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The paper explores Tati's use of new film media in 'Playtime' in ways that reveal more fundamental modes of social, mimetic and situational mediation as performed in the film by architects, and architect-like characters, and by the... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureFilm StudiesFilm Theory
The intention of this thesis is to discuss the potential origins of the early Pyu and Mon era religious architecture of Myanmar. The period of architecture that will be in focus is the era preceding the 9th century CE., which marked the... more
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      BuddhismHinduismAncient HistorySymbology
Το παρόν κείμενο πραγματεύεται τον τρόπο με τον οποίο τα αρχετυπικά σύμβολα υπεισέρχονται στην αρχιτεκτονική δημιουργία επηρεάζοντας την αρχιτεκτονική έκφραση. Επιχειρείται, αρχικά, μια διαχρονική προσέγγιση της έννοιας του αρχετύπου, το... more
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      Architectural SymbolismArchitectural ArchetypesCarl Jung Archetypes
The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between the traditional beliefs and values of ancient societies and the architecture and urban design of those societies. By examining the common characteristics of cities and... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageUrban History
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      Art HistoryArchitectureIconography and IconologyArchitectural Symbolism
Kentucky, one of four Commonwealth states, became the 15th state of the Union in 1792. It was the birthplace of both president’s Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, was explored by Daniel Boone, saw numerous battles during both the... more
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      Symbolism (Religion)Symbolism (Art History)Christian IconographyKentucky History
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      Military ArchitectureArchitectural SymbolismHistory of houses, tower houses and castles
Mimar Sinan dönemi Osmanlı camilerinde uygulanan yazı programı, tasarım ve yapı arasındaki ilişkileri irdeleyen, mimari sembolizm üzerine çıkarımlarda bulunan bir kitap bölümü
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      Architectural HistoryHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureSanat TarihiKlasik Osmanlı Cami Mimarisi
Syllabus of a graduate course offered at METU Architectural History
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryIslamic' ArchitectureHistory of Art
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      Architectural SemioticsIndian Temple ArchitectureArchitectural Symbolism
The historic city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has been the home to Native Americans and immigrants from around the world. It is also home to a large variety of gargoyles, grotesques and monsters carved in stone and adorning banks,... more
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      Christian IconographyMedieval IconographyArchitectural Symbolism
The paper examines Christian architecture from the perspective of “meta-codal function”, i.e. through examination of architectural symbolism expressed solely by architectural means. Emphasizing symbolic and semantic content of... more
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      SymbolismHistory of architectureArchitectural SymbolismSacral architecture
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      Symbolism of LightMashhadArchitectural SymbolismImam Reza Shrine
Political embodiment within architecture has the capacity to legitimise the authority of a regime and thus stabilise power relations. The means through which this is carried out are enigmatic and involve the use of 'metaphor' and... more
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      Architecture and politicsArchitecture and powerArchitectural SymbolismThe Cultural Politics of Architecture and Urban Design
David Syme was buried a Presbyterian. Educated for the kirk, the son of a Scottish schoolmaster, and probably descended from that Syme of Ayrshire who befriended the poet Burns, David stepped out from the ministry to seek a broader field... more
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      ArchitectureAustralian architectureMortuary templeMemorialisation
Darbe pateikiamas alternatyvus Vilniaus Šv. apaštalų Petro ir Povilo bažnyčios meninės programos aiškinimas. Remiantis ikonografiniais pavyzdžiais yra tikslinama atskirų bažnyčios skulptūrinės puošybos motyvų prasmė ir interpretacija... more
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      Symbolism (Religion)Baroque art and architectureArchitectural SymbolismHistory of Vilnius
De l’Iran, Jean Chardin écrivait au XVIIe siècle qu’il « n’y a pas de pays au monde où l’on fasse des dômes si hardis et si beaux. » Dans l’Antiquité, les coupoles de briques couronnaient les palais et les temples zoroastriens des... more
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      Persian ArchitectureHistory of Persian art and architecturePersian domes and vaultsArchitectural Symbolism
Filozófia, építészeti emblematika és fantázia a kora újkori alkímiai diszkurzusban 1 Jól ismert, hogy az okkult-ezoterikus kozmológiai diagramok divatja a XVII. századra érte el tetőpontját. Ezeket a ma is csodálatra méltó metszeteket... more
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      AlchemyWestern Esotericism (History)Architectural Symbolism
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      Gianlorenzo BerniniRomaFrancesco BorrominiEphemeral architecture
This essay is a brief exploration of the mediative and rhetorical functions of the built environment. Specifically, I investigate the use of the word 'symbol' in Trump-era political discourse and the use of symbolic rhetoric to describe... more
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      SemioticsMedia StudiesArchitectureBorder Studies
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      Indian Temple ArchitectureArchitectural Symbolism