The Astronomical Society of the Pacific, as part of its mission to advance science literacy through engagement in astronomy, is starting a new online programme using podcasting and other web-based techniques to provide astronomy... more
La presente investigación aborda la cualificación para la enseñanza de la astronomía en el contexto de la formación docente en ciencias naturales, con el objetivo de mejorar las competencias didácticas y disciplinarias en esta área. Se... more
У монографії реконструйовано основні віхи становлення та розвитку астрономічної науки у Харкові упродовж 1883–1945 рр. на прикладі діяльності астрономічної обсерваторії Харківського університету. За цей період визначна світоглядна наука у... more
A new survey for measuring students’ astronomy and science attitudes that has been validated for use with high school students (with a future intent to expand to middle school and university) is presented. We initially present a short... more
Recibido: 1 de junio de 2007; aceptado para su publicación: 2 de mayo de 2008) Fernández Nistal y Peña: Concepciones de maestros de primaria… Se estudian las concepciones sobre la forma del planeta Tierra y el sistema de referencia... more
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή επιχειρείται η διδασκαλία βασικών στοιχείων (εννοιών και φαινομένων) του συστήματος Ήλιος–Γη–Σελήνη στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Συγκεκριμένα, διερευνάται ο βαθμός στον οποίο οι μαθητές των τελευταίων... more
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα μιας διδακτικής παρέμβασης σε μαθητές/τριες Ε’ Δημοτικού, για τη φαινόμενη κίνησης της Σελήνης, αξιοποιώντας τη σωματική προσομοίωση ως εργαλείο διερεύνησης. Η σωματική προσομοίωση έδινε... more
Περίληψη Η παρούσα εργασία αναφέρεται στο σχεδιασμό, την εφαρµογή κααι την αξιολόγηση µιας Ακολουθίας Διδασκαλίας και Μάθησης για τη Φαινόμενη Κίνηση της Σελήνης. Η εν λόγω Ακολουθία σχεδιάστηκε για να χρησιµοποιηθεί ως µέσο... more
Electronic classroom response systems (CRSs) have been in use in large college lectures for over three decades. Such systems are designed to provide instructors and students with immediate statistical analyses of student electronic... more
In the present paper, learning processes that k-5 students follow when teaching the basic movements of the Sun-Earth-Moon, are investigated. General trends regarding the difficulties faced by them and key features that facilitate the way... more
Η παρούσα έρευνα αποτελεί μελέτη περίπτωσης ενός μαθητή Ε' Δημοτικού αναφορικά με τη δυνατότητά του να παράγει ενσώματους συλλογισμούς για τις εννοιολογικές διαστάσεις της Φαινόμενης Κίνησης της Σελήνης, στο πλαίσιο ενός Διδακτικού... more
In this paper, primary school students' and pre-service teachers' ideas of seasonal change are investigated. The research was carried out in nine primary schools in Athens and in the Primary Education Department of the University of... more
The present study focuses on the design of a Teaching and Learning Sequence concerning the Moon‘s Apparent Movement. It is part of a broader research regarding relative movements of the Sun-EarthMoon system from an educational point of... more
Η παρούσα εργασία αναφέρεται στο σχεδιασμό, την εφαρμογή και την αξιολόγηση μιας Ακολουθίας Διδασκαλίας και Μάθησης για τη Φαινόμενη Κίνηση του Ήλιου σε μαθητές Ε' δημοτικού. Η Ακολουθία σχεδιάστηκε για να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως μέσο... more
The present study focuses on the planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching and learning sequence regarding the Moon's apparent movement. The main aim of the sequence was to effectively teach the Moon's revolution around the... more
Astronomy education is essential for STEM education in primary schools, and integrating engineering design-based science education enhances student engagement and achievement in the field of space science. Integrating... more
This work deals with the use of tactile materials as a pedagogical tool for the teaching of Astronomy, and this material was used in a didactic activity with 44 students of the public elementary school in Minas Gerais. A visually impaired... more
The curricular proposal of the State of São Paulo (Brazil) suggests for Elementary Education in the discipline of Sciences contents related to Astronomy. In a public basic school in Santo André, an analysis was realized to examine the... more
Since the early days of mankind, humans have looked to the stars for answers to their biggest questions, expecting the fulfillment of the most basic need to comprehend the universe they inhabit, both from a scientific perspective and from... more
As temáticas relacionadas com a formação das nuvens e do nevoeiro, fenómenos que fazem parte do dia a dia dos cidadãos, são contempladas nos currículos Portugueses e Espanhóis e abordadas nas disciplinas da área das Ciências Físicas e... more
Digital Devices, Distraction, and Student Performance: Does In-Class Cell Phone Use Reduce Learning?
The recent increase in use of digital devices such as laptop computers, iPads, and web-enabled cell phones has generated concern about how technologies affect student performance. Combining observation, survey, and interview data, this... more
I started to study the indigenous astronomy of Africans for a number of reasons, some of them perhaps not the most noble: 1) I was tired of everyone I met being so surprised that I was an astronomer, 2) someone earnestly told me,... more
The effects of teaching methods on preservice teachers knowledge about basic astronomy subjects. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 4(1), pp 270-277. Available from: Selection and... more
Bu calisma, ortaokul ogrencilerinin uzaydaki cisimler ve uzayda yasam konularindaki goruslerinin cinsiyet ve sinif seviyesi degiskenleri acisindan incelenmesi amaciyla yapilmistir. Calismaya, 5, 6, 7 ve 8. siniftaki 120 ogrenci (60 erkek... more
Başarı testi, öğrenci kazanımı, ölçme ve değerlendirme ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı 2018 yılında değişime uğrayan Fen Bilimleri Öğretim Programı'ndaki 6. sınıf "Güneş Sistemi ve Tutulmalar" ünitesi ile ilgili geçerli ve güvenilir çoktan seçmeli... more
As the IAU heads towards its second century, many changes have simultaneously transformed Astronomy and the human condition world-wide. Amid the amazing recent discoveries of exoplanets, primeval galaxies, and gravitational radiation, the... more
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo identificar los diferentes modelos mentales que tienen los estudiantes de grado quinto, del colegio Monterrey, acerca del concepto de sistema solar y las principales fuentes de información a las... more
This study seeks to detect the change experienced by pre-service science teachers in terms of certain heavenly bodies and astronomical concepts through the use of telescope based on the predict-observe-explain method. This research was... more
In the study, it was aimed to determine the change of the concepts of pre-service science teachers in some astronomy concepts by using telescope in accordance with the TGA (predict-observe-explain) method. In the study, semi-experimental... more
The development of student understanding of phases of the moon is notoriously difficult due to the spatial reasoning requirements posed by the relative motion of three celestial bodies. We have used the Greek version of Physics by Inquiry... more
The aim of this paper was to review the evidence regarding the effectiveness of active learning in the sciences. Numerous research provide strong empirical evidence supporting the claim that interactive engagement with course material is... more
This article discusses the challenges faced by professional kindergarten teachers (PTs) and preservice kindergarten teachers (PSTs) during their participation in the ABATAC project, which took place during the academic year 2021-2022. The... more
This article discusses the challenges faced by professional kindergarten teachers (PTs) and preservice kindergarten teachers (PSTs) during their participation in the ABATAC project, which took place during the academic year 2021-2022. The... more
Nivel: de 5 a 7 años Antonia Trompeta, UA Índice 0. Importancia de estudiar el tema 1. Ideas fundamentales para el enseñante 2. ¿Qué objetivos nos proponemos? 3. ¿Qué pueden investigar los niños? 4. ¿Cómo podemos descubrir las ideas de... more
Astronomy is the oldest science, with connections to development of the most important concepts in physics. A course is described that covers its evolution from prehistory to modern cosmology, giving due weight to the philosophical... more
Astronomy is the oldest science, with connections to development of the most important concepts in physics. A course is described that covers its evolution from prehistory to modern cosmology, giving due weight to the philosophical... more
Este trabalho descreve o planejamento e analisa a aplicação de um curso a distância de Astronomia em que participaram 17 alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede particular do sul de Minas Gerais. O curso ocorreu em um Ambiente... more
Earning any advanced degree in physics or astronomy is an arduous process and major accomplishment. However, not every journey to the Ph.D. is paved equally. Every year, there are hundreds of students who earn terminal master's degrees in... more
In the research, the knowledge structures (mental model) of the students regarding rotation, revolution, daily and annual movements of the world were analyzed. The research was designed according to the mixed method model in which... more
The aim of this research is to determine the mistakes and misconceptions of secondary school students in the data processing learning domain. The sample of the research consists of 69 students studying at the eighth-grade level in a... more
Fen Bilimleri ogretim programinin temel hedeflerinden biri arastiran ve sorgulayan bireyler yetistirmektir. Bu amac dogrultusunda fen bilimleri ogretim programinda ogrencinin kendi ogrenmelerinden sorumlu oldugu, etkin olarak ogrenme... more
En este trabajo se presenta una actividad enmarcada en la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico y en el enfoque de enseñanza STEM. La misma se realiza en el nivel secundario, habiendo sido adaptada de otra realizada en el nivel... more
Astronomy is considered by many to be a gateway science owing to its ability to inspire curiosity in everyone irrespective of age, culture, or general inclination towards science. Currently, where there is a global push to get more... more
One way to achieve a higher level of agreement on the nature of science (NOS) within the science education community is to embrace the two major documents, Benchmarks for Science Literacy (1993) and National Science Education Standards... more
On April 20, 2023, the Southwest Papua region was the areas crossed by a hybrid solar eclipse. This outreach aims to enhance the community's understanding and awareness regarding the safety of solar eclipse observation by... more
We present trigonometric parallaxes of 64 stellar systems with proper motions between 0. ′′ 5 yr −1 and 1. ′′ 0 yr −1 from the ongoing RECONS (Research Consortium On Nearby Stars) parallax program at CTIO (the Cerro Tololo Interamerican... more
O nosso projeto consiste em um estudo, em sequência, da astronomia,mostrando a evolução da mesma através do passar dos anos. Iniciando na Astronomia Antiga, com nomes como o de Ptolomeu, que acreditava no modelo geocêntrico. Passando para... more
El Grupo Astronómico Osiris es un equipo de trabajo integrado por docentes y estudiantes de nivel medio que forma parte del programa Miradas al cielo de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro y del Instituto de Formación Docente de El... more
Propuesta didáctica para desarrollar en las aulas en relación al eclipse solar que ocurrirá el 2 de octubre de 2024 y que será visible desde Argentina y Chile.