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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
The North China craton and the Yangtze craton (South China) both contain Archean rocks in eastern China. Unlike the North China craton, where Archean rocks are widespread, in the Yangtze craton the exposed Archean rocks are only known in... more
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      Archean geologyPrecambrian GeologyYangtze Craton
Common models for modern calcite precipitation in and around caves, soils, springs and streams involve CO2 supplied by thick, high pCO2 biogenic soils which were probably thin or non-existent before vascular plants. Indeed... more
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Undisturbed mid Archean crust (stabilized by 3.0-2.9 Ga) has several characteristics that distinguish it from post Archean crust. Undisturbed mid-Archean crust has a low proportion of internal seismic boundaries (as evidenced by converted... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsTectonicsArchean geology
"Zircon U–Pb–Lu–Hf–O isotopic compositions of two granitic gneisses from the Kongling Terrain in the Yangtze Craton, South China were determined by SIMS, LA-ICP-MS and LA-MC-ICP-MS. Whole rocks of the two samples were analyzed for major... more
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      Archean geologyPrecambrian Geology
It has been proposed that Archean tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic magmas (TTGs) formed by melting of mafic crust at high pressures. The residual mineralogy of the TTGs (either (garnet)-amphibolite or rutile-bearing eclogite) is... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryArchean (Precambrian tectonics)Archean geology
The origin of amphibolite-facies aluminous gneiss from the gold-hosting Neoarchean Storø Supracrustal Belt in the Nuuk region of southern West Greenland is investigated in this study. An improved understanding of the formation of such... more
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      Archean geologyPrecambrian Metasedimentary Rocks
Archean, Paleoproterozoic, and Mesoproterozoic rocks, assemblages, and structures differ greatly both from each other and from modern ones, and lack evidence for subduction and seafloor spreading such as is widespread in Phanerozoic... more
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      TectonicsArchean (Precambrian tectonics)Archean geologyMantle Petrology
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyEarth SciencesGeology
Growing evidence from the accessible geological record reveals that crust–mantle differentiation on Earth started as early as 4.4 Ga. In order to assess the extent of early Archean mantle depletion, we obtained 176Lu–176Hf, 147Sm–143Nd,... more
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      GeochemistryHistory of ScienceOrigins of LifeArchean (Precambrian tectonics)
This paper explores the secular evolution of the height of an isostatically balanced collisional mountain belt in the context of ongoing convergence. We show that until the Neo- archean, continents were unable to sustain topography >2500... more
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsTectonicsPrecambrian tectonics
Palaeoarchaean cherts preserve the most ancient direct traces of life, but this palaeobiological testament is rarely assimilated into ecosystem or biome models. Trace and rare earth element plus yttrium (REE + Y) compositions reliably... more
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      PalaeoenvironmentPaleoenvironmentICP-MSArchean geology
40Ar/39Ar age spectra with progressively increasing step ages are well known for metamorphic hornblende and have been classically interpreted by partial loss of radiogenic argon by diffusion processes during younger thermo-tectonic... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyMineralogyMetamorphic Petrology
In this study we present U–Pb and Hf isotope data combined with O isotopes in zircon from Neoarchean granitoids and gneisses of the southern São Francisco craton in Brazil. The basement rocks record three distinct magmatic events: Rio das... more
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    • Archean geology
Hydrothermal black chert veins intruding the 3.46 Ga Apex Basalt contain some of Earth's oldest microfossil-like objects, whose biogenicity has been questioned. Whilst these black chert veins have been studied in great detail, relatively... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeobiologyAstrobiology
New geological mapping and geochronology in the northeast Yilgarn Craton has changed our geological understanding of this region. The Yilgarn Craton had previously been divided into a series of terranes, with the easternmost Eastern... more
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      GeochronologyArchean geologyYilgarn Craton (Precambrian tectonics)
The 2724–2722 Ma Stoughton-Roquemaure Group (SRG) of the Abitibi greenstone belt (the Archean Superior Province, Canada) is a ≤2 kmthick komatiite–basalt succession intermittently exposed for about 50 km along strike. The ultramafic and... more
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      Precambrian tectonicsPetrology and GeochemistryArchean geologyGeochemistry, volcanology and Isotope geology
Deformation microstructures of a quartzo-feldspathic pegmatite deformed at mid-crustal levels allow the study of the dynamics of strain localization in polymineralic rocks. Strain localization results from (i) difference in grain sizes... more
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      Precambrian tectonicsArchean geologyMicrostructures
"Many continental growth models have been proposed over the years to explain geological and geochemical data. Amongst these data, the evolution of the 87Sr/86Sr of marine carbonates has been used as an argument in favour of delayed... more
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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeSea LevelArchean geology
The Grunehogna Craton (GC, East Antarctica) is interpreted as part of the Archaean Kaapvaal Craton of southern Africa prior to Gondwana breakup. The basement of the GC is only exposed within a small area comprising the dominantly... more
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      Petrology and GeochemistryArchaean (Earth Sciences)Archean geologyKalahari craton
This paper addresses the relationships between relic amphibolite-eclogites facies (AE) eclogites and their host units, Archaean amphibolites, enveloped by Archaean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneisses, in the Kuru-Vaara study... more
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      Petrology and GeochemistryArchean geologyUHP MetamorphismArchean geodynamics
–A Paleoarchean impact spherule-bearing interval of the 763 m long International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) drill core BARB5 from the lower Mapepe Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton Mountain Land (South Africa)... more
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      Petrology and GeochemistryArchean geologyNear Infrared SpectroscopyMeteorite Impacts
There are growing indications that life began in a radioactive beach environment. A geologic framework for the origin or support of life in a Hadean heavy mineral placer beach has been developed, based on the unique chemical properties of... more
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      Origins of LifePrebiotic ChemistryArchaean (Earth Sciences)Archean geology
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      PaleobiologyGeochemistryArchean geology
Stresses acting on cold, thick and negatively buoyant oceanic lithosphere are thought to be crucial to the initiation of subduction and the operation of plate tectonics, which characterizes the present-day geodynamics of the Earth.... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyVolcanologyTectonics
Oxygen isotopic and geochemical analyses on whole rock and quartz veins are combined with structural observations in order to constrain the fluid circulation history within the Mesoarchaean Warrawoona syncline of the North Pilbara Craton,... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyExploration GeochemistryArchean geology
The present contribution reviews bulk-rock geochemical data for mid-Archaean (ca. 3075–2840 Ma) metavolcanic rocks from the North Atlantic Craton of southwest Greenland. The data set includes the most recent high quality major and trace... more
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      GeologyArchean geologyAndesite
(By Thybo H., Youssof M. and Artemieva I.M.) The long-term stability of Precambrian continental lithosphere depends on the rheology of the lithospheric mantle as well as the coupling between crust and mantle lithosphere, which may be... more
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      Archean geologyMagmatismSeismic AnisotropyCrustal evolution
The Archean‐Proterozoic boundary is placed at 2500 Ma and marks possibly the most dramatic change in Earth’s history. The Great Oxidation Event (GOE) took place between 2.45 and 2.32 Ga as part of an Archean‐Proterozoic transition rather... more
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      Archean geologyBanded Iron FormationChemostratigraphyEarly Life on Earth
Microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy techniques are routinely use to constrain ore-fluids d18O and molar proportions of anhydrous gas species (CO2, CH4, N2). However, these methods remain imprecise concerning the ore-fluids composition... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryExploration GeochemistryTectonics
Using triaxial numerical experiments, we investigated the evolution of the state of stress and that of the bulk instantaneous and finite strain during ongoing convergence and subsequent progressive tectonic unloading of a warm and buoyant... more
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      Structural GeologyTectonicsPrecambrian tectonicsArchean geology
In order to understand the tectonic behaviour of a stabilized Neoarchaean continental crust during subsequent tectonic activity, we investigated the compositemetamorphic basement along the Terre Adélie and George Vth Land coastline, also... more
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      Structural GeologyTectonicsGeochronologyArchean geology
The origin of the iron oxides in Archean and Paleoproterozoic Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) is still a debated question. We report low and high temperature magnetic properties, susceptibility and saturation magnetization results joined... more
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      GeologyRock magnetismArchean geologyLife in the Archean
Mélanges characterize Phanerozoic con-vergent plate boundaries, but have rarely been reported from Archean orogens. In this paper, we document a Neoarchean ophiolitic mélange in the Eastern Hebei Province of the North China Craton. The... more
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      GeologyTectonicsArchean geologyArchean crustal evolution
Metamorphic hornblende frequently yields spectra with progressively increasing 40Ar/39Ar age steps, often interpreted as caused by partial resetting due to thermally activated radiogenic argon loss by solid-state diffusion. Yet, in many... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyMineralogyMetamorphic Petrology
Archean greenstone belts and their possible inclusion of fragments of ophiolites is an important research subject, since it is correlated with the nature of early oceanic crust, and can yield information on the nature of early planetary... more
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      TectonicsOphiolitesArchean geologyPrecambrian Geology
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      Archean geologyBarberton
The continental crust is the primary archive of geological history, and is host to most of our natural resources. Thus, the following remain critical questions in Earth Science, and provide an underlying theme to all of the contributions... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeochemistryTectonics
The 3.46 Ga Marble Bar Chert Member of the East Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, is one of the earliest and best preserved sedimentary successions on Earth. Here, we interpret the finely laminated thin-bedded cherts, mixed conglomeratic... more
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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeArchean geologyMass extinctions
Large basaltic provinces up to 15 km thick are common in Archean cratons. Many of these flood basalts erupted through continental crust but remained at sea level. While common in the Archean, subaqueous Continental Flood Basalts (CFBs)... more
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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeSea LevelArchean geology
The Middle Marker – horizon H1 of the Hooggenoeg Formation – is the oldest sedimentary horizon in the Barberton greenstone belt and one of the oldest sedimentary horizons on Earth. Herein, we describe a range of carbonaceous... more
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      GeobiologyArchean geologyMicrobial mats
Tidalites are preserved within a metavolcano-sedimentary succession of the Late Archaean BababudanGroup (Dharwar Supergroup) along the western boundary of the NNW-SSE trending Chitradurga green-stone belt, West Dharwar Craton, southern... more
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      Archean geologyTidesPrecambrian GeologyTide-influenced sedimentary systems
Despite the consensus that TTGs, the main constituents of the Archaean continental crust worldwide, originated by partial melting of garnet-bearing amphibolites, natural evidence is scarce. A large variety of Archaean amphibole- rich... more
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      Archean geologyAmphiboliteMeltingTTG
The Matagami mining camp in the northern Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada contains 19 known Archean volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, 11 of which have collectively produced 46.5 Mt of zinc-rich ore to date. The VMS deposits... more
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      VolcanologyGeochronologyArchean geologyAbitibi
The Carswell structure in the western Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan (Canada), has previously been interpreted as an eroded impact structure with a minimum diameter of ~36 km, the outer margin of which is broadly defined by an... more
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      GeologyMeteoriticsArchean geologySedimentary geology and stratigraphy
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      Archean geologyPrecambrian GeologyStromatolitesChemostratigraphy
Le camp minier de Matagami, situé dans le nord de la ceinture archéenne de roches vertes de l’Abitibi au Québec, abrite 19 gisements de sulfures massifs volcanogènes (SMV) connus dont dix ont été exploités depuis 1963. Ces... more
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      GeochemistryVolcanologyVolcanic GeologyU-Pb Dating
Planetary climate and surface chemistry are tightly coupled; atmospheric composition affects the transfer of solar and infrared radiation, and therefore climate, whereas the components of climate, including temperature and precipitation,... more
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      GeobiologyEarthMarsArchean geology