Recent papers in Archeobotany
Cerial grains in ritual contexts. Early Bronze Age in Sommaränge Skog by Camilla Forsman and Anneli Ekblom Sommaränge skog, situated between Viksta och Sätuna in Viksta parish, is an important locality for understanding burial practices... more
Estudios etnohistóricos y etnográficos en el área Centro Sur Andina indican el uso del término vilca para nombrar la especie Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil; sin embargo, estudios etnográficos en el norte de Chile detectaron el uso del... more
Les analyses morphométriques de lots de pépins non carbonisés provenant des puits de deux sites viticoles du Biterrois (Languedoc) permettent d'affecter une proportion élevée de ces derniers à la vigne sauvage (Vitis vinifera subsp.... more
Il volume sugli scavi del complesso “Novi Sad” a Modena, è il sigillo conclusivo ad una operazione di vasta portata dal punto di vista archeologico, che ha visto impegnata l’allora Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici... more
Mottes E., Rottoli M., 2006. I resti carpologici del sito neolitico de La Vela di Trento (campagne di scavo 1975 e 1976), in PESSINA A., VISENTINI P. (a cura di), Preistoria dell'Italia settentrionale. Studi in ricordo di Bernardino... more
Ahogy a betegségek, úgy a gyógyításuk iránti igény és szándék is egyidős velünk. Az érzéstelenítés hiánya, a fertőzések és a vérzés veszélye miatt az emberiség történetének jelentős részében az operáció csak a legvégső esetben jöhetett... more
En este artículo se presentan los datos arqueobotánicos relacionados con la agricultura existentes para el 6º y el 5º milenio en Andalucía. Tras la descripción de los principales conjuntos arqueobotánicos documentados en los que... more
Her şeyden önce ve her şeyden sonra yaşam, daima bir tür yeşerme olarak ifade bulmuştur. Doğumda ve dirimde, bollukta ve doyumda bu yeşermenin varlığı duyulur. Hayat ağacı dünyanın merkezinde, sayısız yuvayla donanmış dallarıyla, kökten... more
Vent’anni di ricerche della Missione italiana nel deserto del Karakum hanno rivelato come la regione del Murghab sia stata teatro dei primi scambi e interazioni tra le popolazioni sedentarie locali e i nomadi delle steppe euro-asiatiche... more
A kötet a Bodajk város közigazgatási területén feltárt avar (6–9. század) és honfoglalás kori (10. század) temetőrészletek teljesség igényével történő közlésére vállalkozik. Az alapközlésen túlmenően számos tudományág kutatóinak... more
Schlagwörter: Experimentelle Archäologie – Römische Kaiserzeit – Germania magna – Brandgräber – Beigabensitten – Verbrennungsplätze – Leichenbranduntersuchungen – Archäobotanik – Archäozoologie Keywords: experimental... more
El presente trabajo pretende ofrecer al lector interesado una revisión bibliográfica y critica de los trabajos realizados con respecto al uso de los “adaptógenos” durante los últimos años en el territorio peruano y parte de los Andes... more
This database is a stand-alone version (also integrated in CalPal Edition 2025.01) of the main CalPal-Format Excel 14C-Database (24,268 MB), with dates (total N=215187 dates, N=37632 sites, ca. 99.7% georef) stored in spreadsheets... more
In 2018, the field studies on The Big Island (Tell Golemija ostrov ) at Durankulak village continued for the 27th consecutive season. Building N8/ VII was fully explored (Culture Hamangia IV). We found out that it was originally without... more
During the Early Bronze Age olive tree cultivation begins to be practiced and it comes to create complex production systems and economic relations, whose management, closely related to the environment and the climate of the Southern... more
Cet ouvrage fait suite à la tenue d’un Séminaire Archéologique de l’Ouest sur la relation entre l'Homme et son environnement pendant l'âge du Fer dans l'Ouest de la France, qui s'est déroulé le 24 mars 2014 à l’Université de Nantes. La... more
The agriculture of the Dnieper river archaeological cultures of the third quarter of the 1st Millenium A.D. has not become a separate study subject. This data is important for agriculture analysis: paleoecologic indicators; artifacts;... more
In 2015 a research was carried out in the southern (excavation 8) and central (excavation 9) parts of the settlement (fig. 1). By the excavation 8 a complex of dwelling 1 and household building 2 were investigated (fig. 2); by the... more
Bothros of the Tumulus culture found at the state administrational boundary of Ménfőcsanak. Spiral decoration on the clay frieze of a building. The report focuses on only one feature of the preventive archaeological excavation performed... more
El tema de esta investigación se vincula con el conocimiento sobre los recursos naturales que predominan en el ambiente lacustre de la Cuenca de México para la subsistencia de grupos cazadores-recolectores, se aborda el proceso de... more
Монографія присвячена вивченню господарства населення юхнівської культури раннього залізного віку лісової смуги Східної Європи. На підставі наявних матеріалів максимально повно проаналізовані землеробство, тваринництво, мисливство і... more
In the years 1989-1991, the National Museum carried out a series of targeted investigations of the well-known, protected ancient monument Borremose Fortress in central Vesthimmerland. In this paper, the person responsible for the... more
The environmental evidence from excavations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is discussed in relation to the foods available to the inhabitants of medieval Leicester. Charred plant remains give evidence of the cereals cultivated... more
This is the second volume I have edited on paleoethnobotanical research in the Northeast. The first, published as Current Northeast Paleoethnobotany, New York State Museum Bulletin 494 in 1999, was based on a symposium held at the New... more