Recent papers in Assertiveness
This book is a theoretical and practical guide in the field of social skills and social competence, based on decades of experience gained by the authors as researchers and professionals in psychology. The book was written for students and... more
Trata-se na nova versão do IHS-Del-Prette, atualizada em sua estrutura fatorial, ampliação de faixa etária e base normativa. Maiores detalhes sobre essa nova versão em... more
This study's objective was to evaluate the effect of an assertiveness training program on nursing and medical students' assertiveness, self-esteem, and interpersonal communication satisfaction. Using a longitudinal research design, 69... more
While more research is emerging on women’s capacity for successful resistance and the benefits of self-defense training for women, “resistance” to the idea of women’s resistance remains high. In this note, I describe the importance of... more
Information and training for anyone who wants to improve knowledge and skills for meeting people, dating, or improving intimacy in relationships. Based upon author's many years of clinical experience and teaching college conversational... more
This study examined effects of computer-assisted instruction on decision-making, assertiveness, and interpersonal communication related to responsible sexuality. Health science classes from four secondary schools in three midwestern... more
biopsychosocial regulatory processes in the development of childhood behavioral problems In this timely volume, leading behavioral scientists describe recent advances in our understanding of the multiple biopsychosocial regulatory... more
By using confirmatory factor analysis. distress and performance factors of assertion identified previously in a sample of predominantly agoraphobic club members (.%' = 703) employing the Scale for Interpersonal Behavior (SIB)---the... more
The effectiveness of a 20 session cognitive-behavioral approach to substance abuse prevention was tested on seventh grade students ( n = 1,311) from 10 suburban New York junior high schools. The prevention strategy attempted to reduce... more
Self-esteem is one of the core aspects of human life, upon which we shape our behavior and attitude. It is primarily our evaluation about our own self. Assertiveness is the quality of an individual to be self-assured and confident without... more
This pilot study examined whether refusal assertion as defined by a proven drug prevention program was associated with adolescent perceptions of effectiveness by comparing two sets of coded responses to adolescent videotaped refusal... more
Situations develop, particularly in social settings that can pose a big challenge to an individual's ability to say " No " and really mean it. Often these events can be prevented just by thinking ahead about where you are going and what... more
Aim and objectives. To investigate the effectiveness of assertiveness training programmes on psychiatric patients' assertiveness, self-esteem and social anxiety. Background. Assertiveness training programmes are designed to improve an... more
What is Assertiveness? Every individual possesses a unique style of communication based on the manner in which they get involved in interactions and share information with others. According to Alvernia University (2018), people... more
This article argues that behavioral differentiation of the sexes is minimal when children are observed or tested individually. Sex differences emerge primarily in social situations, and their nature varies with the gender composition of... more
Com base na Teoria da Identidade Social e seus conceitos principais, como grupo, filiação categórica e sistema de crenças, este artigo examina a dimensão do comportamento intergrupal como modalidade do comportamento assertivo de... more
RESUMO -Questões relacionadas à assertividade têm recebido atenção por parte de terapeutas comportamentais há mais de três décadas. É mais recente, porém, o esforço de terapeutas analítico-comportamentais para examinar problemas dessa... more
CONTEXT: Understanding young women's sexual assertiveness is critical to developing effective interventions to promote sexual health and reduce sexual risk-taking and violence. Young women's perception of their sexual rights may vary... more
This study aims to explore the relationship between family expressiveness and assertively in two groups: lower socioeconomic classes and higher socioeconomic classes. It was hypothesized that there is a significant correlation between... more
Confidence is an essential ingredient of success in a wide range of domains ranging from job performance and mental health, to sports, business, and combat 1-4 . Some authors have suggested that not just confidence but... more
Background. Stress and bullying have been found to be common problems in a number of studies of Irish nursing and midwifery. Victims of bullying need high levels of assertiveness to enable them to withstand the stress of victimisation. It... more
Esta é a versão inicial do IHS2-Del-Prette - veja a versão atual em
Running Title: Assertiveness training Word count: 3410 inclusive of references Acknowledgements: Students undertaking the perinatal mental health course in 2013: for generously agreeing to take part in this research during a very busy year.
Questo libro è dedicato alle vittime dei manipolatori ma può servire agli amici e alle amiche delle vittime, quando le dovranno ascoltare in lacrime o quando le dovranno “risvegliare” dal loro incantesimo e le dovranno spronarle a... more
Diminished assertiveness has been associated with neuroticism, depression, and anxiety. Although many assertiveness instruments have been developed for research and clinical purposes, one common shortcoming is a lack of discriminant... more
The present study was carried out in France to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Scale for Interpersonal Behavior (SIB), a multidimensional measure of diculty and distress in assertiveness that was originally developed in The... more
Background Increasingly, deaf students are educated in mainstream school environments. This poses a question of how deaf children negotiate the demands of forming friendships with their hearing peers. The present study was designed to... more
Group therapy activity which reviews some situations and allows group to identify thoughts and feelings and then discuss effective coping skills
Bez obzira šta mi činili, drugi ljudi nam mogu prouzrokovati problem za problemom. Mnogi od nas imaju uvjerenje da je život sa međuljudskim problemima dan za danom nezdrav i neprirodan način života. Nije tako! Drugi ljudi i život pred nas... more
This study examined the developmental nuances in the manifestation of assertiveness and its social desirability among late adolescents and late adults. A total of 219 late adolescents and 102 late adults from different institutions... more
Assertive communication is the ability to speak and interact in a manner that considers and respects the rights and opinions of others while also standing up for your own rights, needs and personal boundaries. Assertive communication... more
This article discusses some novel approaches that can be implemented in Sri Lanka to upgrade its nursing education to meet global challenges. Globally, employers look for nursing professionals who possess competencies compatible with the... more
Literature on complex system of caste assertiveness has primarily advanced vertically in different scientific domains with researchers developing a variety of domain- specific approaches and application. However, in this dissertation, I... more
Les comportements interpersonnels représentent un domaine central du fonctionnement de l'être humain et sont à ce titre fréquemment évalués. Plusieurs modèles de conception sont sous-jacents aux différents questionnaires permettant leur... more
This study explored the influence of assertiveness and self-esteem on the final grade in English III, Speech and Oral Communication, among the Bachelor of Secondary Education juniors at the Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bambang campus,... more
a review of parameters and styles
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.