Arid Land Ecology
Recent papers in Arid Land Ecology
Guggul - an oleo-resin gum of immense medicinal value is tapped from a bushy shrub Commiphora wightii (Arnott) Bhandari distributed in semi-arid and rocky regions in Indian sub continent. C. wightii is an IUCN data deficient plant.... more
Although alien and invasive plant species have been researched extensively in the European part of Russia, the situation in Siberia is another matter. Hitherto, alien and invasive species in Siberia have not received much attention... more
The study relates village seed systems to biological diversity of millet crops grown by farmers in the semi-arid lands of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, India. In these subsistence-oriented, semi-arid production systems the environment is... more
In response to the urgent need for improved mapping of global biomass and the lack of any current space systems capable of addressing this need, the BIOMASS mission was proposed to the European Space Agency for the third cycle of Earth... more
The expansion of the Prosopis genus from the sub-humid Chaco towards colder and drier zones such as Monte, Prepuna and Patagonia .biogeographical regions would have implied the acquisition and/or adjustment of morphological and... more
Présentée au: Séminaire International sur la protection des végétaux : Situation et perspectives. Batna (Algérie). 17-19/11/2013 Résumé : Une étude de la dynamique des différents stades de Boufaroua, Oligonychus afrasiaticus sur le... more
Résumé : Cette étude dans la palmeraie d’El-Atteuf a révélé la présence de 47 espèces d’insectes essentiellement représentés par les coléoptères avec 36% du total d’insectes, suivis des orthoptères avec 19%. Parmi les espèces... more
... example, where aeolian sands cover the soil uniformly, no vegetation banding occurs on the Niger plateaux (d'Herbès and Valentin, 1997). ... The occurrence of crusted surfaces in the interbands have been noted in most studies... more
Forestry is a productive sector with significant effects on meeting national socio-economic and environmental functions as well as the improvement of rural livelihoods. Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) in particular have been widely... more
Studies on breeding parameters in peripheral populations have been centred on species with stable or regressive ranges. However, the studies on peripheral expanding populations are few, probably due to the scarcity of suitable models. On... more
تعتبر الجوجوبا من النباتات الواعدة والتى تبشر بأمل كبير فى زراعة المناطق القاحلة الفقيرة, والتى يمكن من خلالها انشاء مجتمعات زراعية صناعية تحقق نهضة عمرانية فى هذه المناطق. ونظرا لعدم وجود اصناف معتمدة حتى الأن من الجوجوبا, فيجب الاهتمام... more
Résumé : Une étude de dynamique de la cochenille blanche dans la palmeraie d’El-Atteuf (Ghardaïa) de Juillet au Septembre 2010, accompagnée de celle de deux espèces prédatrices locales Pharoscymnus ovoïdeus (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)... more
Résumé: Cette étude dans la palmeraie d’El-Atteuf a révélé la présence de 47 espèces d’insectes essentiellement représentés par les coléoptères suivis des orthoptères. Parmi les espèces qui ont une importance phytosanitaire le... more
أصبحَ الجَفافُ مِنْ أهمِّ المُشكلات والأخطَار التي تواجه كَثيرٌ مِنْ الدولِ، وبصفةٍ خَاصةٍ الدول الفقيرة؛ لِعَدمِ قُدرتها الاقتصاديَّة والعِلْميَّة على المواجهةِ. وتُعَدُّ دول إقليم الساحل الأفريقي مِنْ أكثرِ دول العَالَم مُعَاناةً مِنْ... more
The Hohokam reached an apex of sociopolitical development between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries in the Sonoran Desert of North America. Hallmarks of the Hohokam tradition included red-on-buff pottery, large-scale canal irrigation... more
The transition of landscape from nature to natural resources has been studied through the lens of geography and environment even as it equally is, as I argue, the landscape in interaction with humans which the historian is concerned with.... more
Balancing the population of large herbivores, whether livestock (such as camels) or wildlife (such as Arabian Oryx) or a combination, is the single most important issue for managing a rangeland. It is thought that most rangelands are... more
As the pace of global climate change accelerates, residents of the arid and semi-arid lands of northern Kenya face significant obstacles to maintain viable communities. Colonial and post-colonial political governance and economic models... more
Banded landscapes are comprised of alternating bands of vegetation and bare ground aligned Ž . along the contours in arid and semi-arid regions 50-750 mm rainfall , on very gentle and uniform Ž . slopes 0.2-2% . Vegetated bands can be... more
Hydraulic lift (HL) is the passive movement of water through the roots from deep wet to dry shallow soil layers when stomata are closed. HL has been shown in different ecosystems and species, and it depends on plant physiology and soil... more
Analgesic activity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Noni ( ) by hot plate method Detection of infectious bronchitis virus in suspected post-mortem field tissue samples by ELISA Integrated nutrient management in rice wheat cropping... more
Architecture Beyond Europe Journal, n° 18, section Documents/Sources, March 2021.
Camel grazing is recognized as a primary cause of ecological degradation in the UAE. A study of perennial plant species o1m in height was conducted along a fence separating continuously camel grazed land from land in which camels had been... more
Oleo-gum resins, hardened resinous plant exudates obtained from some Acacia, Boswellia and Commiphora species in the lowlands of Ethiopia, have been traded for centuries both on the international and domestic markets. However, their... more
Establishing salt tolerant tree plantations utilising the saline ground waters may provide for an economic use of abandoned arid lands but issues related to long-term sustainability of such plantations are unknown. Thus a ®eld trial with... more
Se presenta el inventario florístico del enclave seco interandino de La Tatacoa (valle de la parte alta del río Magdalena, Huila, Colombia). Se encontraron 223 especies, distribuidas en 170 géneros y 60 familias. A nivel florístico, la... more
Slash‐and‐burn agriculture (SBA) and woody charcoal (WC) production are the main causes of deforestation and dry forest degradation in the coastal zone of south‐western Madagascar, especially, xerophytic thickets (XT). WC production is... more
A general model is presented describing ecosystem degradation to help decide when restoration, rehabilitation, or reallocation should be the preferred response. The latter two pathways are suggested when one or more "thresholds of... more
While population growth is widely acknowledged as an important driver of land cover change, the role of unplanned human settlements is not adequately recognised. Many such settlements occur in the semi-arid lands of Kenya, which in the... more