Archaeological dyeing

10 papers
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Archaeological dyeing is the study of ancient techniques and materials used to color textiles, artifacts, and other materials in past cultures. This field examines the chemical composition, sources of dyes, and methods of application, contributing to the understanding of historical practices, trade, and cultural significance of color in ancient societies.
Equisetum variegatum Schleich. ex Weber et Mohr (Equisetaceae L. Rich. ex DC.) is a perennial evergreen plant with a long rhizome. It grows in Arctic tundra and mountain habitats. Usually E. variegatum is assigned to rare or fairly... more
Between 1880 and 1904, African American residents of Freedmen's Town in Houston, Texas, were buried in the Third New City Cemetery. Using an assemblage of clothing fasteners recovered during excavations of the cemetery, I attempt to... more
Referring to the published and unpublished historical sources, the significance of botanical data collected by Jósef Jundziłł during the expedition in Lithuania in 1821 to the development of plant distribution studies in Lithuania is... more
Textile objects, elements of clothing placed in graves are seldom conserved and poorly researched. However, they inform us not only about clothing itself but also about other functions of textiles. Systematic collection and examination of... more
The sagas of Icelanders (Íslendingasögur) are an important part of European literary history. Both the sagas’ historical background and their literary techniques were studied intensely in the last century, but dress and fashion in Old... more
The usual wide range of approaches to garments and fabrics appears in this tenth volume. Three chapters focus on practical matters: a description of the medieval vestments surviving at Castel Sant'Elia in Italy; a survey of the spread... more
The significance of medicinal and aromatic plant selection has risen in recent years due to increasing requirements on quality, safety, and efficiency of herbal products. Only selected varieties could guaranty the homogeneity of raw... more
How did people in Tang dynasty China view textiles and how did they conceive of their value? Those involved in production could calculate the value in terms of the costs of raw materials, labour and the loom used to weave a particular... more
Hand-knitted silk stockings from the second half of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century, which were found in today's Czech Republic (historically Kingdom of Bohemia, Margraviate of Moravia and a part of Duchy of... more
Deimantas yra grynuolių klasės mineralas, jo cheminė sudėtiskristalinė anglies modifikacija.
In Lithuania, 36 species of orchids belonging to 19 genera can be found in the wild. 30 species are included in the Red Data Book of Lithuania and 6 other species (Epipactis helleborine, Epipactis palustris, Goodyera repens, Listera... more
Many fragments of archaeological textiles have been found in the Netherlands during the last century. This article focuses on the way these textiles were made and used. How and where were textiles and clothes made and by whom? Was cloth... more
The article acquaints the readers with the manufacture of jewellery artefacts, old technologies and with the names of some processes. Technologies used in Lithuania in 2nd- 14th centuries are compared with some old metal processing... more
1 Pateikti Anduliø (Kretingos r.) kapinyno kapo Nr. 1, Senkø (Kretingos r.) kapinyno kapo Nr. 3 grafiniai vaizdai, Gintarø (Kretingos r.) kapinyno 1977 m. tyrinëjimai. II sektorius. Kapø Nr. 1, 2 audiniø apraðymas.
Audiniai, randami archeologinėje aplinkoje, dėl humuso rūgščiųpoveikio yra praradę savo buvusią spalvą. Tyrimų objektas -I-XII a. tekstilės fragmentai. Natūralūs dūžikliai tirti atliekant mikrocheminę ir plonasluoksnę chromatografinę... more
While few archaeological finds remain concerning dress during the Iron Age of the Celtic Tribes in Europe, if we consider historical commentary, Celtic art, oral traditions and archaeological data together we can amass a generic idea what... more
This is the presentation of my first results of the analysis of the textiles from Lønne Hede - a first century gravefield in western Jutland, Denmark. As I am in doubt about the copyrights of this article, I have removed it as a... more
Sagas draw our attention to colour in clothes, and coloured clothing is also mentioned in poetry. From sagas and poetry, it would appear that coloured clothing is noteworthy in itself; it is usually blue, but red is more imposing, and... more