Archaeological theory and practice

248 papers
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Archaeological theory and practice encompasses the methodologies, frameworks, and interpretive strategies used in the study of past human societies through material remains. It integrates theoretical perspectives with fieldwork techniques to analyze artifacts, structures, and landscapes, aiming to reconstruct historical contexts and understand cultural developments over time.
In this article, we suggest that archaeologists should recognise the limitations of the term ‘‘artefact’’, because it does not capture the many ways that diverse groups think about and interact with such objects. There are two important... more
While clandestine distillation has long been a part of the history and identity of the South, archaeological investigations of moonshining have been comparatively recent and sporadic in nature. Archaeological attempts to study the... more
Radical democracy informs contemporary social movements both as critique of existing liberal democratic social orders and as inspiration for collective action to challenge power structures. However, existing approaches on the relationship... more
Vere Gordon Childe, reconegut com un dels prehistoriadors més influents en el desenvolupa-ment de l'Arqueologia com a Ciència, va morir tot just fa 50 anys, el 19 d'octubre de 1957. En aquest número de COTA ZERO hem volgut no... more
The American Anthropological Association defines anthropology as the study of what makes us human. Anthropology has four subfields, of which archaeology is one. Experimental archaeology is one of many subdivisions of archaeology. The name... more
as an onto logical category pertaining to later periods, especially the Hellenistic and Roman periods, is surprisingly limited. While individual monuments, religious architecture, public buildings, or certain aspects of elite material... more
technologies have deeply permeated the many layers of archaeology, leading to its profound reshaping. The very first step of the archaeological practice, namely field data collection, is also increasingly transitioning from traditional... more
The article is devoted to new methodological techniques in the study of widely known sites of the early stage of Alanic culture of the Central Ciscaucasia — Zilgi hillfort and Beslan kurgan catacomb burial ground (RNO — Alania). The use... more
Michael Schiffer's Behavioral Archaeology is one of several moves in mid-to late twentieth century archaeology toward actualistically based, detailed materials analysis with the aim of developing uniformitarian principles to apply to... more
This study presents some preliminary results on early mediaeval glazed wares (mainly chafing dishes, bowls, and dishes) from five sites in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Through a series of analytical techniques, the goal is trifold:... more
This thesis is an exploration of Nishnaabeg geography in what is now known as Southern Ontario that takes into consideration the dominating settler colonial context. Using a mixed method of textual document analysis, and embodied... more
It has been exactly 40 years since the publication of one of the earliest ARC issues: Volume 2:1 Archaeology and the Public (1983), emerged from a Theoretical Archaeology Group conference put on by Mike Parker Pearson and others in 1982.... more
Training 3 Conference News and Announcements 4 Virtual Special Issues from JAS 4 2007 Rip Rapp Award to Norman Herz 5 Fractured Childhood in Egypt (S. M. Wheeler et al.) 6 Metric Sex Estimation in Egypt (M. H. Raxter) 9 Stable Isotopes... more
In the relatively abundant bibliography on archaeological theory and epistemology the impact of archaeological practice on archaeological epistemology has remained somehow less explored despite the fact that in the last three decades... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
Many new, or processual, archaeologists of the 1960s argued that Americanist archaeology became scientific only in the 1960s. The hypothesis that the rate of publication of archaeological research in Science and Scientific American... more
Our team, the archaeological section of the Medieval Art, History, Paleography and Archaeology research group (MAHPA) and part of the Laboratory of Medieval Archaeology of the University of Barcelona (LAM-UB), has been working on the... more
Este ensayo explora las complejidades situacionales de mantener y transgredir los límites de las diferencias sociales. Mi experiencia dirigiendo un proyecto arqueológico en un área rural del Perú sugiere que mis interacciones con mis... more
les poteries ont des parois plus épaisses que celles habituellement observées dans la poterie domestique, est interprété comme indiquant une tentative d'augmenter la résistance aux chocs thermiques. Cependant, les fragments ne présentent... more
BOOK REVIEWS leaves an impression of the early years of molecular biology which is probably truthful for Europe, at least. Molecular biology still had to claim the right of independence from biochemistry and genetics. Although major... more
This is the second volume of a study on contemporary geographical thought or geophilosophy of modernity, whose methodological framework is characterized by three goals. The first is general education and refers to the need of students of... more
This article discusses some of the central topics in ethnoarchaeology and approaches them from a Latin American perspective. The development of the subdiscipline is summarized and analyzed, and case studies in the region are provided.... more
Keywords: archaeological reasoning, Extended Matrix, ATON framework. Abstract The process of the reasoning behind the available archaeological data is a very important segment in archaeological research. Whether it's about the... more
ArcheomaticA N°4 dicembre 2015 UNIVERSITÀ E RICERCA l'arCheoloGia a volo d'uCCello un report dal SeCondo ConveGno di arCheoloGia aerea di Valerio Carlucci incontro fra i tanti studiosi e appassionati di Archeologia Aerea, articolatosi... more
The paper is devoted to the problem of the development level and organization models of mining within the Eurasian metallurgical province of the Late Bronze Age in the 2nd millennium BC. The main research aim is to determine the chain of... more
If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. And where the final published version is provided on the Research Portal, if citing you are... more
Cross-border cooperation between institutions of higher education is one of the goals of modern education, an important component of didactic and research activities. Over the past 30 years, such an initiative has been implemented several... more
No abstract available
The article is devoted to new methodological techniques in the study of widely known sites of the early stage of Alanic culture of the Central Ciscaucasia — Zilgi hillfort and Beslan kurgan catacomb burial ground (RNO — Alania). The use... more
The transition to the Late Neolithic (c. 2350 BCE) is characterised by large-scale cultural and economic changes across southern Norway, connected to the spread of a cultural package with an unprecedented homogeneity, consisting of the... more
Human responses to climate change and resilience have long been a focus of archaeological research, but we are only starting to think about the degree to which our discipline should address the current climate crisis. Archaeologists are... more
Contemporary archaeologies are complex and diverse. It is easier to find things that differentiateprehistoric archaeology, for example, (e.g. Childe 1929) from the archaeology of the contemporary past(Buchli and Lucas 2001) than to... more
In our study, we offer an analysis of how the feminine nature is linked to life and death and is treated in Lars Von Trier's Antichrist (2009) and Darren Aronofsky's Mother (2017). The theoretical framework uses the contributions of... more
as the introduction to a special edition entitled "Emergent Sexual Formations in Contemporary India".
O presente trabalho descreve brevemente um projeto de extensão desenvolvido durante o ano de 2010 que busca resgatar parte do patrimônio intangível relacionado à atividade mineira na localidade de Sierras Bayas, localizada no sudeste da... more
Der Band versammelt Beitrage zu einer mitteleuropaischen Asthetikgeschichte zwischen 1750 und 1850. Betrachtet man diese Epoche der Asthetik nicht unter der Vorgabe einer vom einschlagigen Kanon einer ›grosen Erzahlung‹ dominierten,... more
O artigo teve como objetivo classificar, analisar e especializar o nível de modernidade agrícola das microrregiões do estado da Bahia. Foi utilizado o Índice de Modernidade Agrícola (IMA) como indicador construído a partir de estatística... more
Este estudo tem como base o Art. 43 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1996 (LDB), tendo como eixos os paragrafos II ao V e o Plano Nacional de Graduacao de 1999 (PNG), com o objetivo de apontar que as comunidades digitais tambem sao usadas... more