Archaic Greek history
Recent papers in Archaic Greek history
This paper addresses the construction of a " national " identity of the Athenian inhabitants during the tyrannical governance of Peisistratos and his sons (561/0-511/0 BCE 1) mainly through a series of religious practices, such as the... more
De Tirteu, poeta espartano arcaico do século VII a.C., restaram-nos apenas poemas elegíacos fragmentários. Seus fragmentos dividem-se entre aqueles que narravam a história e os preceitos espartanos, instituídos por reis descendentes dos... more
This book presents a new study of Greek large-scale bronze statuary of the late Archaic and Classical periods. It examines the discovery, origin, style, date, artistic attribution, identification, and interpretation of the surviving... more
Any building can be perceived as the summation of specific actions surrounding the gathering and construction of a precise volume and variety of materials. By working backwards and quantifying its individual aspects, a structure can be... more
Non-destructive analysis by means of portable X-ray flourescence (pXRF) and Raman spectroscopy of color traces on sculptures and architectural parts from the Delphi Museum, Phokis, Greece, are presented. These sculptures and architectural... more
The case of Wahibreemakhet, son of Alexikles and Zenodote, is the most prominent example for the high status that Greeks – as mercenaries or advisors – could attain in Egypt under the Saite pharaohs. The present article argues that his... more
The much shorter Archaiologikon Deltion for the single year of 2005 invariably offers far fewer reports on the work of the Archaeological Service than the four-year volume with which we were presented last year. This, in itself, is no bad... more
Counselors, councilors and ambassadors are often complementary figures, but from Homeric Greece to classical Sparta we know of certain characters like the hero Odysseus or the Spartiate Lichas who perform all of these tasks (i.e.... more
Die Geschichte des Ionischen Aufstandes und der Perserkriege (5. Jh. v. Chr.) ist von dem antiken Geschichtsschreiber Herodot überliefert worden. Eine unreflektierte Übernahme seiner Erzählung ist jedoch nicht möglich. Allerdings läßt... more
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Pocz"tki sympozjonu. Geneza greckiej biesiady arystokratycznej w wietle materia ‡u archeologicznego, IXVIII w. p.n.e. 1
The paper argues that Cleisthenes’ military reforms were not improvised. The general view of war in Archaic Athens as a series of skirmishes between small contingents recruited on an almost private basis must be qualified, as there are... more
¡ Hola a todos! Aquí seguimos, en la brecha, con vosotros y presentando nuestro séptimo número de la revista. Pues sí, los problemas superados y con muchas ganas de continuar, juntando fi las y cargando sobre el enemigo, todo por el bien... more
Esposizione di approfondimento per studenti liceali e di laurea triennale. Atene è l"altro polo nella gamma di possibili forme della polis greca. Il cammino di Atene è per certi versi opposto a quello di Sparta: se a Sparta l"ordine... more
New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare brings together essays from specialists in ancient history who employ contemporary tools and approaches to reveal new evidence and increase knowledge of ancient militaries and warfare. In-depth... more
Milo of Croton, a famous sixth-century BC athlete is undoubtedly the most celebrated sportsman of the Ancient World. We owe details of Milo's career, with his six Olympic victories in wrestling, to Pausanias the Periegete mainly, and -as... more
ÜssRLncuNGEN zuR f,'uNKTroN üBERREGToNALER Fpsre rvr ARCHAISCHEN GRIECHENLANDI Bei der Analyse der sogenannten panhellenischen ebenso wie der amphiktyonischen Feste stand und steht die Frage nach der Funktion dieser Fesüe gegenüber jener... more
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
This new companion (edited by Patrick Finglass and Adrian Kelly) aims to incorporate the newest finds of Sappho's poetry into an overall study of her importance in the ancient world and her reception into the modern. The cast list and... more
"L’itinerario dell’eroe Philoktetes, nel ‘Catalogo delle navi’ signore arciere e capo di arcieri in partenza per l’impresa troiana, ha origine nella penisola di Magnesia. La fisionomia mitica del personaggio è completa. Essa riflette,... more
Archaic owl tetradrachms form an important subset of our research into Early Attic coinage. This paper analyses their physical characteristics and silver content based on measurements of 424 owl tetradrachms and 81 owl obols for... more
ENGLISH: Is it possible to talk about politeness in ancient Greece? Modern sociology defines politeness as a system of rules, which set behavioural patterns in accordance with different social situations. Ancient Greek thought never... more
Neoanalysis and narratology in their different ways allow the poet to comment upon well-kown, distinct oral or written texts which are not subject to continuous change. This liberates the poets from both the almost compulsory... more
L’itinerario dell’eroe Philoktetes, nel ‘Catalogo delle navi’ signore arciere e capo di contingenti di arcieri in partenza per l’impresa troiana, ha origine nella penisoletta di Magnesia. Il personaggio mostra una fisionomia mitica... more
This volume is the edited collection of the papers from a conference we hosted in Oxford in 2017, drawing together specialists from the United Kingdom, continental Europe and the United States, to examine afresh the relationship between... more
Die Erfindung des griechischen Alphabets ist eine der wichtigsten und folgenreichsten Errungenschaften der westlichen Kulturgeschichte. Deshalb wüssten wir gerne, wann, wo, wie, durch wen und wozu sie geschehen ist. Wir kennen diese... more
An analysis on land-reform and wealth amongst the Spartiates of Ancient Lacedaemon
Aquest treball té per objecte l'anàlisi del que Hülsz 1 anomena «categories de racionalitat "objectiva"» (φύσις, κόσμος, πῦρ i θεός) i «categories de racionalitat "subjectiva"» (ψυχή, ἦθος i λόγος) que componen del pensament heraclitià,... more
The exploration of Didyma began during the Renaissance, since then many travellers have arrived to visit and examine the ruin of the world’s largest temple dedicated to Apollo. The excavations continue to this very day and have brought to... more
Το 1972 οι αρχαιολόγοι Βαγγέλης και Όλγα Κακαβογιάννη αποκάλυψαν ένα ζευγάρι αρχαϊκών επιτύμβιων αγαλμάτων, έναν κούρο και μια κόρη (τη γνωστή «Φρασί- κλεια»). Η ανακάλυψη οδήγησε στη διαπίστωση ότι οι αρχαϊκοί αττικοί επιτύμβιοι κούροι... more
Hellenika kaina: Bedeutende Neuentdeckungen der griechischen Literatur FS 2022
Di. 16-18, hybrid (mit Zoom-online-Zuschaltung)
You receive the link via Marlene Thurm ([email protected]).
Di. 16-18, hybrid (mit Zoom-online-Zuschaltung)
You receive the link via Marlene Thurm ([email protected]).