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The paper attempts to outline the urban visions and architectural ideas and vocabulary behind the formation of the large urban conglomeration in Japan, South Korea and China, and how the seeds of Western planning theories and... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesArchitectureUrban History
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      BuddhismAsian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesMissiology and Mission Theology
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      SociologyAsian StudiesMultidisciplinary
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      Asian StudiesMultidisciplinaryReligious Studies
Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies analyzes the role of religion in past and present understandings of Asia. Religion, and the history of its study in the modern academy, has exercised massive influence over Asian Studies fields in... more
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      ReligionHistorySociology of ReligionAsian Studies
The Venerable Cheng-yen is an unassuming Taiwanese Buddhist nun who leads a worldwide social welfare movement with five million devotees in over thirty countries—with its largest branch in the United States. Tzu-Chi (Compassion Relief)... more
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      BuddhismAsian StudiesPhilanthropyCharity
Asya Türk kültür ve turizm coğrafyasında birlikte ve barış içinde yaşayabilmek için ortak bir kültür ve turizm zemini oluşturmak önemlidir. Bu ortak zemini oluşturmak için de kurulmuş ortak teşkilatlar mevcuttur. Bunlardan biri de... more
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsCultureTURİZM
En este texto se destaca la presencia de Guadalupe Nettel en la narrativa mexicana como una voz que experimenta con los imaginarios geográficos de China, Japón y México. En este texto se destaca la presencia de Guadalupe Nettel en la... more
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      Asian StudiesComparative LiteratureJapanese LiteratureIntertextuality
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      Cultural StudiesAsian StudiesGender StudiesMedia Studies
Portugal in the Sea of Oman - Religion and Politics is an editorial achievement, which is unique in the Arab World. In cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Oman, the University of Aachen and the Centro de Estudos... more
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      Asian StudiesPortuguese HistoryThe Persian GulfIndian Ocean History
The New Global Politics of the Asia Pacific: Conflict and Cooperation in the Asian Century, 3rd Edition ©2017 Routledge: London & New York. 341pp. + x. Link:... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesIndian studies
In Philip J. Ivanhoe’s introduction to his Readings from the Lu-Wang School of Neo-Confucianism, he argues convincingly that the Ming-era Neo-Confucian philosopher Wang Yang-ming (1472–1529) was much more influenced by Buddhism... more
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      Asian StudiesPhilosophyWang Yangming 王陽明 (Yomeigaku 陽明学)
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      PhilologyHistoryAsian StudiesMedieval History
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      Asian StudiesArt HistoryKorean StudiesAsian History
This article deals with an important festival in Tibet dedicated to the future Buddha Maitreya. It was held on three days in summer when three giant thangkas showing Buddhas Amitābha, Śākyamuni and Maitreya were put on public display.... more
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      BuddhismCultural StudiesAsian StudiesTibetan Studies
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      SociologyAsian StudiesAestheticsFilm Studies
This is the first of two articles that examines how knowledge about Singapore and its Straits circulated within European literary circles between 1511 and 1819. The present exposé surveys close to three centuries worth of references to... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryAsian StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
Kalacakra Tantra is the culmination of thousand years of refinement of Indian tradition of knowledge in both dimensions- inner engineering and outer phenomena. Dehmadhye Samastam (देहमध्ये समस्तं) or Everything is contained within the... more
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      Asian StudiesBuddhist Tantra
Selepas Era perang dunia ke-dua,Negara-negara Asia Tenggara yang telah mencapai kemerdekaan telah bersepakat menubuhkan ‘The Association of Southeast Asia ‘ ( ASA ) di Bangkok . Tujuan penubuhan ini adalah untuk mengadakan kerjasama dari... more
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      Asian StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismEast Asian Studies
This book provides an insight into how we see the global trajectories of capitalism from a labour perspective in the specific context and setting in Asia. It represents an ongoing effort by labour activists to challenge capital in their... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsAsian StudiesResistance (Social)
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      Asian StudiesChinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyChinese Studies
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      Cultural HistoryAsian StudiesArt HistorySouth Asian Studies
The (SCOPUS/ISI) SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2022, The SOAS GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2022 Second Call for Papers
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesAsian Studies
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      Asian StudiesArchaeologyDance Studies
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      Asian StudiesSphinx and griffin iconography in Antiquity
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
MARTIN, Fran. “Japanese homoerotic manga in Taiwan: Same-sex love and utopian imagination,” in Women’s Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities, edited by Fusami Ogi, Rebecca Suter, Kazumi Nagaike and John A.... more
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      Asian StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and Gender
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      Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesEastern European historyCentral Asia
ASRIE Association of Studies, Research and Internationalization in Eurasia and Africa Il ruolo geopolitico di Singapore-ASRIE Geopolitical Report Vol 3/2019 pag 67-76 Abstract in English In a brief time, Singapore became one of... more
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      Asian StudiesSingaporeChinaSingapore Politics
Die Nationalmannschaft Katars hat zum ersten Mail die Asienmeisterschaft gewonnen. Zuvor hat sie bei neun Teilnahmen an dem Turnier insgesamt nur sechs Spiele gewonnen. Hinter dem Aufstieg steht unter anderem eine intensive... more
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      Asian StudiesFootball (soccer)Middle East StudiesTurkish and Middle East Studies
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      Asian StudiesInnovation and Creativity (Business)SMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesComparative LiteraturePolitical Philosophy
Interest-driven creator (IDC) theory is a design theory that intends to inform the design of future education in Asia. It consists of three anchored concepts, namely, interest, creation, and habit. This paper presents the third anchored... more
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      Asian StudiesTeaching and LearningEducationLearning Sciences
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Asian StudiesPolitical CultureMultidisciplinaryLos Angeles
C. K. Yang wrote in Religion in Chinese Society that, aside from Buddhism and Taoism, the third form of institutional religion in China "was that of the syncretic religious societies" (University of California Press, 1961, p. 301). Daniel... more
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      Asian StudiesMultidisciplinary
The following is an extended version of my article for The News Lens International Edition, “What Baseball Says about Taiwanese Culture and Identity,” published on November 5, 2020. more
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      Asian StudiesBaseballHokkien/TaiwaneseTaiwanese Politics and Society
Agency has been the recurrent subtext in this book, weaving a rich thread through the diverse reflections on the warping of urban space-time in Asia. A conclusion cannot possibly do justice to the depth and breadth of the essays. In any... more
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      Asian StudiesUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
Selecting labour migrants based on skill has become a widely practised migration policy in many countries around the world. Since the late twentieth century, research on ‘skilled’ and ‘highly skilled’ migration has raised important... more
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      Asian StudiesTransnationalismMigrationMigration Studies
Основное внимание уделяется рассмотрению места и роли азиатских стран в системе внешнеэкономических связей России в конце ХІХ - начале ХХ века
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      Economic HistoryAsian StudiesRussian StudiesWorld History
Taiwan’s influence on popular music and culture in the Sinophone world is significant. This lecture series will introduce Taiwan’s popular music— with a particular focus on popular music after the 1970s to recently— to the students while... more
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      Asian StudiesPopular Music StudiesEast Asian StudiesTaiwan Studies
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryAsian StudiesJapanese Studies
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      SociologyAsian StudiesArchaeologyAnthropology
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      African StudiesAsian StudiesEducationCommunity Engagement & Participation
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      Asian StudiesLawInternational LawEast Asian Studies
Given the increasing proportion of ethnic minority individuals in the United States and psychology’s historical reliance on theories derived from Euro American populations, it is important to monitor the status of cultural diversity... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesLatino/A Studies
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      MarketingAsian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesAgriculture
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Asian StudiesMultidisciplinary
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      Human GeographyAsian StudiesAnthropologyPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
China's prolonged economic boom has long depended on the extraction of cheap migrant labor from the countryside and increasingly relies on the expropriation of cheap rural land for urbanization. Julia Chuang's Beneath the China Boom is a... more
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      SociologyAsian StudiesPolitical EconomySinology
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesEast Asian StudiesHydropower