Efterkrigstidens stadstillväxt har präglats av en allt glesare bebyggelse. Runt om de gamla stadskärnornas stenstäder har en ny sorts bebyggelse etablerats. Förorter, köpcentra och industrikvarter har byggts i ett envånigt landskap med... more
The nature of citizen laboratories is very diverse and includes very heterogeneous practices; This study will carry out a case analysis of the Medialab-Prado (hereinafter "MLP") and its impact in the local context, specifically of the... more
Gê Viana est une artiste visuelle brésilienne née en 1986 dans l'État du Maranhão, au nord-est du Brésil. Son travail artistique est marqué par la constitution d'archives, la mobilisation d'images d'archives et la réalisation de collages,... more
I have recently finished a long period of time spent in academia. Since I was a young adult, I have been active in various dimensions of the anti-colonial-capitalist struggle. It was around 2008 when I became a part of a poor people's... more
In territorio nemico Parte prima. Curatela, neoliberismo e governamentalità 17 L'autunno caldo del curatore. Lotte operaie e Harald Szeemann. Alle radici della soggettivazione neoliberale del lavoro artistico 34 Curare e governare.... more
The presentation aims to bring some clarification about the relationship in Estonian old-new architecture. Estonia has a very valuable historical and architectural heritage, bringing together works and urban ensembles from different eras... more
Ever since they have become a numerous species, humans have enormously affected the environment often led by a conception of nature as something to exploit for their benefit. Colonialism has largely contributed to reshaping the... more
Wayne State University Law School 471 W. Palmer Avenue DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48202 Peter J. Hammer Professor of Law Office: (313) 577-0830 [email protected] September 1, 2014 The Honorable Stephen W. Rhodes United States Bankruptcy Court... more
Gentrification research has long had a pivotal role in urban knowledge production. One of the consequences has been the emergence of a sizable quantity of literature pointing out the destructive processes and effects of gentrification.... more
and the Kresge Foundation are well-known programs funding creative placemaking. An excellent example of creative placemaking is the City of Philadelphia's Mural Arts Program. Funding for this $6.5 million annual program, dubbed a "city... more
Todos los museos están haciendo un enorme esfuerzo para llegar de forma más directa, más rápida y más nítida a las clases medias. Lo cierto, sin embargo, es que buscarnos como visitantes, tratarnos de clientes o imaginarnos como... more
Hay vida más allá de la M-30. Gentrificación en la primera periferia de Madrid
Public Enquiries describes and critically contextualises Kerstin Bergendal's extraordinary and participatory art project PARK LEK, 2010-2014. This complex and multidimensional artwork contested, and ultimately transformed, the local... more
Centred around the artist book Cannibal Actif (2017) by Rochelle Goldberg, the authors explore three main vectors: oil, permeability, and cannibalism. As themes discussed throughout Goldberg’s book, these vectors also allow a new... more
I min avhandling Väntan. Etnografiskt kollage kring ett mellanrum (2009) låter jag välutbildade, medelålders storstadsbor berätta om sin väntan. Ett centralt tema i undersökningen visade sig vara informanternas längtan efter tillfällen... more
No decorrer dos �ltimos anos, algumas regi�es da cidade do Rio de Janeiro foram alvo de interven��es do poder p�blico que visavam a �pacifica��o�, isto �, a tomada do controle pelos agentes do Estado de territ�rios ent�o dominados por... more
Entre les années 1980 et 2000, la ville de Buenos Aires a connu une multiplication inédite de lieux de culture, alternatifs aux circuits déjà existants. Ces lieux, souvent autogérés par les artistes ou par les habitants des quartiers,... more
Gentrification presents a political problem for cities. Practicing democracy requires a commitment to and preservation of meaningful public space so as to support community voice. Democracy as a political institution requires the ability... more
Wayne State University Law School 471 W. Palmer Avenue DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48202 Peter J. Hammer Professor of Law Office: (313) 577-0830 [email protected] September 1, 2014 The Honorable Stephen W. Rhodes United States Bankruptcy Court... more
A quick Google search of news articles mentioning gentrification found over 6,600 articles during March 2014 alone. City living is back. After half a century of relentless population decline and several false starts at revitalization,... more
This article deals with the changes that have taken place in the Supilinn district in Tartu, Estonia due to the gentrification process. The gentrification process affects the cultural, social, economic, and physical environment of the... more
Decoloniality is a critical approach that seeks to dismantle the hegemonic and oppressive structures of Eurocentric epistemologies. It promotes reflection on how texts and knowledge production perpetuate othering and oppression.... more
The concept of "creative city" is becoming more and more popular in urban development theories. The development of the city was often associated with economic and spatial development. The development of broadly understood culture and... more
This article presents a study of state-society relations in the context of urban arts and cultural space. Focusing on the suburban Manila town of Angono, Philippines, the article examines how the emergence of place-based cultural activity... more
This article is about my one year street-work in the neighborhood in which the biggest gentrification project is to be built: Stutgart-21
The history of the Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles is a chronicle of Los Angelinos struggling against all odds to build community. Over generations, Jewish, African American, Mexican, and Japanese people were pushed to become... more
Querer permanecer: preferencias residenciales de habitantes antiguos de una zona de renovación urbana.
Publiken i rutschkanan – en diskussion om den öppna konstens öppenhet
Les formes esthétiques naviguent souvent vers le haut de l’échelle sociale. Quand elles parviennent dans les classes supérieures, on les regarde avec nostalgie. Selon les milieux sociaux, on est satisfait de voir qu’elles ont acquis des... more
At the nexi between urban aesthetics, power of the affluent elite, property and tourism destinations are complex intersections. These are explored utilising a critical theory approach within the context of neoliberalism and the concept of... more
Este artículo fue elaborado a partir de la investigación realizada en el marco de la tesis para optar al grado de Doctor(a) en Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, "Gestionando la inseguridad, produciendo... more
Nous tenons ici à avertir les lecteur.ice.s de ce présent mémoire d'initiation à la recherche que l'identité des personnes interrogées dans le cadre de nos entretiens a été modifiée et réduite au prénom seul, de sorte de préserver... more
A travers la presentation de deux operations de rehabilitation d'anciens ensembles architecturaux en logements pour artistes (les Ateliers Mommen et le Cheval Noir), cette communication et l'article qui en est tire abordent les... more
This chapter makes the case for comics as an artistic and narrative form that is particularly capable of capturing the density and dynamism of increasingly global cities, comprising as they both do a complex conglomeration of variously... more
A travers la presentation de deux operations de rehabilitation d'anciens ensembles architecturaux en logements pour artistes (les Ateliers Mommen et le Cheval Noir), cette communication et l'article qui en est tire abordent les... more
Young artists and the development of artistic quarters in Polish cities Jeunes artistes et développement des quartiers artistiques dans les villes polonaises
Publiken i rutschkanan – en diskussion om den öppna konstens öppenhe
This chapter examines an aesthetic clash in the neighbourhood of Bos en Lommer in Amsterdam. One side of the street features decorated satel lite dishes attached to social housing, which constitutes a battleground for otherness. Such... more