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RESUMEN: En la sociedad la diferencia entre los sexos se tradujo ideológicamente en un lenguaje binario y jerarquizado, donde el arte tuvo mucho que decir, ya que a través de sus creaciones el artista buscó siempre un término medio... more
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Kitaplarınızda okuduğum kadarıyla siz evrime inanıyor ve dinle bağdaştırıyorsunuz? Evet. Tekâmül (Evrim) görüşü, türlerin yaratılması inancına aykırı değildir. Bugün evrim artık nazariye olmaktan çıkmıştır. Dinî kitaplara aykırı da... more
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      Islamic StudiesArchetypesReligious StudiesEvolution and Creation
ÖZ Analitik Psikolojiye hayat veren Carl Gustav Jung, İsviçreli bir psikolog ve psikiyatristtir. Bu kuramıyla psikoloji tarihindeki üç büyük şahıstan(diğerleri: Freud ve Adler) biri olmuştur. Jung’ un bu dev kuramını incelemek... more
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      ArchetypesCarl G. JungUnconscious MindAnalitical Psychology
This article describes a potential way of counseling emerging adults from a life design perspective to construct a self that could enable them to be agents of both their own development and the development of others. Theoretical issues... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyPositive PsychologyMythology
Fire, flames and smoke are central to mysticism in cultures around the world. From Zoroastrianism in Persia to the Ta’aroa religious order in Polynesia, fire is an archetype of mystery and irony. It can injure and destroy yet we rely on... more
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      French LiteratureMythologyPolynesian StudiesArchetypes
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyIconographyJungian psychology
Although Jung made a connection between his concept of the archetype and mankind's evolutionary history throughout his career, he remained notoriously tight-lipped about his own specific views on evolutionary theory. In the final years of... more
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      Complexity TheoryChaos TheoryArchetypesTranspersonal Studies
The primary purpose of this article is to analyze the government-debt crisis in Greece between 2008 and 2015 from a historical and psychological perspective, utilizing Jungian theory of archetypes. Thus, the proposed archetypes,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhilosophical TheologyOrthodox TheologyArchetypes
Archetypal Expressionism lies between the two major paradigms of contemporary art, the figurative and the abstract. It represents the spiritual quest for common cultural roots beyond the tragic accidents of history. It is a fascinating... more
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    • Archetypes
The general concept of the research experiment is based on the idea of processing the subject of the relationship between the human body and the visual abstract symbols, to try to examine the visual possibilities that may emerge of that... more
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      PrintmakingArchetypesDigital PrintmakingArchetypes and Patterns
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      Philosophy of ScienceArchetypes
Why are people loyal? How do groups form and how do they create incentives for their members to abide by group norms? Until now, economics has only been able to partially answer these questions. In this groundbreaking work, Paul Frijters... more
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This paper outlines the fundamental precepts and practices of East-West spiritual counseling, which combines therapeutic approaches and theoretical frameworks found in Jungian depth psychology and Tibetan Buddhist Tantra. Emphasis is... more
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      SpiritualityJungian psychologyMandalasSpirituality & Mysticism
Fiction written for a younger audience tends to correspond to the Monomyth, or Hero’s Journey, as defined by Joseph Campbell, and this is doubly true of fantasy-based YA and children’s literature, wherein the crossing of the threshold... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureMonomyth/Hero's JourneyArchetypes
Il est étonnant de voir à quel point les critiques que Wittgenstein adresse à Freud-alors que sa connaissance du corpus freudien ne se limitait pourtant qu'à l'Interprétation des rêves-, peuvent préfigurer les différentes " hérésies " et... more
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      Jungian psychologySigmund FreudJungian and post-Jungian psychologyWittgenstein
Within the broad historical context in which transmedia has been practiced and studied, David Bowie and Floria Sigismondi are instructive for their transformative approaches toward creating art across media, and for their alchemical... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTheatre StudiesPopular Music
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
Рецензия на: Тадевос В. Тадевосян. Семантические параллели фольклорных архетипов: мифологический аспект: монография / Северо-осетинский гос. Университет. Владикавказ, 2014. 196 с.
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      FolkloreMythologyLexical SemanticsArchetypes
In the article the spiritual and educative activity of Kyiv-Mohyla academy in the context of metahistory in light of the main archetypes of the Ukrainian culture (archetype of word, archetype of the ethical value of free individuality,... more
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      ArchetypesMetahistoryUkrainian cultureKyiv-Mohyla academy
Lectures in the history of culture and civilization, urban culture, culturology, docu mentation science and cross courses in archaeology and heritage. His studies on the geometry of liquids and stationary waves have led to the elaboration... more
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      Computational PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Computational Fluid DynamicsNonlinear dynamics
The current context of public space in society is replete with conflicts around the roles and values it is based on. A constructive understanding and positioning on the matter becomes crucial in the practice of designing these spaces.... more
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      ArchetypesPublic SpaceBazaarCommon Ground
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Before we get to Eliade"s readings of specific kinds of myth or ritual, we should linger awhile on the initial claim that grounds those readings: "the symbol, the myth, the rite, express, on different planes and through the means proper... more
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      ReligionMythologyHistory of ReligionsArchetypes
Imagination provides an alternative mode of articulation in the psychotherapeutic setting. Engaging autonomous aspects of psyche places psychotherapy in creativity, thus leading to an authentic and meaningful subjective experience of... more
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      PsychologyPhotographyCounseling PsychologyArt Therapy
This study used frame analysis to explore gendered frames and archetypes in the news coverage of two mass shootings, in which both suspects were White, middle-class university professors: Amy Bishop at the University of Alabama and George... more
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      ArchetypesFeminist Media StudiesFraming
διάλεξη 9ου εξαμήνου, σχολή αρχιτεκτόνων εμπ
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      ArchitectureArchetypesLandscapeUnderground Architecture
The future is by its very nature uncertain and unknown, and only by discussion and debate regarding how the future may develop can we adequately prepare for what may lie ahead. A collaborative scenario development process was developed... more
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      EngineeringEuropean HistoryFuture StudiesEuropean Studies
O estudo tem como objetivo descobrir qual arquétipo é comum entre as cinco maiores marcas de luxo através da análise de suas redes sociais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória de metodologia netnográfica em que foram estudados os... more
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      Brand ImageArchetypesBrandingLuxury Brands
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      MythologyPhilosophyMonomyth/Hero's JourneyJoseph Campbell
The Jungian analyst Ann Shulgin, wife of the chemist Sasha Shulgin, discoverer of the psychoactive qualities of MDMA, talks of her psychotherapeutic practice of using MDMA to facilitate the first step of C.G. Jung individuation process,... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Jungian psychologyJungian and post-Jungian psychologyArchetypes
A purpose for this study is to explore creative interventions that can help women on their individuation path, based on personal exploration. This exploration utilizes the Jungian concepts of myth and archetypes, in connection to Jean... more
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      PsychologyArt TherapySymbolismArchetypes
A comparative analysis of Jungian depth psychology and Tibetan Buddhist Tantra reveals a fascinating array of similarities, which are united in their most essential form through the manner in which mythic imagery is employed in both... more
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      PsychotherapyJungian psychologyMandalasArchetypes
O uomo! Viaggia da te stesso in te stesso, ché da simile viaggio la terra diventa purissimo oro. Rȗmi
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      ComplexityArchetypesAlchimiaPsicologia Junghiana
Since the late 19th century, when the “new science” of psychology and interest in esoteric and occult phenomena converged – leading to the “discovery” of the unconscious – the dual disciplines of depth psychology and mysticism have been... more
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This article takes the “toxic masculinity” (TM) trope as a starting point to examine recent cultural shifts in common assumptions about gender, morality, and relations between the sexes. TM is a transculturally widespread archetype, or... more
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      Gender StudiesStoicismFeminismMasculinities
The phenomenon of The Lord of the Rings began to be popular in 2002, mainly for its movie version, directed by Peter Jackson. Behind the success, however; is the master of writing, J.R.R Tolkien, who wrote this epic fantasy in 1954. He... more
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      ChristianityJ. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureArchetypes
There are moments in the lives of nearly all human beings in which everyday human perception gives way to encounters with miraculous phenomena that cannot readily be explained. Often these experienceswhich may arise through the presence... more
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      Jungian psychologyArchetypesTibetan BuddhismTranspersonal Studies
Jung’s archetypes have been subject to numerous research studies. The trickster is an aspect of the shadow archetype in its negative traits, representing the shadowy sides of flexibility, fluidity, wit and ingenuity. The trickster is... more
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      LeadershipJungian psychologyArchetypesFailure
Analitik Psikoloji’ye (çözümlemeci ruhbilim) göre, arketipler kolektif bilinçdışındadır. Bunlar psişenin yapısal gücüllüğünü kurgular ve zamanla gelişim gösterir. Zaman zaman bireyin geçiş ya da bunalım dönemlerinde özgür kalırlar ve... more
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      MythologyThe SelfArchetypesCinema
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      TechnologyArtContemporary ArtSpirituality
"This study gathers and interprets the earliest extant references to architects in ancient Greek philosophy, as found in select works of Plato and Aristotle. Throughout this review, Plato and Aristotle [are] shown to consistently present... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryPolitical PhilosophyAristophanes
The Red-Haired Woman (2016) by Orhan Pamuk mirrors the east-west dichotomy by father-son relationship. The author integrates the narratives of King Oedipus and Rostam and Sohrab in the nucleus of the text and the protagonist's... more
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      Jungian psychologySocial and Collective MemoryCollective MemoryArchetypes
En este artículo presento mi trabajo en educación artística a partir de los sueños y el rastreo en el imaginario interno. Los sueños son fuente de creatividad, nos ayudan a vencer estereotipos, a través de ellos nos conocemos mejor,... more
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      Arts EducationArchetypesDreamsImaginaire
Web-like mycelium fungal networks under our feet are likened to the cyberweb structure and behavior of the Internet. Mythology, film, and pop-cultural symbols are utilized to explore the universal impulse to create network like shapes,... more
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      MythologyFilm AnalysisPattern RecognitionArchetypes
In what ways do we find and create meaning in our post-modern era? How do we use existing frameworks to engage in new debates, both in style and in content, on what it means to exist in the 21st century? These are the main questions this... more
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      GnosticismPersonality PsychologyMythologyPopular Culture
Sarah Waters’ Affinity (1999), set during the height of Victorian Spiritualism, consciously plays with Victorian truisms to subvert our expectations of class and gender roles, and retrospectively explore Victorian taboos of female power... more
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      Gothic LiteratureArchetypesNeo-Victorian LiteratureSpiritualism
This paper explores the potential for morally sustainable leadership, i.e. leadership with an awareness of both light and dark sides contained in the role of the leader, as symbolized by the archetype of the king. A narrative enquiry... more
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Ключевые слова: сравнительная мифология, мифологические универсалии, мировое древо, уральские народы.
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      MythologyArchetypesComparative mythologyFinno-Ugric studies
Revisión del desarrollo del arquetipo de la mujer fatal durante el periodo de auge del cine negro.
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      Gender StudiesArchetypesCinema StudiesFemme Fatale
ABSTRACT The world as a whole is already full of corruptions, especially when looking at the human rights and equality. From birth till death, people teach generations what is right and what is wrong, but never ask what's really right or... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureHuman RightsEquality and Diversity