Archeological Gis

48 papers
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Archaeological GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is a specialized application of GIS technology in archaeology, used to analyze spatial data related to archaeological sites, artifacts, and landscapes. It facilitates the visualization, management, and interpretation of spatial relationships and patterns in archaeological research, enhancing the understanding of human behavior and cultural development over time.
Lo studio sul territorio tra il Salso ed il Platani ha consentito di implementare le conoscenze sulle dinamiche insediative di età bizantina di questo peculiare comprensorio che in questi secoli assume una valenza frontaliera tra la... more
Esiste un gruppo di modelli sviluppati sulla base di analogie con la legge di Newton: Analogamente, l'interazione fra due centri abitati, nei quali vi sia una concentrazione di popolazione nota, risulta direttamente proporzionale... more
Publikace vznikla díky podpoře projektu NAKI II Vrcholně středověká keramika jako součást movitého kulturního dědictví (DG18P02OVV020) financovaného Ministerstvem kultury České Republiky.
Riassunto La generalizzazione automatica è un campo di ricerca attivo da ormai oltre trenta anni. Recentemente il costante progresso delle tecniche e il miglioramento dei risultati ha portato all'introduzione di procedure di derivazione... more
through a selection of maps, of Pavia province, from the XVII century to the contemporary age. The aim is to present not only the evolution of landscape, but also the changing of his cartographic image and the different purposes of the... more
Sommario: 1. Prospettive dell’utilizzo della cartografia nella digital public history. – 2. I GIS e l’epistemologia digitale nell’uso della cartografia. – 3. Un Case Study: la cartografia nella storia del territorio della Provincia di... more
Les menhirs sont depuis longtemps considérés comme les traces d'une construction paysagère ancienne. Les techniques numériques actuelles permettent de réinterroger cette hypothèse à des échelles spatiales variées. Dans cette perspective,... more
La campagne de fouilles menee sur le Biet Giyorghis en 1996, par la Boston University (BU) et l'Istituto Universitario Orientale de Naples (IUO) etait consacree a l'etude du site d'Ona Nagast, pres d'Axoum, identifie lors... more
Riassunto La generalizzazione automatica è un campo di ricerca attivo da ormai oltre trenta anni. Recentemente il costante progresso delle tecniche e il miglioramento dei risultati ha portato all'introduzione di procedure di derivazione... more
The chapter in the book deals with the regional development of the high and late medieval pottery in Bohemia and Moravia (11.-15 th centuries). Authors try to define regional production and distribution circuits with specific production... more
A team of earth scientists conducted a series of exploratory transects across the summit of Eratosthenes Seamount in 2010 and 2012 to better understand the geologic structure of this unique flat-topped feature in the East Mediterranean... more
Habitat suitability models based on expert knowledge-a comparison of fuzzy set approaches using the example of Western Mediterranean dwarf rush communities
This article presents the results of a medieval pottery analysis from Gutstejn Castle (District of Tachov). The medieval pottery was obtained during archaeological excavations in the years 1997–2001. The proposed chronological model,... more
The chapter in the book deals with the regional development of the high and late medieval pottery in Bohemia and Moravia (11.-15 th centuries). Authors try to define regional production and distribution circuits with specific production... more
This geophysical study is part of a multidisciplinary archaeological research project designed to provide the framework for the reconstruction of the cultural and environmental history of the region to the southwest of Aksum and for the... more
Klíčová slova: osídlení-zaniklá vesnice-vrcholný středověk-povrchový sběr-geofyzikální průzkum. The deserted medieval village of Habřinka, near Hořiněves (Hradec Králové district). Analysis and interpretation of surface collecting and... more
Tesis presentada a la Facultad de Historia, Geografía y Ciencia Política de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile para optar al grado académico de Magíster en Geografía y Geomática
The study uses global quantitative proteomics to investigate the molecular mechanisms behind the induction of endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) by transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometers and... more
Il rapporto si articola innanzitutto in una ricognizione dei sistemi osservativi marini esistenti (alcuni dei quali non inclusi in RITMARE) e delle loro componenti. Si analizzano poi in dettaglio gli avanzamenti conseguiti nel corso dei... more
The first and foremost task of archaeological heritage protection is the spatial identification of archaeological sites. Our study proposes the introduction of predictive archaeological models in Hungary based on studies involving the... more
In environmental archaeology, as in geography, anthropology, and also in the management of the territory, it is necessary to understand the strategies adopted by the man in structuring the space from it lived and used. After having... more
This paper provides the first results of the new research project focused on the territory of Selvena (a medieval castle in southern Tuscany). The main difference between the new research and the old one is the perspective on the... more
The purpose of this work is to present the new features of NILDE software and the future developments that will allow other systems to interact with NILDE through the use of API (Application Programming Interfaces). API’s deployment is... more
some considerations about Eneolithic defensive system - the settlment of Varvata-Cetatuie, Suceava County, Romania
Klíčová slova: zaniklá středověká vesnice-dálkový průzkum Země-plužiny-geofyzikální prospekcehistorické mapy. Non-destructive research into the field systems and the structure of the built-up area of the deserted medieval village of... more
Classification of streams into perennial, intermittent or ephemeral is necessary in certain fields. Environmental studies can benefit from a map showing stream classification. In addition, it is necessary to know the stream classification... more
Classification of streams into perennial, intermittent or ephemeral is necessary in certain fields. Environmental studies can benefit from a map showing stream classification. In addition, it is necessary to know the stream classification... more
In Part One, we have outlined the evaluative system and preparation of preliminary archaeological documentation (henceforth: PAD), as well as the methodological possibilities of site-detection and analysis. In this part, we are going to... more
In the first part of our planned two-part article, we are presenting an outline of the system of preliminary archaeological documentation (PAD 1) that must be prepared 2 in the case of large investment projects, the process of its... more
The contribution deals with the issue of dating the deserted villages of Prochod and Žďár in the Velechvín forest district, located not far from České Budějovice, on the basis of analysis of high and late medieval pottery which has been... more
Cílem příspěvku je zhodnotit více než 60letý vývoj systematického studia keramiky vrcholného a pozdního středověku v Čechách a představit základní témata a metody, které se rozvíjely v souladu s formující se disciplínou archeologie... more
Havraň ležela severovýchodně od města Nymburk v úrodné polabské nížině a rozkládala se na říčních terasách řeky Mrliny (dnes poloha Havransko, k.ú. Vestec). Důležitost lokality byla dána její polohou u cesty z Prahy do východních Čech a... more
This study tests the use of Frequency Ratio (FR), Statistical Index (Wi), and Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) methods for establishing predictive maps for Iron Age sites in the Bekaa (Lebanon). As such it stands as the first attempt to... more
This paper arises from the experience of the participation of a group of archaeologists in the drafting of the Landscape Plan of the Tuscany Region in the years 2011-2015. In the light of the latest experience in the field of applied... more
In J. Chyla, J. Lechnio, M. Stępień, D. Zaszewski (eds), FORUM GIS UW. GIS na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Materiały pokonferencyjne z 5. i 6. Forum GIS na UW, Warszawa 2019, 34‒46. A very interesting research topic is the location of... more
Medieval pottery from the defunct eastern wing in the second courtyard of Strakonice Castle. The aim of this study is to analyse a collection of medieval pottery from the area of the defunct eastern wing which was identified during... more
V souvislosti se záchranným archeologickým výzkumem budoucí trasy dálnice D11 vyvstala otázka způsobu zpracování získaných dat. Vzhledem k předpokládanému objemu dat se ideálním prostředkem jevily geodatabáze. Z několika možností řešení... more
This session continues ongoing discussion of the changes that are happening in archaeological field prospection today, specifically further development of GNSS that helps to navigate in the landscape, and the possibility to bring your GIS... more
Într-o încercare de a împleti armonios o componentă teoretică cu lucrul practic, lucrarea abordează un subiect de actualitate, ce se încadrează în tendințele recente de modernizare a arheologiei și a posibilităților de interpretare, prin... more
The article provides a brief overview of the historical stages of the development of geographic information systems and describes the experience of their use in ecological and faunistic studies. The examples of using GIS for the... more
Aim of this work was to establish detail map of natural stands of Pinus cembra and Larix decidua and its habitat selection according to altitude, slope, aspect and inclination in the Sucha Woda Valley, Tatra National Park. Detail... more
Ritz, Viller à paraître : Ritz S., Viller S., « L’exploitation des calcaires en plaquettes de la Dalle d’Etain dans l’agglomération gallo-romaine de Senon (Meuse) », in Boulanger K., Moulis C. (éd.), Pierre à Pierre : économie de la... more
A team of earth scientists conducted a series of exploratory transects across the summit of Eratosthenes Seamount in 2010 and 2012 to better understand the geologic structure of this unique flat-topped feature in the East Mediterranean... more