human lives, mainly focusing on intergenerational and intragenerational equalities. The essay suggests the main obstacle standing in the way of sustainable development is the... more
ll libro ripercorre la storia di Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, l'insigne astronomo italiano, indagando, attraverso i testi di più autori, le diverse fasi della sua attività umana ed esplorativa: dalla fanciullezza e gioventù... more
We report on the development of an item test bank and associated instruments based on those K-12 national standards which involve astronomy and space science. Utilizing hundreds of studies in the science education research literature on... more
by Tim Slater and 
1 more
The field of astronomy education is rapidly growing beyond merely sharing effective activities or curriculum ideas. This paper categorizes and summarizes the literature in astronomy education research and contains more than 100 references... more
Bu çalışmada “Dünya ve Evren” konu alanı seçilerek, Fen Eğitiminde astronomi konu alanı öğretiminde sorgulama temelli eğitim ortamları oluşturarak uygulama ve değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Yapılandırmacı teori ışığında sorgulama temelli... more
Fundamentación, actividades y material de lectura para desarrollar una propuesta actualizada de enseñanza de contenidos de astronomía en las escuelas primarias y secundarias.
In this paper, we present the results from a study of the impact on students involved in a large-scale inquiry-based astronomical high school education intervention in Australia. Students in this intervention were led through an... more
by Tim Slater and 
1 more
Resource Letters are guides for college and university physicists, astronomers, and other scientists to literature, websites, and other teaching aids. Each Resource Letter focuses on a particular topic and is intended to help teachers... more
Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilhassa ilk ve ortaöğretim düzeyi öğrencilerinin astronomiye dair en temel kavramlarını anlama düzeylerini ve bu kavramlarla ilgili yanılgılarını tespit ederek, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim Terbiye Kurulu'nun... more
Indigenous people have nurtured critical relationships with the stars, from keen observation and sustainable engineering to place-based ceremony, navigation, and celestial architecture for tens of thousands of years. The Indigenous... more
Esta Tesis aborda la relevancia de los sistemas de referencia en el tratamiento de los fenómenos físicos, focalizando la atención en el problema de la enseñanza de los fenómenos astronómicos cotidianos (día y noche, estaciones del año... more
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir alguns aspectos do uso da história da astronomia no ensino, indicando não apenas certas vantagens no uso dessa abordagem, mas também apontando aspectos problemáticos do uso costumeiro da história... more
Existen diversas investigaciones que muestran las concepciones que poseen alumnos de distintas edades, y docentes, en relación a los fenómenos astronómicos cotidianos. Este trabajo analiza la evolución de las representaciones que poseen... more
This annotated resource guide presents 133 pieces of music inspired by astronomical ideas, discoveries, or history, organized in 22 subject categories. Both classical and popular music are included, but only when a clear connection to... more
This thesis is situated in the context of an Australian high school level astronomy intervention project which aimed to enable students to undertake real science with professional grade 2-metre class telescopes. The thesis explores the... more
Astronomy is a field which uniquely combines science, technology and culture. In Malaysia as a multi-cultural country, despite having sent an astronaut into space, astronomy education still has not developed yet. Not much is known about... more
By means of the Lorentz Transformation, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity purports invariance of the standard wave equation. Counter-examples, satisfying the Lorentz Transformation, and hence Lorentz Invariance, prove that the... more
This study is aimed to examine about basic astronomy conceptions of pre-service teachers. The universe is pre-service teachers who are going to teach basic astronomy conceptions in primary schools. Sample generated by 338 Turkish, 38... more
Since the early 1990s with the arrival of a variety of new technologies, the capacity for authentic astronomical research at the high school level has skyrocketed. This potential, however, has not realised the bright-eyed hopes and dreams... more
Spirit, Power and Axis of everything, in our mortal eyes there is Emptiness: for the truly complete in these empty ones is empty. The Moon, the Axis of everything in our world, is therefore empty for them, and SHOULD BE empty. // Дух,... more
This book is a correction to my previous book, the 31th episode through tracking the evolution of our universe through the taking the energies in the considerations especially the plank temperature or the vacuum energy. Tracking this... more
by Tim Slater and 
1 more
The Lecture-Tutorial curriculum development project produced a set of 29 learner-centered classroom instructional materials for a large-enrollment introductory astronomy survey course for non-science majors. The Lecture-Tutorials are... more
Sooner or later, the Astronomy 101 or astrobiology instructor encounters a student who disbelieves, or is at least skeptical of, factual information presented about the age of the Earth, the age of the universe, astrobiology, or... more
The power of robotic telescopes to transform science education has been voiced by multiple sources, since the 1980s. Since then, much technical progress has been made in robotic telescope provision to end users via a variety of different... more
Bölüm 8: Fen Bilimleri Öğretmen Adaylarının Ve Öğretmenlerin Astronomi Konularına Yönelik Ders Planı Hazırlama Becerilerinin Karşılaştırılması
Орел и решка Человека. ______________ Имя «зеленые человечки», носимое Пришельцами, оправданно: кожа их впрямь зелена, и цвет этот, писал Циолковский, дань пище их: как солнцем лист, они кормятся чистым Огнем и с тем есть автотрофы. Цвет... more
Science performance overall in Australia is flat-lining. Science teachers hold the key to addressing this issue. One way to improve the effectiveness of science teachers is to improve their Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) through... more
It is well known that soft iron owes its transformation into steel to the addition of carbon. Carbon is the hardest substance on Earth - diamond. Carbon is the mainstay of Life on Earth, since everything living on our planet is built from... more
Кръжокa по астрономия при Университетския център за космически изследвания Извършва астрономически наблюдения под ръководството на опитни астрономи, научни изследвания в областта на астрофизиката и космическите изследвания. Членове... more
O presente trabalho visa apresentar uma proposta e uma breve análise do potencial pedagógico do tema da Astrofísica Estelar, uma vez que a teoria da formação e da evolução das estrelas é uma fusão da Astronomia com a chamada “Física... more
For the last five years, we have published the Astronomy Education Review (AER), an online journal focusing on astronomy and space science education and outreach. This project, the first of its kind in our field, has made it possible to... more
In response to national reform movements calling for future teachers to be prepared to design and deliver science instruction using the principles of inquiry, we created and evaluated a specially designed course for pre-service elementary... more
As a step toward completing and characterizing the census of the solar neighborhood, we present astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic observations of 32 systems observed with the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 0.9 m and 1.5... more
Readers are advised that an up-to-date discussion of the author's fundamental thesis (’The Idea’), on the origin, operation, and destiny of the World, is now found at the top of the main page under the rubric, Thematic Evolution and... more
Science centers such as museums and planetariums have used stereoscopic (“three‐dimensional”) films to draw interest from and educate their visitors for decades. Despite the fact that most adults who are finished with their formal... more
Abstract: Scientific models are important thinking tools, which are used to generate explanations and predications. Despite the relevance of scientific models and modelling in science education, several studies reveal that students and... more
The crash of Apollo 13 is the retribution of the lunar People to earthlings trying to penetrate into the Moon. // Сакральный закон строг: вандалу святилище — гибель. Авария, постигшая «Аполлон-13» на пути к Луне — плод незнанья: Луна —... more