Arts Integration

282 papers
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Arts Integration is an educational approach that combines the arts with other subject areas to enhance learning and engagement. It involves using artistic methods and processes to deepen understanding and foster creativity, allowing students to explore concepts through multiple perspectives and modalities.
The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of the use of artistic practices in different curriculum areas on learning skills. For this reason, a plan for the art integration method has been created to be applied in the subjects... more
Children with a low socio-economic background frequently fail to reach a high level of scholastic performance during their school years. The school milieu is a potential contributor to this scenario, as schools are generally designed for... more
Chapter 3
De professionelle udviklingsprojekter KiU og QUEST analyseres i et tvaergaende perspektiv for karakteristiske oplevede udbytter, udfordringer og muligheder for professionel laering. Analyse og diskussion forankres bl.a. i et saet... more
Cross-curricular competencies are developed by engaging multidimensional and integrated learning through the teaching of all school subjects. In addition to its interdisciplinary approach, this way of teaching should actively and equally... more
The paper investigates pre-service primary general teacher-students' perceptions of how music can act as a stimulus for writing, through short story group writing activities. More specifically, we look at their attitudes regarding i) team... more
This study explores the reflections of first-year university students (N=18) at a Department of Early Years Learning and Care in Greece on the implementation of music activities to 4-year-old children (N=16) of a nursery school in the... more
Industry and authors of 21 st Century Skill Frameworks are calling for student proficiency in creativity, problem-solving, innovation, collaboration, and communication skills. This project involved 13 fifth grade gifted students in... more
This article examines the impact of two approaches to teacher professional development in arts integration-a summer institute model and a model combining the summer institute with instructional coaching. In an experimental design, the... more
This article examines the impact of two approaches to teacher professional development in arts integration-a summer institute model and a model combining the summer institute with instructional coaching. In an experimental design, the... more
This practical lesson on greenhouses implements standards of the Next Generation Science Standards (K2 ETS I-2; K-LS1-1) and the preschool objectives from the Teaching Strategies GOLD. Teaching Strategies GOLD is an assessment tool... more
This research paper explores art integration into a science lesson unit that follows the Next Generation Science Standards (K-PS2-1) and focuses on the effects on memory retention of key concepts along with levels of enjoyment. An... more
by Connie Svabo and 
1 more
Denne rapport er en oversigt over den dokumentation, der er indsamlet i forbindelse med udviklingen og afholdelsen af et sanseunivers på Syddansk Universitet under Forskningens Døgn den 23.-29. april 2022. Sanseuniverset er udviklet af... more
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have brought a stronger emphasis on engineering into K-12 STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) instruction. Introducing the design process used in engineering into science... more
Pre-service teachers often fixate on building their classroom management and lesson planning skills, but the job of teacher educators is to push them beyond the daily rituals and routines to consider deeper relationships of power and... more
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial... more
In recent years the arts have been introduced into many pre-service and in-service professional development programs for general education teachers. At the same time, pressure for immediate test-score improvement and standardization of... more
This paper sets out to discuss pedagogical aspects of a collaborative project between Denmark and South Africa, two partner countries with a long history of educational partnerships. The project named Red Apples-Green Apples (RAGA)... more
This article is based on Cultural Policy Studies (Bennett 2013) and discusses the relation between democracy (
In this practical article, a kindergarten teacher shares a lesson designed to teach students about the power of wind. To address the Next Generation Science Standards engineering standards, students discussed the negative and positive... more
Research evidence for the benefits of arts integration is mounting. The purpose of this study was to determine if integration of the arts was an effective strategy for teaching the water cycle to kindergarten students. The study included... more
The aim of this qualitative study was to establish how students' understanding of social justice was enhanced through their participation in the theatre-in-education process, and its contribution to their learning. The population of... more
This experimental study was undertaken with preservice teachers to test whether the use of science integration into arts education increases demonstration of science details and creative features in artwork. Two conditions were created:... more
This practical lesson on greenhouses implements standards of the Next Generation Science Standards (K2 ETS I-2; K-LS1-1) and the preschool objectives from the Teaching Strategies GOLD. Teaching Strategies GOLD is an assessment tool... more
This research paper explores art integration into a science lesson unit that follows the Next Generation Science Standards (K-PS2-1) and focuses on the effects on memory retention of key concepts along with levels of enjoyment. An... more
The main objective of the study is to determine the effects of university students' artificial climbing wall experiences, which is considered among experimental learning (learn by doing) activities and defined as "high activity", on their... more
This paper explains the design, development and delivery of a curriculum-integrated dance programme across four primary schools in Auckland, New Zealand. Four teachers and their respective classes (101 children in total) were part of the... more
The arts have the power to expand cognitive potential through the development of higher order thinking skills, the use of the imagination, forms of self-expression and pathways to self-knowledge. When teachers are educated to integrate... more
Архитектура / Architecture Введение Наличие теории является обязательным условием существования и развития любой профессии. Архитектурная теория первой четверти XXI в. достаточно разнообразна, при этом далеко не все авторы исследуют... more
This booklet explores the advantages and drawbacks in the em010tent of artiits,as teachers at all educational levels.-Until recently, arts professionals did not want to hinder their creative work by edafining _themselves to the plate and... more
Kreative processer og aestetiske laereprocesser er begreber, der har fået en fyldigere plads i vores omverden de senere år. Begreber, der peger på et generelt forøget fokus på kreativitet og innovation. Denne artikel ønsker, med afsaet i... more
Historien om en tåre Den unge pige bøjede hovedet. Øjnene blev blanke og lyset glimtede i øjets tårespejl. Tåren trillede langsomt ned af kindens runding, slap fri ved hagens faste linie og faldt ned på cafebordets blanke marmorplade. Der... more
artists plan together, each discipline instructs students separately using the common concepts. The projects that fit this model involved arts and non-arts teachers employed in the school selecting an art form that would further reinforce... more
Fokus & Forum-Dialog mellem laeserne og redaktionen Digital innovation med empati eller bare digital transformation? Digitalisering er blevet en varm kartoffel i politik, saerligt fordi det er noget, som vi er gode til at tage til os.... more