Pencahayaan yang memadai di ruang kelas memiliki dampak langsung terhadap kenyamanan visual, konsetrasi, dan kinerja akademik siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pencahayaan, baik alami atau pun buatan, di ruang kelas,... more
In these unpublished series of Readers I provide transcripts / lecture notes to my Bachelor course 2 at TU Vienna in Architecture Theory: By Way of Scale –Architecture and the Abduction of Space. In the episodes of this lecture course,... more
Pangan organik merupakan hasil produksi dari pertanian organik. Pertanian organik merupakan budidaya pertanian secara alami yang menekankan pada perlindungan sifat biotik dan abiotik lingkungan. Metode pertanian organik menerapkan prinsip... more
While the Eiffel Tower has become a landmark of Paris and France, few know about the names of 72 scientists engraved around the first floor. Herein, the names of 14 hydraulic engineers and scholars are reviewed and their selection is... more
Dalam rangka meningkatkan manajemen pengelolaan usaha, etika dalam perilaku konsumen, dan meningkatkan kualitas promosi atau pemasaran produk dari Desa Gumbrih, Kecamatan Pekutatan, Kabupaten Jembrana, maka Universitas Dhyana Pura melalui... more
Good lighting intensity can affect the quality of performance in activity, improper lighting can also cause mental stress on room users, eye disorders, and disorders of the body. This research was created to analyze the needs and... more
One problem faced by the community in Sukamakmur Village, Ajung District, East Java, is that its youth groups do not have a program to improve the community welfare. Another issue is the lack of public knowledge regarding the use of... more
Good lighting intensity can affect the quality of performance in activity, improper lighting can also cause mental stress on room users, eye disorders, and disorders of the body. This research was created to analyze the needs and... more
Community empowerment activities aimed at increasing the capacity of Human Resources (HR) KWT Bunda Jaya Bunda Jaya Pekon Enggalrejo, Adiluwih District Pringsewu Regency in optimizing freshwater fisheries as an alternative source of... more
Community empowerment activities aimed at increasing the capacity of Human Resources (HR) KWT Bunda Jaya Bunda Jaya Pekon Enggalrejo, Adiluwih District Pringsewu Regency in optimizing freshwater fisheries as an alternative source of... more
Program Kemitraan Wilayah (PKW) Desa Lumbung Kecamatan Selemadeg Barat Kabupaten Tabanan bertujuan untuk menberdayakan kelompok pemelihara ikan lele dalam pemeliharaan ikan lele dengan menggunakan kolam hemat air dan efisien pakan. ... more
ABSTRAK Kelurahan Margo Mulyo merupakan salah satu Kelurahan di Kecamatan Balikpapan Barat dengan tingkat konsumsi ikan yang tinggi namun ketersediaan stok ikan rendah. Selama ini masyarakat hanya mengandalkan system penangkapan sehingga... more
The paper examines the empirical foundation of Galileo's two new sciences, presented in the Discorsi. It argues that the second of these sciences, Galileo's theory of motion, is largely rooted in the practical knowledge on ballistics as... more
This community service was carried out in Patumbak Kampung Village, Patumbak District, Deli Serdang Regency. Partners' catfish farming has not developed well. Common problems faced by partners include low knowledge of (1) sources of... more
Abstrak: Tujuan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan ini sebagai dari bentuk program pemberdayaan dalam meningkatakan pemahaman masyarakat pada dua hal yang sangat penting yaitu aspek dalam meningkatkan produksi dan aspek dalam memperluas mengenai... more
A community of Tikalak Wangi is a form of farmer group business carried out by the Nagari Pasia Laweh in order to increase productivity in the fisheries sector. Fish farming is part of any sector that has the potential to support the... more
Pondok pesantren Al Mas’udiyah Kabupaten Kuburaya Kalimantan Barat, saat ini memiliki usaha budidaya ikan lele sebagai usaha mandiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Selama ini untuk pengisian dan sirkulasi air pada kolam budidaya... more
SMA Al Quran Wahdah Islamiyah dan MTs Al Wahdah Islamiyah Kendari adalah sekolah yang menerapkan sistem kepesantrenan, bertujuan untuk melatih kemandirian dan keterampilan siswa. Sekolah tersebut memberikan mata pelajaran untuk pembekalan... more
Individual cast concrete elements A workshop on the workability, optimisation and production of concrete EAAE no 45 Architectural Design and Construction Education-Experimentation towards Integration Preface As the second in a series of... more
Good lighting intensity can affect the quality of performance in activity, improper lighting can also cause mental stress on room users, eye disorders, and disorders of the body. This research was created to analyze the needs and... more
Good lighting intensity can affect the quality of performance in activity, improper lighting can also cause mental stress on room users, eye disorders, and disorders of the body. This research was created to analyze the needs and... more
Hotel Neo By Aston Pontianak berdiri diatas luasan tanah dengan ukuran 646,0662 m² yang terdiri dari 13 lantai. Beberapa Perubahan yang terjadi dilapangan secara nyata yaitu, penambahan jumlah titik lampu di lorong koridor kamar hotel,... more
La reconsideración de la educación arquitectónica a la luz de una nueva realidad que surge de los rápidos cambios que se producen en nuestros entornos sociales, culturales y físicos es ahora imperativa. Para conocer las incompatibilidades... more
Good lighting intensity can affect the quality of performance in activity, improper lighting can also cause mental stress on room users, eye disorders, and disorders of the body. This research was created to analyze the needs and... more
Good lighting intensity can affect the quality of performance in activity, improper lighting can also cause mental stress on room users, eye disorders, and disorders of the body. This research was created to analyze the needs and... more
DIALux adalah program desain pencahayaan gratis yang berkembang cepat dan didukung oleh lebih dari 135 perusahaan lampu. Kemampuan program tersebut dalam mensimulasikan pencahayaan alami dan buatan terus diperbarui. DIALux menawarkan... more
Pemeliharaan ikan lele yang dilakukan pembudidaya di Pokdakan ROI Lele sebagian besar tidak melakukan upaya pengelolaan kualitas air seperti, filtrasi, sirkulasi maupun penggantian air (water exchange). Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan mutu... more
Permasalahan umum pada budidaya ikan lele yang juga terjadi pada kelompok pembudidaya ikan di Sungailiat, kabupaten Bangka adalah penekanan biaya produksi dan peningkatan produktifitas. Penekanan biaya produksi dapat meningkatkan... more
Although Universal Design is an internationally recognized way of thinking about the built environment, there is still a long way to go before user inclusion becomes a fundamental principle in all design. Education of future professionals... more
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Perikanan Kolam Ikan Terpal Menggunakan Sumber Energi Listrik Fotovoltaikdilaksanakan di Desa Sutojayan Kecamatan Pakisaji Kabupaten Malang. Di Desa Sutojayan terdapat Badan Usaha Milik Desa... more
The Community Service Program (PKM) for tarpaulin fish ponds using photovoltaic electric energy sources was implemented in Sutojayan Village, Pakisaji District, Malang Regency. The purpose of PKM in Sutojayan Village is to deal with... more
This research aims to produce of illumination the appropriate lighting in the reading room and lecture room. Because sometimes in the construction of a building, there are still many techicians who have not followed the rules that have... more
Abstract: The era of technology, media and consumerism that exists in contemporary cities has diminished the opportunities to offer society direct encounters and personal dialogues with the urban realm. This has caused the visual sense to... more
Kondisi pencahayaan dan udara yang nyaman merupakan hal yang mutlak dalam suatu ruangan namun tidak boleh meninggalkan aspek penghematan energi listrik. Lingkungan belajar fisik adalah keadaan berbentuk fisik berada di sekitar tempat... more
Hotel Neo By Aston Pontianak berdiri diatas luasan tanah dengan ukuran 646,0662 m² yang terdiri dari 13 lantai. Beberapa Perubahan yang terjadi dilapangan secara nyata yaitu, penambahan jumlah titik lampu di lorong koridor kamar hotel,... more
Visualisasi dalam interior kelas memiliki peran penting dalam proses perkuliahan, hal tersebut akan memberika kemudahan dalam penyampaian materi perkuliahan atau menjadi pengganggu dalam proses transfer ilmu. Salah satu yang memengaruhi... more
Building codes in architectural treatises are seldom a source for construction history. The title of The Ten Books of Architecture, written by Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), keeps changing from architecture to the art of building.... more
Her research lies between architectural design and theory-with a focus on drawing and the relationship between architecture and film-and has been published and exhibited internationally. She is the author of Marcel Duchamp and the... more
Her research lies between architectural design and theory-with a focus on drawing and the relationship between architecture and film-and has been published and exhibited internationally. She is the author of Marcel Duchamp and the... more
Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu tempat kerja yang sebagian besar kegiatannya sangat mengandalkan mata. Pencahayaan yang baik di ruangan perpustakaan akan meningkatkan kenyamanan dalam bekerja bagi karyawan dan pengunjung. Perpustakaan... more
This paper deals with the influence of the scientific and technical knowledge on the architectonic culture, in order to underline the role they played in the design process during the centuries. The work goes over some characteristic... more
This study presents an experience of a bioclimatic design studio. The teaching methods used in the Architecture Course of the University of Campinas, UNICAMP Brazil are discussed. Design studio activities are combined with thermal comfort... more
Le dépôt institutionnel DIAL est destiné au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques émanant des membres de l'UCLouvain. Toute utilisation de ce document à des fins lucratives ou commerciales est strictement interdite.... more