Arts Marketing

338 papers
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Arts Marketing is the strategic process of promoting and selling artistic products and services, including visual arts, performing arts, and cultural events. It involves understanding audience needs, developing effective communication strategies, and utilizing various channels to enhance engagement and increase attendance or participation in the arts.
The motion picture industry is characterized by a high degree of artistic innovation that revolves around the project rather than the firm. Success is elusive and firms operate in an environment of symmetrical ignorance, that is, high... more
The article examines the impact of the latest technologies, in particular NFTs (non-fungible tokens), on the art market and the protection of intellectual property rights in the context of digital transformation. The authors analyse the... more
The aim of the present study is to analyse the role of value co-creation on success crowd-funding experiences in the cultural sector. The relationships developed between actors can be considered as a type of collaborative behaviour model,... more
We live in an era of cultural abundance in which cultural products and opportunities to consume them are more numerous than ever before (Glévarec, 2021). The profound changes in the cultural industries induced by the dematerialization of... more
Some economists believe that not enough culture is consumed due to incompletelyformed preferences for art, classic examples are Scitovsky (1976) and Throsby and Withers (1979). Museums now offer educational programs in addition to... more
The aim of this paper is to investigate the social media presence of the performing arts institutions and the freelance artists from the sector in Bulgaria. Their presence on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter, the state of their... more
La feria es una herramienta comercial utilizada habitualmente en el área de Marketing Industrial y que, a pesar de las ventajas que ofrece, recibe diversas críticas. Los frenos a su utilización están muy relacionados con la inversión que... more
This article looks at how the covid-19 pandemic has affected marketing communications and PR of art galleries and museums.
Reinaldo Ramos D'Agostino comparte estrategias clave para construir un portafolio diversificado que maximice rendimientos y mitigue riesgos en un entorno volátil durante 2024.
This volume explores James Joyce's works through a lens of borderlessness, examining how Joyce's writing transcends conventional boundaries of all kinds. Edited by James Ramey and Norman Cheadle, this collection brings together essays... more
Onagadori merupakan unggas jenis ayam hias yang berasal dari negara Jepang. Ayam hias jenis Onagadori memiliki keelokan pada ekor panjangnya mencapai 2-10 meter. Onagadori diartikan bahasa indonesia yaitu unggas ekor panjang. Dari gaya... more
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to propose that, within the practice of motion branding, transforming type has been largely neglected by existing theorists and its importance to wider marketing trends overlooked. It will be observed... more
Günümüz sanatı küreselleşme etkisiyle kaotik bir bünye haline gelmiştir. Yakın geçmişte gündeme gelmiş olan sanatın halen yaşamakta olup olmadığı tartışmaları sonrası, bugün küreselleşmenin sanatı değiştirmiş olduğu ve bundan böyle bu... more
Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of... more
Several months ago, when Jakob, Timothy and I were planning this spring s issue of the JBA, we realised that we would probably have two articles ready for publication on professional people-architects and fashion designers-regarded as... more
In the case of visual artists, the product they create is inextricably linked to their identities, personalities and career histories in terms of how the art is produced, presented, consumed and positioned and valued in the market.... more
En este trabajo se define el concepto, características e inversión de los bienes tangibles de colección, haciendo especial mención a la Filatelia. Posteriormente, analizamos su virtud como valor refugio mediante una comparativa de... more
This research was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant Number AH/J005142/1]
Purpose:-This paper proposes guidelines for business enterprises engaging with indigenous communities to protect their intellectual property rights, particularly indigenous art works produced for the souvenir industry.... more
Embedded criticism as another way to write performing arts criticism in Indonesia. This paper performs a reexamining of performing arts criticism in Indonesia, particularly about a criticartist relationship. The modern tradition of... more
Alejandro Almanza Pereda, Meksika asıllı bir heykel sanatçısıdır. Sanat hayatı boyunca çeşitli ülkelerde ve şehirlerde bulunarak sanatsal üretimlerini gerçekleştirmiştir. 15. İstanbul Bienalinde ülkemizde tanınırlığı artan sanatçının;... more
This research paper critically analyze implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) in Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) as part of their agenda in bureaucracy reform and tax administration reform. The concept of... more
Perkembangan kesenian di zaman ini penuh dengan pencarian, penggalian ide-ide yang mengedepankan kreativitas dalam proses penciptaan seni, sehingga melahirkan karya- karya spektakuler yang bermutu tinggi. Di dalam ranah seni pertunjukan,... more
Maraknya tayangan dan konten esports yang tersaji dalam beragam platform streaming, turut menciptakan karakteristik penonton yang hanya sekedar melihat sekilas maupun ikut menonton dengan durasi yang lama. Penonton yang dapat berada di... more
This paper develops the work of Kerrigan et al. (2011) by considering the impact of the celebrity artist on the associated production and consumption activities. It also considers the role which entrepreneurial marketing plays in helping... more
is a book and paper conservator and restorer with a Master's degree in Modem Letters. She serves the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, working in the Conservation Department of the Central National Library... more
Küratörün tanımı tarihsel olarak değişime uğrayarak bugüne gelmiştir. Günümüzde en temel anlamda küratör, bir sanat etkinliğini yönetmekten, sanat etkinliğinde yer alan eserlerin korunup kollanması, koleksiyon geliştirme, prosedür... more
Perkembangan kesenian di zaman ini penuh dengan pencarian, penggalian ide-ide yang mengedepankan kreativitas dalam proses penciptaan seni, sehingga melahirkan karya- karya spektakuler yang bermutu tinggi. Di dalam ranah seni pertunjukan,... more
After all, I can't be the only one who has noticed. I'm not that clever. They've just agreed not to talk about it." Michael Ende Between the letters trapped by the pages inside the books, the voice of Michael Ende's Hor can barely be... more
Bu makale, modern ve sonrasi plastik sanatlarda degerlendirme araci olarak “Espri ve Surpriz” kavramlarinin, sanatci ve sanat nesnesi uzerindeki etkilerini sorgulamayi amaclamaktadir. “Espri” ve “Surpriz” kavramlari, kulturel yasama... more
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji (1) proses kreatif Putu Satria Kusuma dan (2) kontribusi Putu Satria Kusuma terhadap perkembangan Teater Ilalang di SMA Lab Undiksha. Penelitian inii menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kualitatif.... more
Art markets are filled with tensions, often explained as an inevitable dichotomy between arts and commerce. During the last century, this phenomenon has been defined as the commodification of art. Crucial for the commodification of art is... more
This article analyses how globalisation has affected the demand for transnational human capital (foreign language skills, cross-cultural competence, knowledge about other countries and international experiences) over time, across levels... more
Maraknya tayangan dan konten esports yang tersaji dalam beragam platform streaming, turut menciptakan karakteristik penonton yang hanya sekedar melihat sekilas maupun ikut menonton dengan durasi yang lama. Penonton yang dapat berada di... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pelaksanaan Program Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship di Sanggar Seni Semarandana pra dan post pandemi Covid-19. Pendekatan penelitian yang relevan digunakan dalam penelitian... more
Jamaahkreatifsektorselatan (#jkss) is a branding activity, in the form of a campaign to build a collective identity through community, image, networking and creative entrepreneurship in the field of art and design in Makassar. This... more
merupakan salahsatu bentuk teater rakyat yang masih hidup di Sumatera. Berkembang semenjak tahun 1950-an. Sandiwara Amal selalu disajikan setiap tahun pada minggu pertama perayaan Idul Fitri. Sebagai salahsatu teater rakyat, partisipasi... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to begin unfurling the cultural value of street art experiences by opening up an audience-centred research stream sensitive to the nuances of this art form. Design/methodology/approach-The paper... more
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki klasik bale sanatçılarının aktif dans yaşamında ortaya çıkan sorunların kaynağı tespit edilerek çözüm önerileri üretilmiştir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmaya ait araştırmalar bale sanatının eğitim biçimini, mesleki... more