Recent papers in Arts
This book is dedicated with gratitude to the staff of the Music Library of the University of Pretoria: Isobel Oosthuizen, Gertrud Meyer and Marie Stals Gender and Sexuality in South African Music Published by SUN ePReSS, a division of... more
Brutalism has a privileged role in the history of modern architecture. After World War II, when the discussion of modernism began, Brutalism might have been the first tendency that criticized modern architecture and discussed its positive... more
C hemist Carl Djerassi published his first full-length autobiography just before his 70th birthday. Now, just weeks after his 91st, he delivers his second. Remarkably, In Retrospect does have new things to say. At an age when most... more
Na presente dissertacao, pretendemos perceber se existira na nossaidentidade nacional actual, tracos da identidade nacional salazarista.Para responder a esta pergunta, efectuamos uma analise baseadana identidade nacional e nos... more
We investigated the effects of the degradation of natural rubber in a test piece of artwork as well as in test samples that have been exposed to accelerated degradation by UV irradiation. Two types of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have... more
The global move toward reducing the usage of lead in electronics manufacturing industry is driving the industry to switch from tin-lead alloys to pure tin (Sn) for its component plating process. This transition has resulted in a... more
The current focus on high-stakes testing has pressured schools to focus on a narrow range of literacy skills at the expense of oral language, vocabulary, and background knowledge. This article argues that theatre arts lessons can be an... more
The proliferation of books on leadership continues to be fed by a widespread anxiety about leadership. When in doubt, wicked problems in organizations are often defined as leadership problems, and every new offering from the leadership... more
This paper evaluates the connections between art and marketing in order to develop enhanced insight into how art and the art world can inform marketing theory and practice. Design/Methodology/Approach: An in-depth analysis of a wide range... more
• This article is about research with young people with learning disabilities who took part in music and drama groups. • The groups were held in a local disused cinema.
Esta dissertacao tem como objetivo a analise da cidade de Viseu durantea ocupacao romana, entre os seculos II/I a.C. e IV/V d.C., usando odesenho como principal metodo de analise, sobre as teorias e achados.A primeira parte pretende... more
The “Earthrise” photograph, taken on the 1968 Apollo 8 mission, became one of the most significant images of the 20th Century. It triggered a profound shift in environmental awareness and the potential for human unity—inspiring the first... more
The Sukuma Sensorium Before discussing the sensory shifts that are pivotal in Sukuma healing, an introduction to the human sensorium may be in order. As a Western ethnographer, I am inevitably influenced by Euro-American conceptions in... more
Pakistan is, locally known as Rohi which covers an area of about 16,000, square km and extends into the Thar Desert of India. The word Cholistan is derived from Cholna which means "moving". The people of Cholistan lead a semi-nomadic... more
Today's society is increasingly digitalised, with mobile smartphones being routinely carried and used by a significant percentage of the population. This provides an augmented experience for the individual that does not depend on their... more
In this volume, the aesthetic contours of literacies and communication are explored through a collection of chapters authored by educators, emerging and established researchers, youth researchers, and teaching artists whose lives... more
This study examines existing research on the use of arts-based methods in approaching issues sensitive for youth and children. We conducted a qualitative, systematic review of twenty academic publications on this topic from 1997 to 2017.... more
Colour is visual identification or perception of a property derived from spectrum of light by human eyes. When a beam of light from sun or light source passes through a glass prism, it dispersed in to seven colours of rainbow. Sunlight... more
Addressing the coronation issue in France always comes down to talking about Reims, its archbishop, its cathedral, and its Holy Ampulla. If these elements are indeed constitutive of the consecration ceremony, they only became so from the... more
This paper aims at reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock with respect to T.E.Hulme’s argument in Romanticism and Classicism. The researchers try to apply T.E.Hulme’s notion of Romanticism and Classicism on dramas and poems. The Love... more
I Usein kuulee sanottavan, tilanteen ollessa riittävän vakava tai harras, ettei tämä tai tuo asia ole "leikin asia". Lausuma on tuttu niin sananlaskuista, arkisista tilanteista kuin politiikasta. Entinen pääministeri Jyrki Katainen... more
The thesis of this essay can be stated quite directly: Slavoj Žižek, despite having little to say about mashup and remixing in any direct way, engages this new media phenomena in both theory and practice, providing contemporary culture... more
The current focus on high-stakes testing has pressured schools to focus on a narrow range of literacy skills at the expense of oral language, vocabulary, and background knowledge. This article argues that theatre arts lessons can be an... more
Our creative arts help to define our societies and our civilisation. Digital developments are democratising enjoyment of the arts and participation in the arts. The creative arts can address social issues, reach excluded groups, open-up... more
""Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture explores a variety of new theory and technologies, including devices and techniques for motion capture for music and performance, advanced photographic techniques, computer generated images... more
This report presents a Strategic Plan for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in Kentucky. The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to offer a vision for ITS in Kentucky and to identify key goals for each functional area of ITS. Some of... more
The research focuses on the importance of the interrelationship between identity and heritage as a bonding factor that brings together all those who contributed to the formation of this heritage, regardless of the other ethnic, religious... more
Art galleries, which exist as a cottageindustry, like many small businesses face a very challenging and changingcompetitive environment that demands attention to strategy formation andexecution. Many galleries, though, operate as though... more
Intercountry adoptees as scholars and artists are coming forward and offering perspectives and ideas about adoption that challenge the standard sociological literature on the adoption triad represented by the mother, the adoptive mother... more
With deliberation on the architecture of Iran in Islamic period, it can be said that spaces and decorations used in its buildings have a deep relationship with cultural beliefs and world-view of Islam. Although, it is assumed in the first... more
Japanese film culture is one of the oldest and most prolific in the world. Today, few people are surprised by the scope of its fiction-film industry, which was the largest in the world after Hollywood. However, the production of... more
Book Review: Talking Prices by Olav Velthuis TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction II. Juxtaposition of art and commerce: the trichotomy of the avant-garde galleries, conservative dealers and auction houses III. Money as the building... more
Revealing a substantial amount of evidence hitherto missed by pertinent literature reviews, this article sets out to offer a critical appraisal of the empirical research literature on the contributions arts-based programmes may make to... more
This paper problematises the term 'festival tourism'. It conceptualises festivals as socially sustaining devices and argues that while they frequently function as tourist attractions, their social significance extends far beyond tourism.... more
This paper analyses the taxonomy, distinctive features and evolution of Kant’s conceptions of friendship by examining Kant’s accounts of this topic in his different Lectures on Ethics from the mid 1770’s till early 1790’s and his... more
Als Goethe in seiner monumentalen Farbenlehre (1810) versuchte, Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben anzugreifen, setzte er eine Methode ein, die er als Vermannigfachung der Erfahrungen bezeichnete: Er variierte verschiedene... more