Archaeology of prestige

118 papers
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The archaeology of prestige examines how social status, power, and elite identities are expressed and constructed through material culture, artifacts, and spatial organization in past societies. It focuses on the role of luxury goods, monumental architecture, and ceremonial practices in reflecting and reinforcing hierarchical structures and social differentiation.
The discovery of a remarkably large house from the 3rd century has captured the attention of archaeologists: Could a kingdom have existed in Norway during the Roman period? It is believed that the house featured a steep roof to facilitate... more
The discovery of a sensationally large house from the 2nd century AD is causing a stir among archaeologists: Was there a kingdom in Norway already during the Roman era? It is assumed that the roof was steep so that the snow would slide... more
While grave goods with male connotations in women's graves attract a lot of attention from researchers and the public, the reverse case-grave goods with female connotations in men's graves-has so far attracted little interest. In fact,... more
The order of the graves within the investigated section of the Sindelsdorf row cemetery results from the three interrelated observations on stratigraphy as well as the relationship of the individuals and their age at death. Targeted... more
As part of a research project funded by the Czech Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation, amber objects from various Central European contexts of the Early Iron Age (Ha C – Lt A) are to be analysed using scientific methods... more
In vigilia-Auf der Wacht? Römerzeitliche zoomorphe Schlüsselgriffe aus Belginum 67 Karol Dzięgielewski One of a kind? Contextualization and taphonomictraceological assessment of hoard II discovered at an Early Iron Age fortified... more
The article analyzes salt exploitation in Hallstatt during the Neolithic period. Evidence for neolithic human presence in the Hallstatt area has been accumulating over the last years. Spatial analyses as well as use-wear analysis on the... more
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The article analyzes salt exploitation in Hallstatt during the Neolithic period. Evidence for neolithic human presence in the Hallstatt area has been accumulating over the last years. Spatial analyses as well as use-wear analysis on the... more
Un cambio clave en la historia de la humanidad es la aparición y el desarrollo de la desigualdad social; por eso, ha sido un tema central en la literatura antropológica (Flannery y Marcus 2012). A lo largo de Costa Rica y Panamá, el... more
ABSTRACT - The central-eastern Alpine region, which was engaged with the development of the Luco/Laugen culture, although not part of the Orientalizing phenomenon, was influenced by the Mediterranean world, in particular by the lifestyle... more
Th is volume of essays honours Joost Crouwel, a leading expert on wheeled transport in antiquity. Th e editors and contributors are internationally acclaimed specialists, who share their ideas, observations, and research by exploring the... more
Auf einem namenlosen Höhenrücken bei Möllbrücke westlich von Spittal/Drau wurde 2012 ein bronzener Armreif mit doppelter gegenständiger Kopfzier gefunden. Es könnte sich um eine kultische Deponierung handeln. Der Armreif gehört zur Gruppe... more
Following its accidental discovery, the tomb of Bayazid Abad was excavated in 2010. Fifty-five Mitannian cylinder seals and 25 unengraved cylinders were among the huge quantity of materials found. All of the cylinder seals are of... more
Quand ont ete reprises, dans les annees 1970, les recherches sur la region du Grand-Pressigny, un nouvel inventaire des outils pressigniens exportes etait lance au colloque de St-Amand-Montrond en 1978, c e t inventaire ayant pour... more
The development of military technology in New Kingdom Egypt, particularly with regard to chariotry and cavalry, is extremely well-documented. Innovations were quickly improved upon and added to, so that Egypt's armed forces at the time... more
Понятие мегалитического комплекса в этнологии объединяет представления и обрядовые действия, связанные с охотой за головами, определенные элементы погребальных обрядов, воздвижение каменных монолитов и семантически равнозначных им... more
Durch die Behandlung der Fundstücke und durch die Art und Besonderheit der Deponierungsstelle des Ensembles kann das Depot von Petea den rituellen Deponierung in Siedlungen zugeschrieben werden, dabei ist nicht auszuschließen, daß die... more
T he frame of the exhibition contains pieces that represent six millennia of history, starting from the Eneolithic period and reaching Late Antiquity and Early Middle Age (5 th millennium B.C.-7 th century A.D.). The project took place at... more
This paper challenges the still-popular use of territory, materiality, genetics, and linguistics to define a homogeneous and stable shared identity (or "diffuse unity") for the Isthmo-Colombian Area. Using the communities of practice and... more
Los artículos que se publican en lá revista son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores, no reflejan necesariamente el pensamiento de íCONOS Director de Flacso-Ecuador.
1. About the legionary fort at Sarmizegetusa in AD 102-105 (Cassius Dio 68.9.7). Cassius Dio (68.9.7) writes that after the end of the first Dacian war of Trajan, in 102 AD, the emperor left a legion in Dacia at Sarmizegetusa and... more
When modern (Western) viewers look at ancient art, the first feature of the image that is often assessed is its relationship to ‘reality’. How ‘real’ the image looks is inextricably linked to its evaluation and therefore the viewer’s... more
Marquet J.-C., Verjux C. (dir.), L'Europe, deja, a la fin des temps prehistoriques, Actes de la table-ronde internationale, Tours (Indre-et-Loire, France), vendredi 7 Septembre 2007, 38 e supplement a la Revue Archeologique du Centre... more
Dans le sud de l’Italie durant la seconde partie du Neolithique ancien et le debut du Neolithique moyen, entre 5600 et 4500 BC, le silex du Gargano est employe pour la realisation de lames par pression debout et par pression au levier. Il... more
Chapitre III-Les productions garganiques de l'Énéolithique moyen et la culture Gaudo......
En raison de ses caractéristiques géologiques et géochimiques, l'obsidienne se prête bien mieux que d'autres roches aux études de provenance. Ce matériau possède en effet une empreinte chimique caractéristique de son lieu d'origine, ce... more
Anthropological research has long theorized that emergent food-producing economies catalyzed high levels of inequality in human societies, as evident in the earliest use of jewelry made from gold, copper, and other precious minerals among... more
Recently archaeological excavations in the eastern cemetery of Qara tepe, Sagzābād, have uncovered graves related to the late second millennium and the first half of the first millennium B.C. (Iron ages 2 and 3). Thankfully, with the... more
The paper reviews the d evelopment of the chariot wheel from its origins in transport vehicles to its use as an instrument of war in 18th Dynasty and 19th Dynasty chariots. It reviews the changes to the wheel in the Late period. An... more
Yazarın "İtibar ve İktidar: Antropolojik Bir Bakış" adlı kitabının önsözünden alınan bu yazı ve genel olarak kitap, iktidarın tarihinin "lider adayları açısından büyük ölçüde itibar adlı sembolik sermayenin nasıl kazanılıp maddi birikime... more
The observance of women’s social prestige is of a particular importance considering their increasingly significant rights. The investigation of the women’s social prestige from the perspective of Imam Khomeini, as a jurisprudent who... more
Captured and enslaved: Slavery in prehistoric times? Did slavery exist in prehistoric times? The answer is yes. Evidence suggests it may begin as early as the Late Bronze Age and is clearly established in the Iron Age and thereafter. The... more
By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that reproduction and... more
Le prestige est un terme polysemique dans le langage courant au fort pouvoir d'evocation. Cette polysemie empeche qu'il soit directement operatoire pour les sciences historiques et sociales. Il n'existe pas un concept de... more
The use of agent-directed simulation in archaeology has a relatively long tradition. However, these simulations have been always oriented mainly to study spatial processes and resource management and systematically ignore an essential... more
A kötet a támogatásával valósult meg A kötet megjelenését a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Információs Hivatal "Tudományos Mecenatúra Pályázat" MEC_K_21 alprogramja támogatta (MEC_K_141246). A kötet az Árpád-ház Program támogatásával... more
Across the world, the development and persistence of village societies were closely associated with changes in the organization of existing domestic economies, and their transformation into nascent political economies. Many of these... more
... However, this designation is also attested in Lachish and Ashkelon for instance; REVIV (1972: 218). Helck also recorded Egyptian attes-tations of this title (“ma-ra-ya-na”) in Levantine cities such as Kadesh, Megiddo, Joppe, etc. (for... more
Between 2005 and 2011, the Romanian judicial authorities recovered through Operation “Dacian Gold” 13 Dacian bracelets pertaining to 4 treasures (12,663 Kg) from New York, Zurich, Paris, Geneva, Munich, Sofia and Hunedoara. Several legal... more
A nalysis of extant, past, future and alternative power structures of the world system has been a public and intellectual issue since the end of the Second World War, with its accompanying drastic reduction in the membership of the... more
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have been collaborating on the Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project (GEM-JC), and since 2016 this team carried out the... more
This draft paper also was a philosophy statement of Steven Hackenberger and my computer simulation models of ancient economic decision-making based on catchment and archaeological data of the Hoko River Archaeological Site Complex.... more
Large, bold marks are painted or incised on the handles or bases of thirty-seven pictorial vases. These same kinds of marks and same patterns of marking are found on non-pictorial Mycenaean pottery. In general, marks on Mycenaean pottery... more