Art Deco
Recent papers in Art Deco
Le monde belge de l’architecture du paysage et de l’horticulture de la première moitié du XXe siècle a jusqu’à présent fait l’objet de peu d’investigations. Une série de lettres inédites (Archives de la construction moderne-EPFL Lausanne)... more
These two chapters provide an illuminating political and cultural history of the interior design of India’s presidential residence which was originally designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens to be the house for the British viceroy. They also... more
Este documento inclui o resumo, o índice e a bibliografia da dissertação "René Lalique: o Artista, o Místico e o Empreendedor", apresentada no ISCTE-IUL em dezembro de 2018 para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Mercados da... more
El libro que aquí se presenta retoma para su análisis, los instrumentos de conocimiento histórico e historiográficos estudiados por Marina Waisman, enfocados hacia la arquitectura en Latinoamérica - aunado al estudio fotográfico de... more
This paper explores the visual culture of recreated temple structures in the entertainment settings of international exhibitions and Disneyland. It examines the material and conceptual construction of temple mythology in world's fairs and... more
İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık A.B.D. Mimarlık Tarihi Programı kapsamında, 2004 tarihli olarak hazırlanmış doktora tezidir. 20.yy modern mimarlığında az sayıda üretilen, kuram ve uygulama açısından avangard örnekleri dışında,... more
À travers la lecture du catalogue de l’exposition « La splendeur des Camondo », j’ai remarqué que les dernières fiches de signalisation du camp d’internement de Drancy (p.107, cat 238 - après 1942) portaient la mention d’une adresse de... more
Pastaraisiais metais stebimas didėjantis susidomėjimas Kauno tarpukario architektūra. Tam įtakos turi vykdoma nuosekli šio paveldo sklaida ir ypač jo tarptautinis pripažinimas – 2015 m. Kauno tarpukario modernizmo architektūrai suteiktas... more
A study of the most famous 20th-century book jacket art: Francis Cugat’s iconic art-deco painting for F Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”—the painting that Fitzgerald claimed he had “written into” his novel.
Este artigo pretende discutir a formação das artes e arquitetura no Brasil no início do século XX, quando da instalação das primeiras instituições universitárias formais. Para tanto, elege-se o engenheiro-arquiteto Jorge Félix de Sousa,... more
Catálogo de la arquitectura rifeña construida en el Marruecos Español por el interventor Emilio Blanco Izaga. En ella se mezclan los rasgos propios del Art Déco y de las arquitecturas propias del Atlas marroquí. Esta arquitectura... more
El Centro Escolar Revolución de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua posee una diversidad estética en sus acabados y vitrales que se ubican entre el Art Nouveau y el Art Decó. Su singularidad es de resaltarse en la frontera norte de México.
Recorrido del rol de los artistas plásticos uruguayos de los años 20 en la producción de tapas de libros
Resumen Semanal #11
YouTube: HAL: IMMEUBLE DE LÉON JAUSSELY, dit Hall de la Dépêche du Midi à Toulouse, 42 bis rue d’Alsace Lorraine, 15 rue Rivals, création 1926 – 1932. IMMEUBLE DE BUREAUX / DE RÉGIE DE... more
El Palacio de Bellas Artes fue diseñado por el arquitecto italiano Adamo Boari, el cual diseñó un edificio con estilos mezclado de Art Nouveau y Art Decó. El edificio se construyó en 2 etapas, la primera etapa fue de 1904 al 1913 la cual... more
Hildreth Meiere was a significant artist whose works deserve more recognition that they have received. This is especially evidenced in the Rockefeller Center Roundels, but also in many of her major commissions such as her work for St.... more
Resumen: A partir del análisis comparativo formal del vocabulario de dibujo Best Maugard con el del Art Déco que se realizó en México-en el campo de la arquitectura, ilustración gráfica, de objetos y joyería-se concluye que el abecedario... more
As this paper will argue, struggling to define himself between the old and the new, Leon Bakst attempted to answer the same questions that are haunting the discourse of decorative arts today. Utterly representative of contradictory... more
Many aspects of the average Italian's life had changed drastically with the establishment of Mussolini's Fascist regime in 1922. One of the major changes to their lives was with regards to culture, both high culture as well as mass... more
Edition, annotation et présentation d'une source épistolaire : la correspondance de Fernand Léger à André Mare, et l'épouse de ce dernier, Charlotte (née Merlin). 50 lettres échangées entre 1906 et 1932, qui permettent d'aborder sous un... more
In the cinema of Dario Argento, the architecture frequently draws attention to itself and often cross-contaminates various eras and influences within a single film. However, in critical discussions of his 1977 film Suspiria, the interior... more
When I began reading Pauline Clarke’s excellent children’s novels, such as her Carnegie Medal winner, The Twelve and the Genii (known in America as The Return of the Twelves), and her first book, The Pekinese Princess, and then looked up... more
Few elements of the twentieth century built environment have historically stirred as much optimism, ire, or nostalgia as neon signs. Despite a growing appreciation for its value by both municipalities and the general public, however, the... more
Traditional houses of American work reemigrants in Eastern Slovakia of interwar period. Typology, constructions, materials, structural members, master-builders.
Introdução e Revisão de Literatura da Dissertação "René Lalique: o Artista, o Místico e o Empreendedor, apresentada no ISCTE-IUL a 13 de Dezembro de 2018 para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Mercados da Arte (18/20 valores)
This essay discusses the important contribution given by Italian-born artists to the Art Déco movement in America. Their works, which are stylistically quite distinctive (many draw their inspiration from the Renaissance tradition),... more
An article in the book "The Style of Madernieks". / Edited by Inese Baranovska, Rūta Rinka. Riga, Latvian National Museum of Art, 2021. ISBN 978-9934-538-35-3 (The exhibition “The Style of Madernieks’” at the Decorative Arts and... more
This paper discusses two private houses built by New Hebrides planter Jean Marot dit My, one on Santo Island, northern Vanuatu, and another in Nouméa, New Caledonia. The former is relatively well known in Vanuatu, as it is assumed to be... more
Art deco adalah gaya yang lahir setelah Perang Dunia I, yang termasuk pada seni terapan. Langgam ini menunjukkan suatu langgam yang dekoratif. Pada masa itu, gaya ini dianggap anggun, fungsional, dan ultra modern. Pengertian dari art deco... more
Villa Isola merupakan bangunan dengan gaya arsitektur art deco. Bangunan ini merupakan salah satu bangunan yang megah pada zamannya, namun seiring dengan perubahan zaman dan peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitarnya, fungsi bangunan ini... more
MASSEL Christiane, MAURER Pierre et PIGNON-FELLER Christiane, Metz au temps de l’Art déco 1919-1939. Urbanisme & architecture, Vaux : Serge Domini Éditeur, 2016, 388 p. (ouvrage lauréat du prix spécial des conseillers généraux et... more
Neerslag van een lezing voor de Dienst Monumentenzorg en Architectuur van de Stad Gent in 2012.
Review of Peter Sheridan's Sydney Art Deco, 2019, 432 pps. A photographic survey of Sydney Art Deco as “the first global style movement” with a wide frame of reference from architecture to homewares. Sheridan describes it as a “style”... more
An overview of the architectural public and private developments in Fouad Chehab's era in Lebanon (1958-1964), and the internal and external influences on these developments varying from political, religious, and economic. The research... more
De Belgische industriële vloer-en wandtegel: een kleurrijk stukje geschiedenis Op het moment dat u dit artikel leest, is de expositie 'Gevloerd & Betegeld' over de Belgische tegelindustrie van art nouveau tot seventies reeds lang... more
This paper focuses on significant architecture events and Ideologies from the Mexican Revolution in 1910-20 to student movement in1968 when Mexican architects start to be part of the contemporary architecture of the world and ameliorate... more
Overvloedig geïllustreerde tentoonstellings- en bezitscatalogus van het Belgische art-nouveau- en art-decozilver van het Zilvermuseum Sterckshof, nu DIVA. Bevat naast catalogus ook introductietekst Zilverdesign ‘Made in Belgium’... more
El Art déco en España ha sido estudiado preferentemente desde la perspectiva del arte y las artes decorativas. De ello se deduce que fue un estilo dirigido a una élite social. Pero desde finales de los años veinte, a través de diversos... more