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Apart from wars, other contexts of social conflict have recently become a setting in which archaeologists are faced with acute, sometimes armed, violence. On the African continent, a region often overlooked in discussions of “archaeology... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesBig DamsArchaeological Ethics
For more than 10 years, I was one of a number of American and Yemeni archaeologists surveying and excavating sites dating to the fabled South Arabian kingdoms and beyond, to prehistoric times. We were members of the Dhamar Survey Project,... more
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      Cultural HeritageYemenArchaeology and politicsArabian/Persian Gulf Archaeology
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    • Archaeology and politics
Populist nationalism divides an inside 'us' from an outside 'them', both vertically, separating 'the people' from 'the elite', and horizontally, marking a dichotomy between a perceived ‘native’ in-group and ‘foreign’ others. People,... more
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyCultural HeritagePopulism
Introduction to a special book review section on pseudo-archaeology for the journal American Antiquity. See American Antiquity 80(3):615-629 (2015) for full set of reviews.
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      ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyPseudoarchaeologyArchaeology and politics
Registrar Perry Harel
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyJewish Studies
Archaeology is notoriously vulnerable to the ideological pressures of authoritarian regimes. This paper charts the political influences that shaped archaeology in Spain for some 40 years. Following the Civil War Spanish archaeologists... more
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      NationalismDictatorshipsSpain (History)Archaeology and politics
ENGLISH The myth of the siege of Masada (73 CE) was one of the essential elements of the Israeli nation building. The article analyzes how the Zionist movement and the State of Israel have used the myth in the XX century. ITALIAN... more
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      Middle East StudiesHistory and MemoryIsrael/PalestineArchaeology and politics
En este texto se analiza el proceso de apropiación simbólica por el cual la Dama de Elche (s. IV a. C.) se ha convertido en referente de la identidad regional valenciana. Para ello se revisarán los contextos sociopolíticos y culturales... more
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      Identity (Culture)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Archaeology and politicsPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
Apart from wars, other contexts of social conflict have recently become a setting in which archaeologists are faced with acute, sometimes armed, violence. On the African continent, a region often overlooked in discussions of “archaeology... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesBig DamsArchaeological Ethics
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      ArchaeologyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
Este artículo no pretende ser la síntesis del desarrollo de la arqueología boliviana y sus protagonistas sino discutir los recientes cambios en las características centralistas y colonialistas, tanto regionales como temáticas, en las... more
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      ArchaeologySouth America (Archaeology)Archaeology and politicsBolivian Archaeology
Archaeologists have long been interested in contemporary material culture, but only recently has a dedicated subfield of archaeology of the contemporary world begun to emerge. Whilst concerned mainly with the archaeology of the early to... more
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      Future StudiesArchaeologyOntologyHistorical Archaeology
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      Archaeology of Southern ItalyFascism and Classical AntiquityArchaeology and politicsSouth Italian Archaeology
During the construction period of the controversial Merowe Dam in Sudan, foreign archaeologists were surveying and excavating in order to save the cultural heritage of the land to be flooded without considering the local people's attitude... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
La arqueología social latinoamericana: de la teoría a la praxis Contenido 407 parte iV. prácticas sociopolíticas de la arqueología social latinoamericana 409 La arqueología social latinoamericana, entre el hacer y el decir Daniel Torres... more
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      MarxismHistory of Archaeological PraxisArchaeology and politicsMarxismo
Ethics has abandoned its niche status to become a shared concern across archaeology. The appraisal of the sociopolitical context of archaeological practice since the 1980s has forced the discipline to take issue with the expanding array... more
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      EthicsArchaeological EthicsArchaeology and politics
For a long time, heritage has been associated with positive and productive values: the construction of ideas of community and nation, and even international identities. During the last decade and a half, however, there has been a growing... more
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      Cultural HeritageArchaeology and politicsCultural TraumaDissonant Heritage
This article explores the demographic history of Dacia/Romania during and after Roman colonization as a study in the effects of colonialism and de-colonization in the core area vs. the periphery, the identification of local vs. transitory... more
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      Historical DemographyRomanian HistoryIdentity politicsHabsburg Studies
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      HistoryCultural HistoryIconographyHumanities
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      ArchaeologyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Archaeology and politicsIron Age Celts
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      GeneticsArchaeologyAnthropologyPopulation Genetics
Academic writing has, for many years, perpetuated the thinking that the San or Bushmen were largely extinct. The dominance of this view was encouraged by historical evidence that Bushmen were hunted and killed by Europeans and... more
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      Public ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Intangible cultural heritageRock Art management & Awareness
Preface; Chapter 1. An alternative account of the history of archaeology in the nineteenth century; Part I. The Early Archaeology of the Great Civilisations; Chapter 2; Antiquities and political prestige in the early modern era; Chapter... more
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      Identity politicsNationalismColonialismHistory and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Il volume ha come tema centrale l’uso che è stato fatto, nel corso dei secoli, delle antichità della Calabria ai fini della costruzione di una identità regionale. Partendo dall’epoca romana si cerca di fare luce sulla percezione che, per... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHistory of IdeasSocial Identity
Eine vom Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen finanzierte Informationsschrift.
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyLiving HistoryArchaeology and politicsRadical Right Populism
Archaeology has been an important source of metaphors for some of the key intellectuals of the 20th century: Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Alois Riegl and Michel Foucault, amongst many others. However, this power has also turned against... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryModernityArchaeological Theory
The myth of «Romanity» was a fundamental aspect of Fascist propaganda and ideology. However, in Italy, scholars began to investigate this theme as an object worthy of historical interest only from the mid-1970s on. There appear to have... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyArchitectureCultural Heritage
Nel breve editoriale di questo mese non ci soffermeremo, come di consueto, sui contenuti della monogra--Di seguito il testo del bando:
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryIconographyCultural Policy
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyOttoman HistoryMuseum StudiesOttoman Archaeology
Italian imperialism in Africa, especially in Libya, was from the start connected with the ideology of Romanità. Of course, Italy's colonial experience ended traumatically with the disaster of WWII, followed by the collective removal of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
Se consideră, în general, că există o unică tradiţie a arheologiei române, cu o evoluţie continuă de la colecţionari şi anticari şi străbătând apoi, în continuu progres, mai multe etape marcate de diferite personalităţi -Alexandru Odobescu
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Contemporary PastArchaeology and politicsRomania
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyCommunismChinese archaeology
PRÓLOGO – ; 9 Margarita Díaz-Andreu y Gloria Mora; La Historiografía Española sobre Arqueología: panorama actual de la investigación; I. LOS PRIMEROS PASOS EN LA INSTITUCIONALIZACIÓN DE LA ARQUEOLOGIA: EL SIGLO XVIII; II. LA ARQUEOLOGIA... more
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      HistoriographySpain (History)Archaeology and politicsContemporary History of Spain
V o l u m e 2 7 . 2 . N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 2 A r c h a e o l o g y a n d t h e (D e) Co n s t r u c t i o n o f N at i o n a
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryNationalismNational Identity
In 2015, Pope Francis elevated Franciscan missionary Junípero Serra to sainthood, reinforcing the association between the California missions and the founding of Euroamerican colonies in western North America. Yet the canonization also... more
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      EthnohistoryHistorical ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyCultural Heritage
Already since 2010 we have offered the opportunity for European students of archaeology to present their theses. Now we are proud to host the third Students Archaeology Symposium of Bamberg „SABA´16“ at the Otto-Friedrich- University... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryModern HistoryArchaeology
A short review of the relationship between European archaeology and colonialism, during both the colonial and post-colonial eras.
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyPostcolonial StudiesColonialism
Senaquerib trasladó la capital del Imperio asirio de Dur Sharrukin llamado ekallu sa sanina la Isu o "palacio sin rival".
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
In Rough Cilicia, monumental public architecture was built in the initial phase of the social and political formation of Asia Minor into the Roman Empire during the Imperial Period. As bathing complexes are the most abundant and diverse... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryAnatolian ArchaeologyRoman Economy
Zusammenfassung in Deutsch Im ehemaligen Michaeliskloster von Hildesheim war bis 1943 eine Nervenheilanstalt eingerichtet. Nach der Verschleppung und Ermordung vieler der dort untergebrachten psychisch kranken und körperlich... more
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      ArchaeologyNationalism and ArchaeologyNational SocialismArchaeology and politics
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryNationalism and ArchaeologyArchaeological Theory
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyArchaeology and politicsArchaeological ethnography
This research explores the ways that social networks articulated with major sociopolitical transformations across Southern Appalachia between AD 600 and 1600. This study focuses on the broad, regional connections between members of... more
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      Social NetworksCollective ActionSocial CapitalSocial Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyGender StudiesArchaeology of ReligionSocial Archaeology
I l semplice gesto di portarci alle labbra un bicchiere di vino potrebbe, qualche volta, ricordarci che stiamo bevendo un estratto di storia, oltre che di uva. Stiamo bevendo una parte del nostro passato, una parte della nostra storia del... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassics
The first part of this volume deals precisely with ‘International relations in the history of archaeology’. The eleven contributions collected for the session organised by Margarita Díaz-Andreu and Víctor M. Fernández tackle a... more
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      Cultural HistoryTransnationalismIntellectual and cultural historyHistory and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
Archaeology has been an important source of metaphors for some of the key intellectuals of the 20 th century , including philosophers, writers, art historians and historians: Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Alois Riegl, Michel Foucault or... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryModernityArchaeological Theory
Zusammenfassung: Das wissenschaftliche Werk von Ernst Curtius – außerordentlicher Professor der Archäologie in Berlin seit 1844, von 1856–1868 Professor für Klassische Philologie und Archäologie in Göttingen und seit 1868 Professor für... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyCultural IdentityConstruction of knowledge