Recent papers in Arminius
In this paper, we will be discussing important factors of Arminianism and how it is similar to the other protestant expressions of faith yet how it differs in several crucial aspects. Early Arminians viewed themselves as part of the... more
The 2000th anniversary of the Varusbattle in the year 2009 commemorated an event which – unlike any other ancient event – has raised public interest in Germany and has virtually been turned into a myth. The Cheruscan chief... more
The doctrinal system of Protestantism has its roots not only in the Patristic theology, but also in the movements which stirred controversies during the Papal schism (14th-15th centuries). A fundamental change of perspective in the... more
La ruptura de Lutero, Calvino y Arminio con doctrinas de la teología clásica tales como la justificación por las obras y una eclesiología clerical es innegable. Sin embargo, es importante preguntarse si esta reforma incluyó la doctrina de... more
Paper is abour destiny of Bato the Daesiate, leader of Great Illyrian Uprising, after he surrended to Tiberius, commander in chief for all legionary nd auxilliary troops in Illyricum.
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografi e.
Contemporary conversations over the relationship between divine election and whether a person can lose his or her salvation often consider the unconditional or conditional nature of God’s predestination of individuals. A neglected element... more
In public opinion Publius Quinctilius Varus has hitherto mainly been regarded as the tragic loser of the famous battle in the Teutoburg Forest in AD 9. However, this negative repute does not do justice to Varus, who previously had pursued... more
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
En este trabajo de clase estudio la influencia de la soteriología de Jacobo Arminio sobre la soteriología de las principales ramas del protestantismo.
This paper examines the biblical subjects of election, predestination, and free-will, including the apparent conflicts between the subjects, and evaluates resolution of the conflicts by biblically sound exegesis and study.
Dieser Beitrag untersucht das Hermannsdenkmal der fünfziger Jahre des 20. Jahrhunderts in Bezug auf seinen Deutungswandel als Symbol nationaler Identität vor dem Hintergrund der politisch-sozialen und denkmalskulturellen Veränderungen. Zu... more
Dissertation; A study in divine temporality and systematic theology
Analyses the reasons why the Romans were defeated at Teutoburg Forest 9 AD and how the Roman intelligence gathering practices and system of military promotions contributed to it.
This is my original 1996 University of Toronto/Toronto School of Theology Doctoral Dissertation. I have previously uploaded a gussied up version of the dissertation under the title Romans 7, Conversion & Sanctification from Arminius to... more
Die Varusschlacht oder Hermannschlacht oder Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald – drei Namen für ein Ereignis-ist seit 500 Jahren fester Bestandteil der deutschen Historiographie. Kaum ein anderes historisches Ereignis hat in vergleich barer... more
Фрагмент перевода на русский язык труда голландского реформатского богослова Якобуса Харменсзона, известного как Якоб Арминий (1560-1609) под названием “Объявление мнения Я. Арминия о предопределении, Божественном провидении, свободе... more
This article argues that John Plaifere’s doctrine of predestination appearing in Appello Evangelium (1651) can be labelled as ‘conditional predestination’, since it embodies two Arminian features: scientia media and resistible grace. His... more
This article sketches the theological profile of the Synopsis purioris theologiae (1625) by focusing on its exposition of the doctrine of God. Earlier disputations by Leiden theologians Franciscus Junius (1545-1602) and Franciscus Gomarus... more
Jakob Hermansz (1560-1609) better known as Arminius, was a Dutch reformed theologian. He was ordained in 1588. Study of the Epistles of the Romans made him doubt the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination. Amongst Calvinists, Arminius is... more
Who was Jacobus Arminius? And what is the basic theology of Arminianism?
The importance of antiquity for baroque opera is obvious. More than the half of Handels Operas has ancient themes -historical and mythological. But the influence of the ancient sources on the libretti was quite different: Opera has never... more
Das von über 130 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern besuchte Kolloquium »IMPERIUM – Varus und seine Zeit« widmete sich dem Römischen Reich unter Augustus. Die Ergebnisse flossen in die Konzeption der großen Sonderausstellung »IMPERIUM – 2000... more
The evangelical theology is not monolith in some areas. One of the evidence for such statement is the existence of two great traditions in evangelical bosom, namely Calvinism and Arminianism. The article presents the evangelical... more
La ruptura de Lutero, Calvino y Arminio con doctrinas de la teología clásica tales como la justificación por las obras y una eclesiología clerical es innegable. Sin embargo, es importante preguntarse si esta reforma incluyó la doctrina de... more
Данная статья представляет собой введение в важнейший богословий труд Якоба Арминия “Объявление мнения”, к которому прилагается фрагмент текста первоисточника. Это произведение было впервые переведено с латыни на русский язык. Вводная... more
The author is concerned with the origin and development of Germanic kingship from the 1st century BC to the 6th century AD. The first mention of Germanic tribes, their social structure and habits is in Caesar's and particularly Tacitus'... more
L'articolo analizza come il castello di Wewelsburg sia stato reso da Himmler il centro culturale e simbolico del suo mondo di credenze pseudo-storiche ed esoterico, mettendo in evidenza in particolare un duplice modo di rifarsi alla... more
I've taken a long view of both Calvin and Arminius from the perspective of what their views have caused and rendered in Ecclesiastical History. In addition, I have nullified their work and views from the perspective that all of it is... more
The rupture of Luther, Calvin, and Arminius with doctrines of classical theology such as justification by works and a clerical ecclesiology, is undeniable. However, it is important to ask whether this reform included the doctrine of God,... more
When news reached Rome in late September AD 9 that three entire legions plus auxiliaries under P. Quinctilius Varus had been ambushed and lost in the Teutoburger Wald, so great was the panic in Rome fearing a German invasion that Augustus... more
The “Arminian triumph wagon”: a Dortian satire on Jaconus Arminius and the Remonstrants from 1618 The present essay analyzes the way in which the remonstrants were satirized during and after the National Synod of Dort, which took place... more
Rozwój ruchów reformacyjnych w XVI wieku był prawdziwą feerią doktrynalnej różnorodności. Dysputy teologów na uniwersytetach a także ludowe nadinterpretacje słów reformatorów, zapewniały nieustanne potęgowanie się liczby nurtów i... more
In the pages of Caesar's Commentaries on the Conquest of Gaul, Vercingetorix emerges as an anti-hero who doggedly fought against the Roman conquest, first by forceful and mostly honorable means, but later with desperation and by any means... more
While Martin Luther was not engaged in archaeological research his keen interest in the Germanic past mirrored his conflict with Rome. He would champion and inspire inquiries into and championing the prehistory of the Germani and... more
ZPE 194 (2015), 271-274. Germanicus Caesar, the Census and the War against Arminius.
In this Very Short Introduction, Jon Balserak explores major ideas associated with the Calvinist system of thought. Beginning during the Protestant Reformation in cities like Zurich, Geneva, and Basel, Calvinism—also known as Reformed... more