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Canım arkeoloji, Ben bu satırları yazarken, sen her zamanki gelenekçi ve elitist tavrın ile önümüzdeki ay başlayacak olan o şaşalı beş çaylarını düşünüyor olacaksın. Darılma, yadırgamıyorum. Bize seni böyle kabul etmemiz gerektiği... more
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      ArchaeologyPhilosophy of ArchaeologyProtohistoryIstanbul
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      Ancient social structureArchaeology of Daily LifeAncient Egyptian social historyDaily Life in Ancient Egypt
This article offers a basic model and background methodological approaches to the establishment and development of Ottoman Archaeology in rural Greece, by presenting two surveyed ciftlik-estates in the region of Tanagra and their... more
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      Social IdentityMaterial Culture StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval Studies
The concept of privacy looms large in studies of ancient Greek houses. The house is often conceptualized as a self-contained, cloistered unit within the larger city, a microcosm of the city-state unto itself, cut off as much as possible... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyHousehold Archaeology
Nous nous intéressons dans cet article au discours dont rend compte l’iconographie procheorientale entre le IVe et le Ier millénaire av. J.-C. Les rapports entre l’homme et le cochon étaient-ils de simples confrontations ou le premier... more
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      ZoologyEthologyArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Cette journée d’étude organisée par le laboratoire DYPAC en partenariat avec la Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine offre la possibilité de renouveler le dialogue sur les enjeux des travaux actuels du domaine de la culture matérielle... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyHistory of Daily Life
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Pottery technology and functionArchaeology of Daily Life
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      SociologyAnthropologyDesignFurniture Design
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Household ArchaeologyCraft production (Archaeology)Daily Life in Ancient Times
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      Archaeological GISHousehold ArchaeologySpatial Distribution and settlement patterns in archaeology and architectureArchaeology of Daily Life