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20. Yüzyıl dünyada her alanda gelişim ve değişimin olduğu bir çağdır. Sanayileşme ve teknolojinin gelişmesi ile yeni malzemeler ve yeni üretim teknikleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Tasarımcılar gelişen teknolojiyle birlikte eskimiş ve... more
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Spanish Colonial architecture in Morocco in the first half of the twentieth century.
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      North Africa StudiesMoroccan StudiesMoroccoArt Nouveau
This article sets out to do a case study of the Condomínio Cícero Prado, a complex of buildings by architect Gregori Warchavchik, built in 1954 in São Paulo, and has the final goal of performing an analysis of its lettering, as a formal... more
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      Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Art DecoPublic LetteringLettering in architecture
A study of the most famous 20th-century book jacket art: Francis Cugat’s iconic art-deco painting for F Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”—the painting that Fitzgerald claimed he had “written into” his novel.
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      F. Scott FitzgeraldArt DecoScott Fitzgerald The Great GatsbyAmerican Graphic Design
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      Art NouveauArt DecoArt Nouveau TilesArchitectural Ceramics and Tiles from 16th to 21th Centuries
In the late 1920s and during the 1930s, Austrian painter and graphic designer Hanns Wagula (1894 – 1964) worked for several companies in Yugoslavia (Putnik, Dubrovačka parobrodska plovidba, Jugoslavenski Lloyd, Aeroput Jugoslavija, and... more
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      Graphic DesignPoster DesignGraphic design historyVisual Communication
The aim of this paper is to present the participation of Russian artists in the emergence and development of the Art Deco style in Serbian architecture, the style that marked the period between two world wars. In emanations of this style... more
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      ArchitectureArt of Russian EmigrationArt DecoRussian emigration
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      North Africa StudiesColonialismMilitary ArchitectureMorocco
"Applied ship motifs are an ongoing phenomenon of modern architecture since the 1920s. Referring mainly to Gert Kähler’s semiotic study on the ”Dampfermotiv”, this paper analyses for the first time comprehensively the meaning of ship... more
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      ArchitectureCyprus StudiesVisual SemioticsArchitectural History
Este artigo pretende discutir a formação das artes e arquitetura no Brasil no início do século XX, quando da instalação das primeiras instituições universitárias formais. Para tanto, elege-se o engenheiro-arquiteto Jorge Félix de Sousa,... more
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      EngenhariaArquiteturaArt DecoEngenharia Civil
Este artigo expõe parte de pesquisa de mestrado em desenvolvimento voltada à identificação, documentação e análise do repertório formal de diferentes tipologias de edifícios construídos entre 1930-1950 presentes na Rua Barão do Rio Branco... more
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      Cultural Heritage ManagementArt DecoPatrimonio cultural inmaterialHistória E Memória Preservação
Resumo: O estilo Art Déco foi fortemente utilizado no Brasil entre os anos 1930 e 1950, e ganhou, nas últimas décadas, um olhar mais atento no que diz respeito a estudos e pesquisas no âmbito acadêmico, tanto no que diz respeito ao seu... more
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      Art DecoPatrimônio Cultural
İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık A.B.D. Mimarlık Tarihi Programı kapsamında, 2004 tarihli olarak hazırlanmış doktora tezidir. 20.yy modern mimarlığında az sayıda üretilen, kuram ve uygulama açısından avangard örnekleri dışında,... more
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      ArchitectureModern ArchitectureArt DecoArquitectura Moderna
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Pastaraisiais metais stebimas didėjantis susidomėjimas Kauno tarpukario architektūra. Tam įtakos turi vykdoma nuosekli šio paveldo sklaida ir ypač jo tarptautinis pripažinimas – 2015 m. Kauno tarpukario modernizmo architektūrai suteiktas... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageModernismArt Deco
This article focuses on the works of art offered by Irish, Spanish, Brazilian and other governments and institutions to embellish the Centre William Rappard since 1926 to date. The Centre William Rappard is the first building in Geneva... more
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      International RelationsArt HistoryArchitectureArt Theory
Art Deco emerged from the change of thinking ways of a group of people who one of them backed from the establishment of the economy. In Surakarta, there are areas that get influence Art Deco style, among others: Baluwarti, Laweyan, and... more
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      Urban HistoryArchitecture TypologyArt DecoArt Deco Architecture
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      FolkloreArt DecoAlicanteFogueres de Sant Joan
Art deco. A decorative style with an eclectic character. The art deco style reached its zenith in the interwar period, and was highly popular among all social classes, which was a unique achievement at the time. In stylistic terms this... more
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      Art DecoVictor HortaHenry van de Velde
In the cinema of Dario Argento, the architecture frequently draws attention to itself and often cross-contaminates various eras and influences within a single film. However, in critical discussions of his 1977 film Suspiria, the interior... more
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      ArchitectureItalian StudiesHorror FilmGender
Este documento inclui o resumo, o índice e a bibliografia da dissertação "René Lalique: o Artista, o Místico e o Empreendedor", apresentada no ISCTE-IUL em dezembro de 2018 para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Mercados da Arte. A... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtDecorative ArtsArt Market
One of the Art Deco building
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      Art HistoryDesignContemporary ArtInterior Design
Catalogo di mostra. Dipinti e disegni - Porretta Terme, Sala francescana 11 marzo - 2 aprile 2017
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      Art HistoryArchivesDrawingDecorative Arts
Revisión de los cambios en el quehacer constructivo en el México moderno de las primeras tres décadas del siglo XX. Oscilaciones del gusto, experimentación formal y el laboratorio de nuevos materiales para la creación-invención del... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryRomanticismMexican Studies
In 1928, creation date of the “Fogueres de Sant Joan” (Bonfires of Saint John, Alicante, Spain), the festivity got linked the international Art Déco. This trend brought modernity to the new celebration. However, the “Fogueres” continued... more
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      Spanish ArtArt DecoAlicanteXXth century art
This article discusses the process for the making of a matrix for identifying samples of Art Déco architectural lettering. The matrix was created from the analysis and reunion of recurrent characteristics observed in typographic samples... more
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      Early Modern ArchitectureArt DecoPublic LetteringLettering in architecture
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    • Art Deco
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningArchitectural HistoryUrban Studies
El presente artículo aborda la prácticamente desconocida labor de Eduardo Santonja -Madrid, 1900-1966, en el ámbito de la ilustración déco madrileña de los años veinte y treinta, destacando sus principales aportaciones en el campo de las... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtPrints and DrawingsArt Deco
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      ArchitectureCanadian HistoryFood HistoryGentrification
La salida del mundo de una guerra que transformó la sociedad, la economía y el arte, hizo que los artistas del anterior periodo y los más vanguardistas buscasen un nuevo estilo que fuese representativo de una nueva sociedad, procurando... more
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      Frank Lloyd WrightBauhausDe StijlLe Corbusier
Mueble, Decoración, Art Nouveau, Art Decó, Modernismo
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      Art NouveauModernismoArt DecoMobiliario
This paper explores the visual culture of recreated temple structures in the entertainment settings of international exhibitions and Disneyland. It examines the material and conceptual construction of temple mythology in world's fairs and... more
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      ColonialismOrientalismDisneyArt Deco
I Congres international Ville et Patrimoine, Art Déco, modèles de la modernité
I Congreso internacional Ciudad y Patrimonio, Art Déco, modelos de modernidad
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      Cinema and ArchitectureArt DecoPatrimônio HistóricoSpanish Architecture (XXth Century)
1920s turbans worn by flappers who desire androgyny and the blurring of genders. These women bob and cut their hair, deny bosoms their natural protrusion by flattening them, and experience newfound freedoms through voting and working.
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      Fashion TheoryMaterial Culture StudiesQajar PersiaOrientalism
En este libro se recogen arquitecturas Art Déco de una buena serie de países que pueden nuclearse en torno al Mediterráneo, aunque no todas sean ciudades propiamente mediterráneas. De este modo, Espańa, Francia, Italia, Grecia, Egipto,... more
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      Modern ArchitectureMaghreb studiesHistory of architectureCasablanca
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      - Architecture historyArts and CraftsArt DecoPainted Stucco Decoration