Azlin Samsudin, Tarmiji Masron, Mokhtar Saidin, Jeffrey Abdullah and Saiful Shahidan.(2010). LEMBAH BUJANG, SEBUAH KERAJAAN LAMA YANG BERPUSAT: DARI PERSPEKTIF SISTEM MAKLUMAT GEOGRAFI (GIS).IN: Seminar Prosiding: Penanda Arasan... more
Trabajo correspondiente a la Tesis Doctoral: Sistema de Información Arqueológica: propuesta de normalización, desarrollo conceptual e informático, dirigida por Alfred Mauri i Martí y Julio Núñez Marcén. Desarrollada dentro del Programa de... more
Archaeology, like several other disciplines studying the physical landscape, is inherently about three-dimensional data; that is, about physical objects and volumes and their associated properties. Yet our records of this 3D reality have... more
A team of earth scientists conducted a series of exploratory transects across the summit of Eratosthenes Seamount in 2010 and 2012 to better understand the geologic structure of this unique flat-topped feature in the East Mediterranean... more
In a PhD-project at the University of Basel (CH) the completely excavated Insula 30 of the roman city Augusta Raurica (Augst/Kaiseraugst, CH) is in the focus of an archaeological interpretation. For the first time in Augusta Raurica this... more
The first and foremost task of archaeological heritage protection is the spatial identification of archaeological sites. Our study proposes the introduction of predictive archaeological models in Hungary based on studies involving the... more
La cartografia e la geografia acquistano un particolare ruolo quando le consideriamo in relazione alla problematica dei BB.CC. Tecniche e scienze tra le più antiche esse stesse spesso diventano oggetto delle nostre ricerche ed... more
Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" soll einem in der jüngeren Vergangenheit entstandenen Bedürfnis Rechnung tragen, nämlich Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen vornehmlich jüngerer... more
The investigated area was characterized by a great diversity of vegetation. Wetlands were occupied by riparian forests, and in some places by alder forests or small grass communities. The slopes and the moraine plateau were covered by... more
Wczesnośredniowieczna osada w Zawadzie, stan. 1, leżąca na obszarze doliny środkowej Odry należy na tym terenie do nielicznej grupy stanowisk rozpoznanych za pomocą metod wykopaliskowych. Zdecydowana większość pozostałych punktów... more
Des espaces et des rites. Pour une archéologie du culte dans les sanctuaires du monde méditerranéen Réseau de savoir-faire et de compétences dans l'archéologie des cultes antiques
In this study we detect and discuss possible find locations of Palaeolithic artefacts in the intra-montane Mugello basin (Italy), investigating landforms and the respective landscape forming processes based on soil erosion dynamics. The... more
This study tests the use of Frequency Ratio (FR), Statistical Index (Wi), and Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) methods for establishing predictive maps for Iron Age sites in the Bekaa (Lebanon). As such it stands as the first attempt to... more
This paper arises from the experience of the participation of a group of archaeologists in the drafting of the Landscape Plan of the Tuscany Region in the years 2011-2015. In the light of the latest experience in the field of applied... more
1 Sono particolarmente grata a tutti i colleghi della Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma (SSBAR) che hanno favorito la realizzazione del SITAR. Desidero ringraziare vivamente tutto il gruppo di lavoro che collabora... more
Ladislav Čapek – Ondřej Malina – Ladislav Rytíř: Jenišovice (Kr. Písek) – Erforschung eines untergegangenen mittelalterlichen Dorfes mit Hilfe von Oberflächenprospektionen. Gegenstand der Untersuchung war die Dorfwüstung Jenišovice bei... more
From 2005 the Italian Archaeological Expedition of the University of Naples “l’Orientale” (Naples, Italy) under the direction of Rodolfo Fattovich is conducting archaeological investigations in the area of Aksum, mainly focussing along... more
This paper provides the first results of the new research project focused on the territory of Selvena (a medieval castle in southern Tuscany). The main difference between the new research and the old one is the perspective on the... more