Asian American Theatre and Drama
Recent papers in Asian American Theatre and Drama
Magic Theatre’s San Francisco production of Lloyd Suh’s The Chinese Lady plays with theatrical time to stage a confrontation between the 19th-century American past and the Trump-era present.
Male against female, tradition against the new age, and East against West are the main notions questioned by David Hwang’s rather unique approach in M. Butterfly. M may either refer to Madame (as the term usually associated with the... more
A review of the revival of M. Butterfly on Broadway,.
“M Butterfly.” Asian Theatre Journal. 35.2 (2018): 490-495.
“M Butterfly.” Asian Theatre Journal. 35.2 (2018): 490-495.
Review of Ars Nova's production KPOP.
“KPOP.” Asian Theatre Journal. 35.2 (2018): 483-487
“KPOP.” Asian Theatre Journal. 35.2 (2018): 483-487
This paper participates in the contemporary discussion about literary texts that speculate on the future(s) of humanity with a view to commenting on the fears, anxieties, and drawbacks of the present. It looks at Karen Tei Yamashita's... more
This article explores the main topics in the tv series "Fresh out the Boat" (2015-...), focused on a Taiwainese family setting up in a residential suburb in Orlando during the mid 90's.
Macbeth has a long and varied history of Asian-style enactments in the United States. Among the best known performances are Akira Kurosawa’s film Throne of Blood (1957), Yukio Ninagawa’s kabuki-style Macbeth (1985), Wu Hsing-kuo’s Peking... more
In the art and entertainment industry, race is both visible and invisible in various forms of embodiment. Depending on the context, doing Shakespeare while a minority can invite different responses. It is one thing for Indian actors to... more
"I'm no messiah," says Frank Chin in this revealing essay/interview. "I don't present myself as a role model. I don't recommend to anybody that they live like me. Most of the time I wish I weren't living like me! I want readers, not a... more
The center of this essay will be a critical reading of the play Satellites (2006) by Diana Son where I will explore the ways in which the playwright responds to and rearticulates issues that are crucial to Asian American drama, and... more
Steampunk performance interrogates dominant narratives of history through theatrical, science fictional stories that focus on the various socio-political interplays between retro-futurist technology and society. For the marginalised, such... more
This course introduces student to the history of world theatre and corresponding dramatic literature from the eighteenth century to the present day. The student will be introduced to the ways in which the theatre played and continues to... more
"I'm no messiah," says Frank Chin in this revealing essay/interview. "I don't present myself as a role model. I don't recommend to anybody that they live like me. Most of the time I wish I weren't living... more
The appearance of the first new edition in 40 years offers the chance for re-evaluation of Okada's work. As someone with a long connection with the novel, I find there’s much to like about the new edition—and one thing profoundly wrong.
(This is a sample syllabus for the University of California, Irvine undergraduate class, Drama 15 Performance Now.) Theatre and performance practices are a study of the possible. They challenge the audience to dispel myths and to imagine... more
The day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the recently formed Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the incarceration of 770 Japanese and Japanese American "alien enemies." 1 These arrests came two months before Executive Order 9066,... more
The problem with the new Broadway musical Allegiance is not just its historical inaccuracies, although it is riddled with them. It’s the fabrication of events that were impossible within the reality of America’s concentration camps.... more
Taking its cue from Eugene O'Neill's questioning of «faithful realism», voiced by Edmund Tyrone in Long Day's Journey into Night, this book examines the distant legacy of the Irish American playwright in contemporary multiethnic drama in... more
By slapping a happy ending on the staged version of John Okada's NO-NO BOY being pitched for a national tour by the Pan Asian Repertory Theater of New York, the adaptation reduces the author's epic vision to sentiment and schmaltz, so as... more
Performance traditions such as Noh theatre of Japan or Kootiyattam of India are systematically practicing by certain families or particular communities as a professional job or service of the family from generation to generation. Asian... more