Archaeology and History
Recent papers in Archaeology and History
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Chapter In 'Bridging the Gaps: Integrating Archaeology and History in Oaxaca, Mexico', edited by Danny Zborover and Peter Kröfges, pp. 279-332. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, 2015
The rescripts of king Aspurgus found in Anapa (ancient Gorgippeia) are normally cited and discussed on the basis of the editio princeps by T.V. Blavatskaya in Sov. Archeol. 1965 (2), 197–209. This edition was immediately corrected by the... more
L’Autore partendo dallo scudo di Achille e, più in generale, dall’immagine omerica dell’agora ripercorre, sulla scia di quanto già fatto da Martin, l’evoluzione semantica del termine ‘agora’ segnalando le caratteristiche peculiari del... more
This is a researching work, which was part of the course "The Historical Sources" for the winter semester of the MA in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History of Macedonia at the International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki 2019.... more
This essay, while not a “fine chapter of patriotic service," does contribute toward an anthropological history of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW; also known officially as Carnegie Institution or CI). The CIW (also referred to... more
”Evenisation,” borrowed from the biblical Eve, can be defined as the long-developed patriarchal hegemony describing women as inferior, sexually debased, and the patriarchate’s urge for domesticated, passive, and subdued female figures... more
L'analyse du texte de l'Onirocriticon d'Artémidore de la deuxième moitié du IIe siècle ap. J.-C., de sa partie théorique ainsi que du catalogue des rêves, montre assez le grand intérêt que les chercheurs peuvent y trouver. C'est un texte... more
Sulla religiosità dei monumenti rinvenuti nei contesti archeologici sardi di pertinenza dell'Età del Bronzo sono state spese innumerevoli parole attraverso gli studi soprattutto del compianto Prof. Giovanni Lilliu, naturalmente forse non... more
El período medieval en Andorra ha sido el que ha suscitado un mayor interés como objeto de investigación histórica. Pese a las brillantes aportaciones realizadas por diferentes investigadores, algunos aspectos clave estrechamente... more
This essay, while not a “fine chapter of patriotic service," does contribute toward an anthropological history of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW; also known officially as Carnegie Institution or CI). The CIW (also... more
This essay, while not a “fine chapter of patriotic service," does contribute toward an anthropological history of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW; also known officially as Carnegie Institution or CI). The CIW (also... more
Review(s) of: The cambridge companion to historical archaeology, by Hicks, Dan and Beaudry, Mary C. (eds). 2006, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 420 pp. ISBN 0-521-61962-9 (paperback), Price 19.99 pounds.