In 1972, the exhibition De Straat: Vorm Van Samenleven (The Street: Forms of Living Together) was held at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. This was the first time that the street was exhibited as an architectural object, with an emphasis... more
This exhibition unpacks architecture’s entanglement with extraction, exploitation, and capital to explore emergent models for transformative socio-ecological praxis through the work of several academic design studios and grassroots... more
The project was developed on invite of the curators of the Egyptian pavilion at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition at the Biennale of Venice, in 2023, whose main theme has been “Nilab. Nile as laboratory”, focusing on the... more
Many of the books that have recorded the history of architecture in Colombia were also exhibitions. Between 1977 and 1992, when the study of the history of Colombian architecture reached great growth, architecture exhibitions and their... more
Italy: The New Domestic Landscape è una vicenda particolarmente interessante per diversi aspetti. Nella sua metamorfosi da evento performativo a vicenda trasmessa è stata spesso mitizzata e, forse anche per questo, non ha smesso di... more
Utstillingen «Bauhaus på norsk» på Henie Onstad Kunstsenter i 2014 stadfestet at Bauhaus-innflytelsen var mer utbredt i Norge enn tidligere antatt, saerlig i det fysiske materialet, mens konkrete forbindelseslinjer har vaert vanskeligere... more
The exhibition gathered the approaches of 50 contributors to 'livable futures' for the planet and its dwellers, juxtaposed to historical inquiry, to communicate a call to action.
El libro de Audrey Jeanroy-historiadora del arte y especialista en arquitectura del siglo XX-, titulado Claude Parent: les dessins d'un architecte, constituye un juicioso ejercicio de síntesis de su tesis doctoral titulada Claude Parent:... more
Interview with David Peycere. Director of the Centre d’archives d’architecture du XXe siecle
Giornate di studio a cura di Annalisa Viati Navone, Letizia Tedeschi e Stefano Setti, promosse dall'Archivio del Moderno, Accademia di architettura - Università della Svizzera italiana e dal CRA.IT (Centro di Ricerca sull’Arte Astratta... more
Tous droits réservés © Association Québécoise de Promotion des Recherches Étudiantes en Muséologie (AQPREM), 2013 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction)... more
When proposing to establish a Norwegian museum of architecture in 1934, Harald Hals, head of the Oslo planning department, pointed to a precious material 'stored away in basements, accumulating in attics, shoved into drawers and stuffed... more
Book review of Claudia Perren and Sarah Breen Lovett (eds), Expanded Architecture: Temporal Spatial Practices, Baunach: AADR Spurbach, 2016, 160 pp, 79 colour and b/w ills, ISBN: 978-3-88778-434-8.
Book review of Donna Jeanne Haraway, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-8223-6214-2; Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than... more
In 2015 Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam programmed the exhibition 1:1 Period Rooms by Andreas Angelidakis, an environment featuring six evocations of historical period rooms, gradually evicted from the Stedelijk Museum as it adopted the... more
The article reflects on the conceptualization of the exhibition MAN transFORMS, the opening show of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Design Cooper-Hewitt Museum in October 1976. Discussion of the exhibition's curatorial... more
In 1970, the Museum of Contemporary Crafts in New York City hosted the exhibition Haus-Rucker-Co LIVE!, a mid-career retrospective of the Viennese architectural collective. Most historians have studied the range of design works created by... more
A thematic issue on the architecture exhibition as environment, edited by Alex Brown and Léa-Catherine Szacka, and with contributions by Manuel Rodrigo de la O Cabrera, Jordan Kaufdman, Ross Elfline, Samuel Korn, Christophe Van Gerrewey,... more
Book review of Projects and Provocations, Mark Foster Gage, New York, Rizzoli, 2018, hardcover, 272 pp, colour and b/w ills. ISBN: 978-0-8478-6209-2.
The following paper takes as its starting point a posed photograph of the members’ room space within the Architectural Association’s AA125 exhibition. The image is one of the only published traces of this travelling exhibition, a show... more
« Jouer Molière au Théâtre Molière Sorbonne »,
Communication pour le colloque
Molière et les acteurs comiques, org. Laura Naudeix, Brigitte Prost, Giovanna Sparacello – Université Rennes 2.
Communication pour le colloque
Molière et les acteurs comiques, org. Laura Naudeix, Brigitte Prost, Giovanna Sparacello – Université Rennes 2.
Curatorial practices have shaped the way we understand modern architecture. Inserted in the spaces of museums, it becomes part of cultural work. At the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), it is an ongoing part of the struggles to bring... more
This research program aims to bring together research on the most contemporary art scene to consider them both as subjects for reflection and as opportunities to explore the exhibiting hybridizations between the ideas of display and... more
The Biennale of Dakar is considered as a particular site for examining South-South circulations of artworks. Being the biennial of contemporary African art, only artists from Africa and its Diaspora are eligible for its central,... more
celebrada en 1954 fueron el jardín, el cortometraje y el laberinto. Se crearon para realizar una crítica urbana a la vida cotidiana a través de tres películas de corta duración. La exposición se organizó íntegramente como un laberinto en... more
n°100, juillet-août 2005 Un retour sur la notion de point de vue. En tant que dispositif de monstration et d'exhibition, l'exposition a évidemment à faire avec le point de vue. Le point de vue est d'abord un réglage... more
L'image peut être un support à la recherche d'informations dans toutes les phases de la conception architecturale. L'utilisation d'outils d'aide à la conception proposant des références imagées semble être possible quel que soit le moment... more
Dr. DJEGHAR Aicha Departement D’Architecture Universite de Biskra (Algerie) En raison de sa diversite a travers l’histoire, l’architecture en Algerie est tres complexe a estimer. Entre l’antique, le traditionnel, le colonial, le... more
Utstillingen «Bauhaus på norsk» på Henie Onstad Kunstsenter i 2014 stadfestet at Bauhaus-innflytelsen var mer utbredt i Norge enn tidligere antatt, saerlig i det fysiske materialet, mens konkrete forbindelseslinjer har vaert vanskeligere... more
The rise of installations, as well as immersive and interactive spaces, in both art and science museums has accustomed the public to heightened interactivity, leading to a better understanding of social, natural and scientific phenomena.... more
dünyada mimarlık müzeleri Mimarlık dergisinin 50. yılını kutladığımız 2013'ün ilk sayısıyla birlikte derginin "ayraç" bölümünde yeni bir koleksiyon oluşturmaya başladık. Ayraçları biriktirerek dünyada bulunan mimarlık müzelerinin... more
El diseño de "Monolith Controversies", el Pabellón de Chile en la 14.a Muestra Internacional de Arquitectura de la Bienal de Venecia (titulada Fundamentals), es resultado de una aproximación constructivista a la integración de los... more
« Rien n'entre dans la mémoire, et a fortiori dans l'intellect, sans avoir passé par les sens et par toute la série des facultés intérieures, forçant porte après porte par l'intensité de l'impression et par la vertu des émotions soulevées... more
A review essay on the 6th Marrakech Biennale, 'Not New Now', in 2016, published in Third Text Online
Tous droits réservés © Association Québécoise de Promotion des Recherches Étudiantes en Muséologie (AQPREM), 2013 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction)... more
L'image peut être un support à la recherche d'informations dans toutes les phases de la conception architecturale. L'utilisation d'outils d'aide à la conception proposant des références imagées semble être possible quel que soit le moment... more
En este artículo se discuten los principales cruces entre Arquitectura y Etnografía desde dos aproximaciones: primero, desde una revisión historiográfica, se examina bajo qué condiciones se gestaron estas transferencias disciplinares... more
Le mémoire aborde les dispositifs scénographiques de l'expositon où l'architecture est exposée comme l'objet exposé. En comparaison à la même échelle deux projets campus Vitra et Serpentine Pavillon, un débat se déclenche: est-il possible... more
Para el número especial dedicado a los archivos de arquitectura, hemos invitado a David Peyceré, director desde 1995 del Centre d’archives d’architecture du xxe siècle y quien además es redactor jefe de la revista Colonnes –publicación... more
Contributions to the Naturalizing Architecture, ArchiLab 2013 catalog
Exhibition Review of the 2019 Chicago Architecture Biennial.
El viaje a Marruecos del arquitecto noruego Sverre Fehn en 1951 es uno de los hitos más reseñables de su formación como arquitecto, pero también uno de los más desconocidos. Hasta la fecha, próximos al décimo aniversario de su... more