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A brief overview of colour science, tubular fluorescent lamps since 1970s, Lamp ranking and implications of banning most GLS incandescent lamps
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      Architectural LightingLighting Design
The increased use of self-luminous displays, especially in the evening prior to bedtime, has been associated with melatonin suppression, delayed sleep and sleep curtailment. The present study set out to investigate whether the Night Shift... more
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      Circadian RhythmsArchitectural LightingiPadMelatonin
Residential buildings are responsible for a large share of the total energy consumption. It is well-known that the correct use of natural and artificial lighting can improve energy efficiency. However, lighting in residential buildings... more
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      Energy PolicyArchitectural LightingBuilding Regulation & ControlLighting Design for Performance
Low energy buildings use less than 50 % of the energy used in typical buildings. Such energy efficient buildings can only be achieved by applying unconventional approaches. However, the applicability of the unconventional strategies and... more
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      ArchitectureRenewable EnergySustainable Building DesignArchitectural Lighting
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureArchitectural LightingLighting Design
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      Applied MathematicsArchitectural LightingMathematical Modelling
Durante el primer cuarto del siglo XX, las salas de cine se caracterizaron por su lujo y monumentalidad, así como por alcanzar capacidades de aforo para miles de espectadores. En los años treinta, se originó en los países europeos una... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitectural LightingMovie TheatersArchitecture/City and Cinema
The urban fabric comprises the crossed and connected lines of streets, squares and landscaped areas. In the continued development of our urban spaces, academics and critics have often debated the dual role of urban design as a product and... more
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      Urban PlanningArchitectural LightingUrban Design (Urban Studies)Urban Design
On Wednesday, Dec. 21, nations in the Northern Hemisphere will mark the winter solstice – the shortest day and longest night of the year. For thousands of years people have marked this event with rituals and celebrations to signal the... more
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      ChristianityEthnohistoryArchaeologyVisual Anthropology
The provision of daylighting in buildings reduces energy consumption required by electric lighting systems and protects the environment. In addition, it improves the visual environment within buildings, which reflects on the productivity... more
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      Environmental EngineeringArchitectureRenewable EnergyEnergy
Many museum and gallery exhibits are fragile objects that would not survive repeated handling. Even where this is not the case, it is generally frowned upon for visitors to touch exhibits. As a result, vision is by far the most important... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationArchitectural Lighting
A iluminação de espaços sagrados não é devidamente observada como elemento relevante para a eficácia de tais ambientes. Todavia, a contínua construção e manutenção de igrejas cristãs ao longo de milênios tem manifestado a luz como dotada... more
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      Architectural LightingStained GlassChurchIgreja
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      Architectural LightingModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Interwar Period HistoryBrussels
This paper is a review of the analysis of the horizontal lighting level for a pedestrian public space, with an aim to detect changes in the technical lighting features ascertained after the operation period with regular maintenance.... more
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      ArchitectureVisual perceptionArchitectural LightingUrban Design
A legacy after the success of the Passive and Low Energy Architecture conference organised in Edinburg, Scotland in June 2017.
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      Higher EducationRenewable EnergyClimate Change AdaptationSustainable Building Design
چکیده بینایی به عنوان مهمترین حس انتقالی در میان دیگر حواس انسانها در منتقل کردن احساسات به مغز انسان نقش بسیار مهمی را ایفا می کند ، که در این بین نور از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردار است . تحقیقات نشان می دهد که میزان شدت ، نوع منبع ، جهت و... more
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      Interior DesignArchitectural LightingHuman behavior
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      Architectural EngineeringReligionHistoryAncient History
Schools and universities are the main spaces for learning, in which he building design can easily affect the learning and interactive process where indoor environment should be considered carefully when designing these learning spaces.... more
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      Architectural LightingLighting Design for PerformanceQuality of Learning and TeachingArtificial Lighting
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      ArchitectureDesign Research Method (Architecture)Design ResearchSustainable Building Design
Reflections on LUZBOA by Kai Becker. Obviously not my text, but certainly one where a few my ideas resonate with the author's experience of the city. Reflexões sobre a LUZBOA, por Kai Becker. Obviamente, o texto não é meu, mas certamente... more
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      Space and PlaceArchitectural LightingLight and Shadow (Architectural Lighting)Urban Art
MGM Healthcare was inspired by a “health-caring movement” that looks to redefine the patient experience through design, expertise, technology and
environmental sustainability.
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      HorticultureArchitectureArchitectural LightingHealthcare design
Pavel Korbička’s take on Minimalism is developed by means of an assertively defined luminescent linearity. It works as an (en)light(ening) object input, which inhabits particular spaces while manifesting some sort of hidden order and... more
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      Art TheoryInstallation ArtSpatial cognitionContemporary Art
My area of interest is the lighting sense for visually impaired people. I find that lighting design disciplines is not considered enough for those who are visually impaired, especially for blind people. This is because to most sighted... more
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      Architectural LightingVisual ImpairmentsTransportation Design
Integration of sustainable project management into small business practices is seldom examined in architectural lighting design. One of the major elements of the sustainability of urban ambience entities and preservation of social,... more
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      Architectural LightingLED LightingArchitectural DesignUrban Design
In their quest for the ultimate truth, religions have often described spiritual essence as mystical white light. The light referred to here is the fundamental light of consciousness and awareness. While this mystic spectrum of light is... more
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      Architectural LightingLighting Design
This study explores the role of lighting in creating photogenic spaces. Photogenic spaces are intentionally created spaces within commercial spaces for inviting and stimulating users to shoot and share photographs on social media.... more
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      PhotographyArchitectural LightingLighting for the interiorLight and Shadow (Architectural Lighting)
It is vitally important to make your hotel stand out, it should be distinctive and give guests a memorable experience, so they come back and recommend it to other people. When guests first set foot in a hotel they briefly have a look... more
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      Hospitality StudiesArchitectural LightingLighting Design for PerformanceHospitality
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      Architectural LightingLighting DesignArchitectural Lighting Design
Aydınlatma endüstrisi sürekli olarak kendini yenilemekte ve bizi yeni teknolojilerle tanıştırmaktadır. Bu dönüşüm süreciyle birlikte yeni aydınlatma terimleri de hayatımıza girmektedir. Işığı ve aydınlatmayı anlamak için ilk önce... more
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      Architectural LightingLED LightingLighting DesignLighting
A high luminance contrast between windows and surrounding surfaces can increase the risk of discomfort glare, which can diminish office workers' satisfaction and productivity. Accordingly, it can lead to occupant interventions, such as... more
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      EngineeringArchitectural LightingLighting for the interiorDaylight Assessment
This study investigates the implications of the introduction of electric lighting systems, building technologies, and theories of worker efficiency on the deep spatial and environmental transformations that occurred within the corporate... more
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      Design HistoryArchitectural HistoryArchitectural LightingWorkplace design
In the early Middle Ages, solar observance shaped the art and architecture of Christian churches in primarily three ways. First, medieval writers from across the Mediterranean often related dramatic lighting effects to alignment with the... more
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      Architectural LightingLight & Space (Art)ArchaeoastronomyMedieval Architecture, Churches
Concept of the dymicity and the meaning , The Nature has Dynamic Identity, The building with the dynamic shape , Dynamic inside the building , Dynamic of light, Dynamic of Form Dynamic in the planning Dynamic with sustainable... more
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      Architectural LightingBioclimatic ArchitectureBioclimatic Urban DesignSustainable Architecture
Times Square is one of the most iconic places of New York City. It is known worldwide for its electronic billboards, theatres, and its endless nightlife. This is one of the most transited squares of the city and one of places that make NY... more
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      Architectural LightingLighting DesignLighted Signs
Issu de l'ouvrage "Ambivalences de la lumière" sous la direction de Charlotte Beaufort et Marylène Lebrère, aux éditions Presses de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, collection EFM n° 6, 2017.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural LightingAncient GreeceSacred Architecture
Human being, who discovered writing, firstly has written over stones and logs, later over tablets, papyruses, and metal surfaces because of needs he has obtained information. In this way, he has carried over information to future... more
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      Architectural LightingLightingLibrary of AlexandriaLibrary
A Abstract. This paper intends to show the relevance of light in the work of Louis Kahn and in the work of Hestnes Ferreira in formal and perceptive terms. Raúl Hestnes Ferreira (Lisbon, 1931) is a Portuguese architect who had the... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural LightingModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
Lighting allows users to accomplish their tasks, feel safe and understand the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is an inseparable component of buildings. Building codes, energy standards and regulations determine the required... more
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      Architectural LightingHousing for the Elderly (Architecture)Architectural Lighting DesignSenior Living Facilities
This article is primarily based on a lecture presented by Dr. Amardeep M Dugar at the LED Expo Thailand 2017, Bangkok. While he has not authored the article, some of his works along with other publications are used as references for... more
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesArchitectural LightingUrban Design (Urban Studies)
Introdução de 'Arte na Cidade', uma edição Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores. Disponível em: Texto de contracapa: Tendo como objetivo elucidar o público acerca das... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryPerforming ArtsArt
What are the intrinsic qualities of light, and how are the techniques and design approaches implemented in architecture? How are abstract lighting concepts conveyed, and how far is our perception of light rooted in the biological and... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural Lighting
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      Architectural HistoryArchitectural LightingModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Interwar Period History
Terdapat berbagai macam unsur yang mempengaruhi bangunan arsitektur. Salah satu yang paling berpengaruh adalah cahaya. Cahaya berperan besar dalam menciptakan suasana ruang, baik itu pencahayaan alami maupun buatan.
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      ArtArchitectureArchitectural Lighting
This lecture is one of a serious of lectures that focus on luminous environment "lighting design"t.
the course covers:
-physics of light
-natural lighting
-artificial lighting
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      ArchitectureInterior DesignArchitectural LightingInterior Design (Architecture)
Lo studio della storia dell'architettura si arricchisce di suggestione se, parallelamente all'analisi delle architetture in pietra, calcestruzzo, malta e mattoni, giunte fino a noi, si porta avanti in modo costante lo studio di quelle che... more
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      RomanticismArchitectural LightingGarden HistoryFireworks
Investigación realizada durante la Practica Profesional universitaria sobre el tema Iluminación.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural LightingArquitecturaLighting Design
Familiar and simple, yet entrancing and never the same, the play of light around us make the world endlessly compelling. People have always been drawn to gaze upon the dawning or setting sun, and in archaic times -from the Nile to the... more
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      Architectural LightingSri LankaBuddhist art and architectureLighting Design
The fact that colour and natural lighting have an impact on individuals in their environments cannot be disputed. This report examines the effects of these variables on gamblers, and in particular how lighting variation can alter their... more
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      Gambling StudiesArchitectural LightingLighting DesignDaylight
"BASE SEVEN and SOUND-COLOR CORRESPONDENCE" presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship... more
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      Creative WritingCreative WritingCritical TheoryHistory
The importance of lighting for performance in human adults is well established. However, evidence on the extent to which lighting affects school performance of young children is sparse. This paper evaluates the effect of lighting... more
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      Architectural LightingEcological PsychologyLighting Design for PerformancePsychological Effects Lighting