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In this paper, a set of operators suitable for digit-serial FIR filtering is presented. The canonical and inverted forms are studied. In each of these structures both the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical particular cases are also covered.... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDigital Signal ProcessingField-Programmable Gate ArraysReal Time Systems
Previous research on children's conceptual and procedural understanding of fractions, and other arithmetic skills, has led to contradictory conclusions. Some research suggests that children learn conceptual knowledge before procedural... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitive developmentEducational Psychology
The systematic implications of irrational numbers, for those interested.
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      MathematicsNumber TheorySet TheoryProof Theory
Calculia is considered to be the ability of performing arithmetic operations, the preconditions for the development of mathematical skills in the complex functioning of psychological functions represented in neuro-anatomical systems, as... more
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      PsychologyAttentionLearning DisabilitiesComputation
In this paper, a methodology for the development of fault-tolerant adders based on the radix 2 signed digit (SD) representation is presented. The use of a number representation characterized by a carry propagation confined to neighbor... more
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      Distributed ComputingMicroelectronicsFault DetectionComputer Hardware
To subdivide the axis k into 2 new axes p and q, we place k=p+qN/r with p=0,1, ... , N/r s-1, s=0,1, ... ,logrN-1 and q = 0,1,...., r -1. Therefore, X(k) is replaced using new indices p and q where x [n] is the input sequence, X[k] is the... more
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      Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingVLSIParallel Processing
In this paper,w ec onsider the problem of learning to predict the correct pose of a 3D object, assuming orthographic projection and 3D linear transformations. A neural network is trained to learn the desired mapping.F irst, we consider... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsPrincipal Component Analysis
Mathematics Short-cut Techniques with Formulas
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Binary image compression is desirable for a wide range of applications, such as digital libraries, map archives, fingerprint databases, facsimile, etc. In this paper, we present a new highly efficient algorithm for lossless binary image... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsImage ProcessingRedundancy Elimination
This paper considers the use of punctured quasiarithmetic (QA) codes for the Slepian-Wolf problem. These entropy codes are defined by finite state machines for memoryless and first-order memory sources. Puncturing an entropy coded... more
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      MathematicsCoding TheoryComputer ScienceSignal Processing
After a life-long despiction for math, I have decided finally that I owe a debt of gratitude.
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryPhilosophyLogic
The formal analysis described here detects two so far undetected real deadlock situations per thousand C source files or million lines of code in the open source Linux operating system kernel, and three undetected accesses to freed... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringStatic AnalysisAbstract Interpretation
This paper presents new, fast hardware for computing the exponential function, sine, and cosine. The main new idea is to use low-precision arithmetic components to approximate high precision computations, and then to correct very quickly... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingApproximation AlgorithmsComputer Hardware
Nunes and Bryant (Children doing mathematics, Blackwell, Oxford, 1996) proposed that an understanding of the additive composition of number could be a precursor to an understanding of the decimal structure. If this is so, children should... more
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      PsychologyEducationMathematics EducationComputation
In this paper we consider the duality between process and concept in mathematics, in particular using the same symbolism to represent both a process (such as the addition of two numbers 3+2) and the product of that process (the sum 3+2).... more
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationCognitive StyleElementary Education
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      Parallel AlgorithmsInverse ProblemsMultidisciplinaryQuantization
The current version of the Teaching Machine supports a usable subset of C++. A version that also supports Java is under development. The Teaching Machine itself is written in Java for ease of distribution over the World Wide Web.
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      AlgorithmsComputer Science EducationVisualizationAnimation
Forty-five children with mathematics learning disabilities, with and without comorbid reading disabilities, were compared to 45 normally achieving peers in tasks assessing basic numerical skills. Children with mathematics disabilities... more
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      MathematicsSemanticsMathematics EducationCognitive development
As recent research efforts have focused on preventing reading difficulties and enhancing the effectiveness of special education services for students with reading problems, similar efforts in mathematics have not been realized. This... more
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      Special EducationNumeracyTest ValidityEvaluation methods
Abstract-We describe a sequential universal data compression procedure for binary tree sources that performs the “double mixture.” Using a context tree, this method weights in an ef-ficient recursive way the coding distributions... more
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      Information TheorySignal ProcessingData CompressionSource Coding
The efficacy of an early mathematics program aimed at developing number sense and built entirely on children's invented procedures and on their infotmally acquired quantitative knowledge was studied. To socialize childy,.:n to think of... more
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      Program EvaluationMathematicsInterviewsPrimary Education
This is the ultimate proof that the Prime Numbers are not Random Numbers as famous Mathematicians believe and claim publicly through presentations you can find on U Tube Any pupil around the world and a wide public will understand the... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryAlgebraic Number TheoryApplied Mathematics
Reading performance has been shown to be linked with balancing skills, possibly indicating an involvement of the cerebellum in reading-related tasks. In our study, we examined whether a similar connection can be detected for arithmetic... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeurolinguisticsLinguistics
The residue number system (RNS) has been an important research field in computer arithmetic for many decades, mainly because of its carry-free nature, which can provide high-performance computing architectures with superior delay... more
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      EngineeringEducationComputer Science EducationEngineering Education
This article focuses on the kinds of conceptual changes that occur when students have to deal with negative numbers in elementary algebraic operations. Interviews were carried out with twelve 8th-grade level students who were selected on... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyAlgebraNumbers
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      Educational TechnologyPrimary EducationTeaching MethodsArithmetic
A r q. R o b e r t o S a l d i v a r O l a g u e. G r a d u a d o e n I C S , E s c u e l a d e A r q u i t e c t u r a , S c r a n t o n P. a. , U S A. Titulado en Arquitectura en el Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatecas, México M a y o d e... more
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      Latin American StudiesOntologyPhilosophy Of MathematicsHistory of Science
The field of sensor fusion is well developed, but approaches to describing the confidence one ought to have in the fused result as a function of the confidence one has in the individual measurements is not. This speculative paper is... more
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      RoboticsComputational ModelingContext-Aware ComputingRobots
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All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 13 12 11 10 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not... more
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      Developmental PsychologyEpidemiologyAddictionCognitive development
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      Software TestingSoftware ReliabilityFailure AnalysisHardware
An efficient method for computing the discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed. Based on direct decomposition of the DCT, the recursive properties of the DCT for even length input sequence is derived, which is a generalization of the... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsSignal ProcessingMultidisciplinaryGeneralization
This article reports on the activity of two pairs of sixth grade students who participated in an 8-month teaching experiment that investigated the students’ construction of fraction composition schemes. A fraction composition scheme... more
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      EducationNumbersMathematical SciencesTeaching Methods
The difficulties associated with translating a set of scores into letter-grades are discussed. A novel method for automating this process, the Fuzzy Grading System, is developed and compared to traditional practices. Letter-grades are... more
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      EngineeringEducationFuzzy LogicAnthropometry
In this paper, we present new algorithms for the calculation of convolutions by means of number theoretic transforms over modulo rings. Not only are these algorithms more efficient than currently used methods, but they are also very... more
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      Image ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingArithmeticComputational Efficiency
Recent studies have shown that the use of educational games during learning process is dramatically increased. Furthermore, researchers suggest the attachment of adaptive features in order to motivate students and assess their knowledge... more
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      User ModelingArithmeticAdaptive Educational Games
Constructing and using meaning for mathematical symbols: The case of decimal fractions. Number concepts and operations in the middle grades (pp.220-235). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum & Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationComputationArithmetic
The efficacy of an early mathematics program aimed at developing number sense and built entirely on children's invented procedures and on their infotmally acquired quantitative knowledge was studied. To socialize childy,.:n to think of... more
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      Program EvaluationInterviewsPrimary EducationArithmetic
In a 3-year longitudinal study, 471 children were classified, based on their performances on arithmetic tests in first and second grade, as having persistent arithmetic disabilities (AD), persistent low achieving (LA), persistent typical... more
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      MathematicsIntelligenceLearning DisabilitiesChild
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsPhonology
This paper aims to illuminate the fundamental flaws of the basic theory of arithmetic. No further introduction needed.
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      Critical TheoryMathematicsNumber TheoryAnalytic Number Theory
""Sharing a field into plots of equal area is one of the oldest known mathematical problems. Some of these sharing problems lead to wonderful arithmetic problems that seem to have excited the curiosity of Mesopotamian mathematicians. This... more
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      ArithmeticPlimpton 322SurveyorPythagorean triple
Here's how one design team boosted nextgeneration performance, retained com pat i b i I ity, and beat the silicon clock.
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      Computer HardwareOPERATING SYSTEMMultitaskingArithmetic
"Elementary Arithmetic in Base 7" presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringCognitive ScienceMathematics
Children's symbolic number sense was examined at the beginning of first grade with a short screen of competencies related to counting, number knowledge, and arithmetic operations. Conventional mathematics achievement was then assessed at... more
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      PsychologyMathematicsLearning DifficultiesNumeracy
We examined elementary school teachers' justifications to number-theoretical "for all" propositions and existence propositions, some of which are true while others are false. We also assessed whether teachers regarded their justifications... more
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      Elementary EducationArithmetic
Fast bit-reversal algorithms have been of strong interest for many decades, especially after Cooley and Tukey introduced their FFT implementation in 1965. Many recent algorithms, including FFTW try to avoid the bit-reversal all together... more
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      Computer ArchitectureInformation ScienceArithmeticFFT
This paper describes a limited longitudinal study of young children's early numeracy development within three testing cycles, at the mid-point and towards the end of their reception year (at five years-of-age) and again at the mid-point... more
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      EducationSpecial Educational NeedsNumeracyProblem Solving
The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) is an independent unit within the World Bank; it reports directly to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors. OED assesses what works, and what does not; how a borrower plans to run and maintain... more
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      MathematicsNutritionEngineering EducationHigher Education