A new idea referred to as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) Mobility is introduced into web browsing. It entails transferring existing web session between Web Browsers or User Agents. This HTTP mobility will be achieved by extending... more
Activity modeling is known as a powerful technique for designing and specifying the flow logic of a process. Due to the complexity of the described process, activity models may involve multiple activities that are tangled with each other.... more
Recent studies have attempted to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of using aspect-oriented programming to modularize exception handling code. In spite of their many interesting findings, these studies have not reached a consensus when... more
Software structuring techniques aim to make systems easier to develop and maintain, increasing their quality. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) and Software Architectural Styles are examples of such techniques. In spite of all... more
In order to tackle the entire web service life cycle, it is necessary to face how to model systems based on service functionality and also how to add extra-functional properties to modelled services. In this regard, we propose first of... more
Solutions have been proposed to support awareness in groupware. Frequently, this requirement is fulfilled by similar functionalities that are implemented in different modules within these collaborative applications. These solutions... more
Abstract. Context-awareness features involve that the adaptive service composition has to take dependencies of contexts into account. In any other case, such composition may reach inconsistent states. Therefore, we need to manage not only... more
L'interet de l'utilisation de differents langages d'aspects pour faire face a une variete de preoccupations transverses dans le developpement de systemes logiciels complexes est reconnu. Il faut etre capable d'utiliser... more
Middleware helps to manage the complexity and heterogeneity inherent in distributed systems. Traditional middleware has a monolithic architecture, which makes it difficult to adapt to special requirements such as those present in embedded... more
There has been a growing interest in investigating methodologies to support the development of secure systems in the software engineering research community. Recently, much attention has been focused on the modelling and analysis of... more
Model driven code generation has been investigated in traditional and object-oriented design paradigms; significant progress has been made. It offers many advantages including the rapid development of high quality code. Errors are reduced... more
Aspect-oriented programming languages modularize crosscutting concerns by separating the concerns from a base program in aspects. What they do not modularize well is the code needed to manage interactions between the aspects themselves.... more
Following last two years' workshop on dynamic languages at the ECOOP conference, the Dyla 2007 workshop was a successful and popular event. As its name implies, the workshop's focus was on dynamic languages and their applications. Topics... more
Composing aspects is known to be problematic since unpredicted aspect interactions may appear and may lead to erroneous weaved programs. This paper focuses on one of these issues: the advice ordering around a join point. It views aspect... more
Aspect-oriented programming languages modularize crosscutting concerns by separating the concerns from a base program in aspects. What they do not modularize well is the code needed to manage interactions between the aspects themselves.... more
As object-oriented programmers, we are trained to capture common properties of objects in classes that can be reused. Similarly, we would like to capture common properties of classes in metaclass properties that can be reused. This goal... more
Due to the size and the extreme complexity of legacy systems, it is nearly impossible to write from scratch tests before refactoring them. In addition object-oriented legacy systems present specific requirements to test them. Indeed... more
Body and mind are two phenomena , observed under different conditions, but of one and the same ultimate reality. Body and mind are aspects of the living being. They operate within a peculiar principle of synchronicity wherein things... more
Modern-day software development shows a number of feedback loops between various phases in its life cycle; object-oriented software is particularly prone to this. Whereas descending through the different levels of abstraction is... more
Software applications, mostly consisting of an algorithm applied to domain knowledge, are hard to maintain and to reuse as a result of their hard coded combination. We propose to follow the principles of aspect-oriented programming,... more
Unified Modeling Language is the most popular and widely used Object-Oriented modelling language in the IT industry. This study focuses on investigating the ability to expand UML to some extent to model crosscutting concerns (Aspects) to... more
The task of developing Java-based applications for embedded systems can be greatly enhanced by providing developers access to Java’s Core APIs such as java.lang and java.util. Oftentimes, platforms used in embedded systems are scaled back... more
Systems-of-systems are formed through integration of individual complex systems, often not designed to work together. A number of factors can make this integration very challenging which often leads to catastrophic failures. In this... more
Using multiple contexts improves model understandability and contributes to solving a scalability problem. In our work, we introduce a modeling method called Systemic Enterprise Architecture Methodology (SEAM) that considers systems to be... more
Using multiple contexts improves model understandability and contributes to solving a scalability problem. In our work, we introduce a modeling method called Systemic Enterprise Architecture Methodology (SEAM) that considers systems to be... more
En este trabajo se muestra el enfoque modular de programación orientada a aspectos de interfaces de puntos de unión o JPI para el lenguaje de programación Java, Se analiza también las principales diferencias y ventajas de JPI respecto a... more
In order to tackle the entire web service life cycle, it is necessary to face how to model systems based on service functionality and also how to add extra-functional properties to modelled services. In this regard, we propose first of... more
The Aspect-Oriented Programming methodology provides a means of encapsulation of crosscuting concerns in software. AspectJ is a general-purpose aspect-oriented programming language that extends Java. This paper investigates the semantics... more
The synthesis and mapping of applications to configurable embedded systems is a notoriously complex process. Design-flows typically include tools that have a wide range of parameters which interact in very unpredictable ways, thus... more
Recently, the need to improve the security of software has become a key issue for developers. The security function needs to be incorporated into the software development process at the requirement, analysis, design, and implementation... more
The complexity of Internet of things applications is inherited from the nature of Internet of things components interactions, construction, and implementation of non-functional requirements (crosscutting concerns). Managing such... more
Search engines are competing to be seen as universal, consistent and language independent. In principle, users searching for information through the Internet should get consistent information regardless of the language of the words they... more
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) provides new constructs and concepts to handle secondary requirements in applications. Secondary requirements, i.e. crosscutting concerns, of the Internet of things (IoT) applications is inherited from... more
The evolution of complex distributed software systems often requires intricate composition operations in order to adapt or add functionalities, to react to unanticipated changes, or to apply performance improvements that cannot be... more
This article describes and illustrates how to produce modular .NET software solutions by the use of Decorator design pattern and AspectOriented Programming (AOP) tool PostSharp. We applied both techniques for modularizing crosscutting... more
Feature-oriented programming (FOP) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) focus on to modularize incremental classes behavior and crosscutting concerns, respectively, for software evolution. So, these software development approaches... more
Using current software development techniques, code and designs are often unmaintainable from the point of inception. Code is brittle and hard to refactor, hard to press to new purposes, and hard to understand. Here we present a system... more
Models are widely used and are one of the advanced tools of software engineering. There is a necessity to export software models from one software development tool or environment and to import them into another tool or environment,... more
Blikket pa en synlig/usynlig-akse i undervisning har vaeret et retningsgivende perspektiv i projektet Tegn pa laering, hvor vi har undersogt sammenhaenge mellem brug af laeremidler og laering. Saerligt fokus er der pa motivation og... more
Generally progressive procedural content in the context of 3D scene rendering is expressed as recursive functions where a finer level of detail gets computed on demand. Typical examples of content procedurally generated are fractal images... more
Generally progressive procedural content in the context of 3D scene rendering is expressed as recursive functions where a finer level of detail gets computed on demand. Typical examples of content procedurally generated are fractal images... more
Research in the area of multi-DSAL development has been mainly devoted to enabling the interoperability of multiple aspect mechanisms. Less attention has been given to making programming with multiple aspect languages practical. For... more
Research in the area of multi-DSAL development has been mainly devoted to enabling the interoperability of multiple aspect mechanisms. Less attention has been given to making programming with multiple aspect languages practical. For... more
Debugging an application written in multiple domain-specific aspect languages (DSALs), one for each domain, is a complex task. Each DSAL introduces its own source level abstractions, which should be visible and traceable during the... more