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La raccolta di canti popolari e melodie, da Michele Barbi definita "la più ricca e varia che in Italia si sia messa insieme"( 1 ) e ancora oggi considerata il più vasto ed importante corpus di letteratura popolare italiana di tradizione... more
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      Archival StudiesDigital LibrariesArchivesLibrary and Information Science
Overview of Special Collections at the Menil Collection Library presented at the Library and Archives Study Day at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) on January 17, 2017. Presentation provided an overview of collections, how... more
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      Special CollectionsMuseum LibrariesArchives and Special CollectionsDigitization of library materials
As with much of the textile industry in the United Kingdom, carpet manufacturing in the West of Scotland was once thriving. Powder was ground, paint mixed, design papers painted, yarn dyed, spools set and carpets woven. The history of the... more
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      Scottish history (History)Special CollectionsArchives and Special CollectionsResearch Teaching Linkages
La finalitat d'aquest treball és analitzar, organitzar i descriure el fons i la biblioteca de Lluís Pasqual (Reus, 1951) actualment conservats a la Biblioteca del Teatre Lliure. Lluís Pasqual, personatge de l’actualitat i home de teatre... more
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      Theatre HistoryArchives and Special Collections
Pubblicato con il contributo e sotto gli auspici della MOD Società italiana per lo studio della modernità letteraria Direttore: Nicola MEROLA Direttore responsabile: Giulio MARCONE Redazione: Laura ADRIANI, Saverio VECCHIARELLI... more
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      Special CollectionsLibrarianshipHistory of librariesLibrarian
In the year 1969, the oldest part of the school library of Herlufsholm in Næstved was sold to the newly founded University Library of Odense, including the special Groothoff book collection, Bibliotheca Groothoffiana. Today, the joint... more
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      Library ScienceCultural HeritageRare Books and ManuscriptsAcademic Libraries
Boise State University's (BSU) digital collections were selected for this assignment because they are representative of a comprehensive history of Boise, ID, as well as the culture and background of the community the academic institution... more
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      RiversDigital ArchivesSpecial CollectionsDublin Core
This paper presents the methodological challenges that were faced in the analysis of collections of photographs from Argentina and Peru for the period from mid-nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, that is the first hundred years of the... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyArchives and Special Collections
In 2006, Rare Book School director Terry Belanger invited Christian Dupont to give a talk about his experiences and “advices” as the newly appointed director of special collections at the University of Virginia. He naturally turned to... more
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      Academic LibrarianshipAcademic LibrariesArchivesSpecial Collections
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      Visual CultureChildren's and Young Adult LiteraturePalestineArchives and Special Collections
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      History of librariesArchives and Special CollectionsScuola Normale Superiore
This essay explores the impact of digitized and born-digital special collections on teaching, learning, and research, and, through institutional case studies, considers the variety of collaborative opportunities made possible by the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital ArchivesArchives and Special Collections
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      Education for Library and Information ScienceSpecial CollectionsArchives and Special Collections
This paper will summarize the attempts of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) to pass their policy on the protocols for Native American archival materials.
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      HistoryArt HistoryIndigenous StudiesLibrary Science
In the wake of NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act), museums and archives are acutely aware of cultural property issues. Cultural intellectual property remains legislatively neglected. Ethical precedent does... more
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      Cultural HeritageArchivesIntangible cultural heritageCommunication Of Memory In Archives, Libraries And Museums
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      Records ManagementArchival scienceElectronic Records ManagementArchives and Special Collections
in 9/1 (2020), 417–453. Online: This article outlines the history of the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol (University and Provincial Library of Tirol at Innsbruck, ULB Tirol)... more
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      Rare Books And Manuscripts (Library Science)History of Library and Information ScienceHistory of librariesArchives and Special Collections
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      Book ArtsPrinting HistoryArtists' BooksWomen Artists
In this article, the authors present a case study on a teaching and learning initiative in digital humanities at Connecticut College. The article outlines a project in which students in a mid-level history course collaborated with library... more
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      HistoryDigital HumanitiesTransnational and World HistoryWorld History
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      Visual Culture in EducationComics and Graphic NovelsCurriculumArchives and Special Collections
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      Archival StudiesHeritage ConservationArchivesSpecial Collections
Alphabetical list of special collections holding speculative fiction, sci-fi, etc.
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      Library ScienceBibliographyRare Books and ManuscriptsScience Fiction
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      Digital HumanitiesSpecial CollectionsDigital PedagogyPopular literature, chapbooks and ephemera
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      Experiential Learning (Active Learning)First World WarSpecial CollectionsExhibition Design
Presented during Panel 1 at The Electric Guitar in Popular Culture Conference - March 2015. Strictly using materials held at the Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), Dr. Down and I examined the appearances of guitars/guitarists in... more
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      Popular MusicComic Book StudiesSpecial CollectionsComics and Graphic Novels
As with much of the textile industry in the United Kingdom, carpet manufacturing in the West of Scotland was once thriving. Powder was ground, paint mixed, design papers painted, yarn dyed, spools set and carpets woven. The history of the... more
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      Scottish HistorySpecial CollectionsArchives and Special CollectionsResearch Teaching Linkages
Invited remarks presented for the opening panel “Acknowledging the Past” at “Acknowledging the Past, Forging the Future: A National Colloquium on Library Special Collections,” at Case Western Reserve University, Oct. 21, 2014. Conference... more
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      Museum StudiesPublic HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsHistory Of Rare Book Libraries
"Presentation given as a candidate for the position of Director, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia, August 18, 2005"
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      Special CollectionsArchives and Special CollectionsSpecial Collections ManagementLibrary Leadership
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      Book HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsPedagogy
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      Mental HealthIllustrationVisual CommunicationDrawing
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      PhotographySpecial CollectionsPhotographic ArchivesArchives and Special Collections
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the BookArchivesCollaboration Of Archives, Libraries And Museums
Semester-long team assignment designed to familiarize lower division students with sites and methods for research in literary studies. Students work collaboratively to define and collect a wide range of primary and secondary sources. As... more
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      Teaching and LearningResearch Methods and MethodologyPedagogyArchives and Special Collections
This presentation was given at the annual meeting of the Colorado Academic Library Summit (CALC). May 20-21, 2010 in Denver, Colorado. It offered insight to how Colorado School of Mines' Center for Oil Shale Technology and Arthur Lakes... more
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      Special CollectionsArchives and Special CollectionsLibrary fundingCollaborative Action Research Methodologies
W pracy omówiono źródła dotyczące historii leśnictwa, edukacji leśnej i jej rozwoju oraz najważniejszych uczonych związanych z ośrodkiem krakowskim w oparciu o materiały archiwalne zebrane w archiwum uczelnianym i zbiorach Biblioteki... more
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      HistoryForestryHistory of ScienceArchives
Studies regarding the design process tend to come from outside of textile and fashion design. Existing literature suggests a need for further investigation of design processes in these disciplines to advance understanding. Designers... more
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      Textiles DesignTextile DesignCreative ProcessDesign process
Sanskrit is a global phenomenon—a language that has captured the intellectual imagination of historians and linguists in nineteenth-century Europe, and contemporary students of yoga and āyurveda, alike. While Sanskrit is commonly studied... more
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      HinduismSanskrit language and literatureSouth AsiaSoutheast Asia
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      Special CollectionsDigital PedagogyExhibition DesignVirtual Exhibitions
chapter in Handbook of Editing Early Modern Texts, ed. Harriet Phillips and Claire Loffman. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2016. Update following Ashgate takeover: published as Routledge, 2017 (official date 2018, but certainly appeared in July... more
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      Scholarly EditingManuscript StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureArchives and Special Collections
Apresenta-se o projeto Censo-Guía de fondos y colecciones fotográficas de instituciones públicas de España, Portugal e Iberoamérica, iniciativa promovida pelo grupo de investigação Griweb, da Faculdade de Ciências da Documentação da... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementHeritage ManagementArchives and Special Collections
'Who Cares' Conference 2015, held at the Science Museum
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      Historical GeographyArchivesArchive FeverArchives and Special Collections
The detection of forms of growth in the use of the Cultural Heritage by the a large community, has established, in its valorisation process, the need of characterising the intent of popularising the knowledge, with methods able to set... more
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      Cultural HeritageDigital MediaCataloging3D Reconstruction
This brief presentation describes an attempt to determine whether it is possible to design a condition survey instrument to gather reasonably detailed information about the completeness of and damage to mutually-held book copies in a... more
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      Print CultureLibrary ScienceCollection DevelopmentArchives
The historical importance of carpet design and manufacture to the West of Scotland is now largely forgotten, eclipsed by heavy industries such as shipbuilding for which Glasgow is justly famous. Yet, in their heyday, carpet manufacturers... more
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      Scottish HistorySpecial CollectionsArchives and Special Collections
Program Description: "Listen to the voyages of the Wisconsin Area Research Centers and Cornell University as these institutions boldly go where few archivists have gone before: beyond the final frontier of inter-institutional space to... more
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      Resource Sharing / Interlibrary Loan / Interlending (Library Science)ArchivesInterlibrary LoanSpecial Collections
The articles in this issue were all originally delivered as papers at the 47th annual preconference of the Rare Books and Manuscripts section of the Association of College and Research Libraries held in Austin, Texas, June 20–23, 2006.... more
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      Collaboration Of Archives, Libraries And MuseumsCommunication Of Memory In Archives, Libraries And MuseumsSpecial CollectionsArchives and Special Collections