Any discussion on object value has to start with Marcel Mauss's famous dictum: " To give something is to give part of oneself. To give away is to give part of one's nature and substance , to receive something is to receive a part of... more
As means of locomotion, mount animals, sedan chairs or chariots are known from ancient Egypt for overland travel (Köpp, 2008b, 401-412; Köpp- Junk, 2013: 6-9; 2014: 199-276). The oldest mode of travel, however, was simply to walk... more
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English abstract: Since the discovery in 1860 of La Pastora, one of the most beautiful and outstanding megalithic constructions of Iberia, the Copper Age and Bronze Age site of Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán has... more
A kötet a támogatásával valósult meg A kötet megjelenését a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Információs Hivatal "Tudományos Mecenatúra Pályázat" MEC_K_21 alprogramja támogatta (MEC_K_141246). A kötet az Árpád-ház Program támogatásával... more
Archaeologists across all fields of research make generous use of the concepts ‘prestige’ and ‘prestige goods.’ In the process, prestige and social status are usually conflated. It follows that discussions of prestige goods solely focus... more
Keywords: craftsman, desirable goods, ceramic technology, metal technology,
cultural interaction
cultural interaction
Les rapports entre les religions et l’argent sont loin de se limiter aux discours que développent souvent les premières en matière de régulation éthique des activités lucratives et d’usage des richesses. Toute vie religieuse implique – à... more
When Malcolm Wiener stated in his article that “jewelry above all is subject to the dictates of style and to the Versailles effect” (Wiener 1984, 24), he referred to the “Versailles effect” as an effect “most likely to occur where the... more
Under the paradigms of neoevolutionism and the systemic functionalism of processual archaeology the study of the social evolution of societies has been enriched with new methodologies and categories of analysis. Using categories such as... more
With the benefit of more than 20 years of hindsight, the time is ripe for a re- examination of Chalcolithic lithic industries of the north-eastern Balkans in the light of newly published data and a more accurate chronology. In this study,... more
The paper reviews the history of research of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age of Scania with special focus on settlement archaeology and social organization. In the end a number of "hot spots" are identified as areas which need special... more
Having contributed to early definitions of chiefdoms, the pre-Columbian societies that developed in the Central Region of Panama during the last millennium before Spanish contact in A.D. 1515 have been considered by many specialists in... more
The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
A global view of Campu Stefanu settlement : the shelter 1 and the dwelling 2 Blue glass beads Macro and microscopic view of the beads 26 (up) and 13 (down) underlining their resinous aspects despite their poor conservation state Amber's... more
This draft paper also was a philosophy statement of Steven Hackenberger and my computer simulation models of ancient economic decision-making based on catchment and archaeological data of the Hoko River Archaeological Site Complex.... more
En este estudio se analiza el modelo de economía de bienes de prestigio. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura dedicada al problema del intercambio visto sobre todo como un problema antropológico, ofreciendo por un lado, una visión... more
At the transition from the late Hallstatt-to the eariy La-T~ne-Period, the Hunsrück-Eifel Culture is characterized by an extremely marked change in material culture. The present contribution expiores the changes that occurred at the... more
In der Archäologie der Eisenzeit wird Prestige als Kategorie sozialer Distinktion regelhaft diskutiert, auch wenn sich nur wenige Untersuchungen explizit mit Prestige als Forschungsgegenstand beschäftigen. Im Mittelpunkt dieser... more
La néolithisation proche-orientale est une longue période qui s’amorce vers 12 000 cal. BC et s’achève vers 7 000 cal. BC. Caractérisée par de profondes mutations, elle marque une étape déterminante dans l’évolution du mode de vie des... more
Una aproximación etnoarqueológica 2015
„Kulturelle Kohärenz“ und „Prestige“ – diese scheinbar gegensätzlichen Begriffe stehen in Wirklichkeit in enger Beziehung zueinander. Ohne gemeinsame gesellschaftliche Werte gäbe es keine Zuschreibung von Prestige, durch die sich... more
Abstract Architecture in the the Dacian Kingdom time is a subject that concerned the scientific community especially in the 1970s and 1980s of the last century. Two monographs (Glodariu 1983; Antonescu 1984) represent the expression of... more
This paper introduces some of the invaluable aspects of, and new perspectives arising in, the field of zooarchaeology. Studying archaeological animal remains provides clear evidence of past human diet, but the contributions zooarchaeology... more
Sans autorisation écrite de l'éditeur ou d'un organisme de gestion des droits d'auteur dûment habilités, l'oeuvre ou parties de celle-ci ne peuvent pas être reproduites, sous quelque forme que ce soit, ni transformées, ni diffusées... more
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"This article presents the data obtained from the latest studies carried out in the territory consisting of the counties of the lower reaches of the River Ebro, the lands of the River Sénia and the regions of Terra Alta, Lower Aragon... more
Whilst excavating Mycenae Grave Circle A, a unique gold cup was unearthed that Schliemann himself described as “vividly reminiscent” of the Iliad’ s famed Cup of Nestor. Since then, scholars have argued over the degree of resemblance... more
We present in this work the fortified gate from the settlement of Sant Jaume-Mas d'en Serrà (Alcanar, Montsià, Catalonia). The interpretation of the stratigraphical sequence indicates the existence of two phases, both developed during the... more
Travaux du mémoire de DEA sous la direction conjointe du Prof. Xavier Barral i Altet, Université de Rennes 2 - Haute Bretagne et du Prof. Constantinos Charlambidis, Université Aristote de Thessalonique, avec une bourse d'échanges... more
El llegat de Roma forma part del nostre paisatge habitual i més proper. Els monuments i les restes de la civilització romana són encara ara ben presents, no sols en l’antiga capital provincial, Tarraco, sino tambié en indrets com Vic,... more