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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryArchaeology of IdentityRoman Archaeology
The article summarizes the research on the emergence of Israel as an ethnic group in the Iron Age, within the broader study of ethnogenesis.
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesArchaeology of Ancient Israel
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      Early Medieval HistoryMerovingian periodArchaeology of IdentityHistoire et archéologie du haut Moyen-âge
From Saxon mercenaries to prince Beowulf – Scandinavian identity in Anglo-Saxon England ca 450 – 800 AD. Through an analysis of the spatial, chronological and social organization of Scandinavian material culture in England during the... more
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      Social identity processesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyAnglo Saxon Burial Studies (Archaeology)Merovingian period
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
About the Book: Archaeological Theory in the New Millennium provides an accessible account of the changing world of archaeological theory. It charts the emergence of the new emphasis on relations as well as engaging with current... more
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      SemioticsAnthropologyPractice theoryMaterial Culture Studies
Lo scopo di quest’articolo è realizzare una sintesi introduttiva sullo stato della ricerca per ciò che riguarda il genere. Comincerò rivedendo tutto ciò che riguarda l’origine degli studi di genere per poi soffermarmi su una delle aree in... more
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      Archaeology of GenderGender ArchaeologyArchaeology of IdentityItalian Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyCeltic StudiesBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)
Ik zou graag mijn promotor en copromotor, Joachim Bretschneider en Ilse Schoep, bedanken voor hun begeleiding en suggesties bij het tot stand komen van deze masterproef. Verder wil ik iedereen bedanken die mij gesteund heeft in het... more
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      Archaeology of ethnicityArchaeology of Identity
This essay is an examination of Udjahorresnet’s Persian identity. Best known from the inscription on his naophorous statue now in the Vatican, Udjahorresnet was a high-ranking courtier in Egypt under the Saite pharaohs Amasis and Psamtik... more
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      Achaemenid PersiaElamiteArchaeology of IdentityAchaemenid archaeology
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      Postcolonial StudiesGreek ColonisationGreek ArchaeologyBalkan archaeology
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)South Africa (History)Southern AfricaArchaeology of ethnicity
In this contribution we summarise the archaeological data on mortuary practices in the regions of Messenia and Laconia from the late MH to the LH II period (ca. 1700-1400 BC). We argue that the differences and similarities in the... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyAegean ArchaeologyArchaeology of IdentityTholos Tombs
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      Art HistoryRock Art (Archaeology)Southern AfricaArchaeology of ethnicity
The concept of the community is vital to the way we understand human societies both past and present, and the last decade has seen widespread interest in communities from both the popular and academic spheres. The concept is also... more
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      Community PsychologyAnatolian ArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Archaeological Method & Theory
Ch 1 Introduction; Ch 2 Gender identity; Ch 3 The archaeology of age; Ch 4 Status identity and archaeology; Ch 5 Ethnic and cultural identities; Ch 6 The archaeology of religion The Archaeology of Identity presents an overview of five... more
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      Archaeology of GenderHistory of ReligionGender ArchaeologyArchaeology of Identity
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      European HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
This material culture study focuses on the residents of Oulu via small clothing-related items (buttons, buckles, pins). The source material is comprised of not only excavation material, but also of the probate inventories of the... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesArchaeology of ClassGender Archaeology
We discuss the important role of the feminist critique in bringing awareness to gender, childhood, and identity research, and in giving voice to the perspectives of underrepresented groups. As a case study of ancient social lives and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGender StudiesAnthropology
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      ReligionArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRoman History
In 1938, a woman’s burial was uncovered by road builders at Ketilsstaðir in north-eastern Iceland. Recently, her physical remains and associated funerary goods were re-examined by an international, interdisciplinary team and formed the... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Scandinavia
Late antique identities from the Western Balkans were transformed into new, Slavic identities after c. 600 AD. It was a process that is still having continuous impact on the discursive constructions of ethnic and regional identities in... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
In this dissertation I consider how expressions of identity, especially ethnic and cultural identity, shape the daily interactions between diverse people and address why some migrants are able to successfully integrate among culturally... more
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      North American archaeologyLate Woodland (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Mississippian Societies (Archaeology)Archaeology of ethnicity
Visual codes, which vary with and within different societies, comprise aspects of the external appearance of people that are communicated non-verbally. This includes clothing (also shoes and headgear) as well as hairstyles and various... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDress StudiesAnthropology of Dress
Personhood has become an important element of archaeological theory in the last two decades. Following C. Fowler's (2016) analysis, most approaches to the study of personhood conceptualise it through either a Single-Spectrum or a... more
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      PersonhoodPersonhood as RelationalTheoretical ArchaeologyIndividualism
"Manuel Fernández-Götz’s book unifies in an exemplary way written and archaeological sources, and adds new explanatory depth to the emergence of ethnicity and migration. The book shows the strength of a theoretically informed... more
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      Identity (Culture)Social ArchaeologyIron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)
Headdresses of Sophisticated Ladies – Hallstatt Period Gold Spheres from the Dürrnberg at Hallein Due to its salt mines and the excellent location for traffic, the Dürrnberg mountain at Hallein is one of the most important economic and... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyArchaeology of Religion
oppida represented a fundamental transformation among the communities of northwest Iberia. The chronology of these sites has been debated for decades, with many scholars seeing their development as the result of the imposition of Roman... more
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      Iron Age (Archaeology) (Archaeology)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Archaeology of IdentityIron Age
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      Pottery (Archaeology)PhoeniciansAnthropology of FoodIdentity (Culture)
This chapter and the larger body of work on which it builds focuses on what I characterize as the environmental, spatial, and visual bases of Iranian iden- tity and royal power: that is, landscape, architecture, the built environment, and... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMesopotamian Archaeology
This volume challenges previous views of social organization focused on elites by offering innovative perspectives on "power from below." Using a variety of archaeological, anthropological, and historical data to question traditional... more
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      Power (social)Collective ActionResistance (Social)Social Archaeology
An overview of the Etruscan inscriptions from the Faliscan area shows different patterns for different centres, with a strong presence at Narce in the archaic period and at Corchiano in the Hellenistic period. The former, which has been... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsEpigraphy (Archaeology)Identity (Culture)
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      ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesDress StudiesAnthropology of Dress
The modern interdisciplinary exploration of ancient Egyptian burial sites represents one of the major trends of contemporary archaeological research in Egyptology. Cooperation among representatives of the natural, technical and social... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryCarolingian StudiesEarly Middle Ages (History)
This paper is discussing social structures in Dalmatia from 6th to mid-9th century, looking primarily in material evidence and utilising Sahlins' anthropological approaches to power-structures. It is argued that change occurring in 7th... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
The spread of maize farming across the American Southwest reached its northernmost extent west of the Rockies by the first or second centuries ad (James Allison, personal communication, 2014; Allison 2014), in the area encompassing the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)Southwestern Archaeology
Feasting equipment, copper‐alloy cauldrons and flesh‐hooks, are a distinctive feature of the later Atlantic Bronze Age suggesting elements of a shared ideology whose ultimate origin may lie in the eastern Mediterranean. The easterly... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Being Avar! A Case Study for Changes in the Social Display of Identity in the Early Avar Period. Appendix: Tamás Szeniczey – Antónia Marcsik - Tamás Hajdu: The Physical Anthropological Analysis of Grave A-108 of the Kölked-Feketekapu... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyMerovingian periodArchaeology of the Avars
The Aegean-inspired pottery of Iron I Philistia has received a great deal of scholarly attention. Many have studied the various influences that shaped it, its development during the Iron I, the ethnic identity of its users, and even its... more
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      Social ChangeArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeology of Gender
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      HistoryAncient HistoryModern HistoryArchaeology
This paper challenges the common ethnocentric notion of the Faliscans as an autonomous and autochthonous group inside Etruria and emphasizes the Faliscan ethnicity as a ductile ideology linked with the geopolitical changes which occurred... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsRoman History
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Archaeological Method & TheorySocial Archaeology
The present study attempts to identify and characterise some basic principles that underlined historical development in ancient Egypt, specifically during the Old Kingdom period. Looking at the ever-increasing corpus of the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Environmental ArchaeologyPaleoethnobotanyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArchaeology of Identity
Famous as the homeland of Odysseus, Ithaca has been a preferred research area for archaeologists. However, the archaeology of Ithaca has been severely biased by its Homeric focus. As a result, Late Archaic and Classical Ithaca remains... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyIsland StudiesCoastal and Island ArchaeologyGreek Archaeology
In this paper, I used theories of embodiment, identity, materiality and landscape dwelling to write an interpretative archaeology of the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age periods on Cranborne Chase in Dorset. The paper also featured... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Theoretical Archaeology
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      Archaeology of ethnicityMaya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya Epigraphy
This article deals with the socio-political dimension of public space in 13th-century bc Ugarit, with a particular focus on the city’s squares. It approaches urban space as an organic, dynamic, and multiscalar system of intersecting... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern StudiesAssyriologyUrbanism (Archaeology)
It is widely accepted that the Liburni, at some point in the Iron Age, ruled over much of the Adriatic. Professor Slobodan Čače was the first scholar to truly challenge these narratives through a critique of the written sources. The... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology