Recent papers in Archaeolgy
The Kai and Naig valleys are very beautiful and most anceint valleys. The caves are situated at Kai valley which can be refereed to paleolithic age. A little information is included in this article.
1. Chadhar, Mohan Lal. “PUNCH MARKED COINS FOUND FROM ERAN, MADHYA PRADESH.” Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, vol. 77, 2016, pp. 915–918. JSTOR, Accessed 23 July 2020. 2.Chadhar, M. (2016). PUNCH... more
De manera especial me gustaría agradecer a mi familia, a mi hermano Tony, a mi madre Tere que siempre me apoyó incondicionalmente en todo en la vida, mi padre Rosendo que me transmitió gran parte de los gustos y actividades que definen... more
El marco histórico y geográfico Cronología Historiografía Temas y tendencias actuales El debate Arqueología/Historia del Arte De la arqueología urbana al análisis del territorio Introducción: El marco histórico y el... more
Archaeologists agree that ancestors figured prominently in the lives of the Classic (CE 250-900), particularly in the Late Classic (600-900), the period for which we have a wealth of epigraphic, iconographic, and archaeological evidence.... more
The extraordinary record of prehistoric rock art depicting tens of thousands of animal images in the Coso Range of eastern California provides an opportunity to study the relationship between aboriginal hunting, forager ecology, bighorn... more
Segundo Colin Renfrew (1998) a capacidade cognitiva do homem está vinculada a vida social e aos objetivos (coisas), se observou que existe uma importância dos artefatos na esfera dos assuntos humanos. O autor afirma que os artefatos tem... more
Chapter on the archaeology of the parishes of Carrigaholt & Cross on the Loop Head peninsula, Co. Clare.
It was my first published work and the field work carried out for it formed the basis of my MA thesis
It was my first published work and the field work carried out for it formed the basis of my MA thesis
During the 2009 field season the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Aksum (Tigray) of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” (UNO), Naples (Italy), conducted a preliminary reconnaissance of the archaeological site at Yeha,... more
A bulla of יואב שבניהו was found in Tel 'Eton in the southeastern Shephelah. Since the name "Joab" was not used as a personal name from the tenth century BCE onward, it represents the name of the historical founder of his family clan.... more
El hecho de contar con una reconstrucción material parcial de la estructura denominada Templo Ibérico de La Alcudia de Elche ha supuesto la difusión de un resto patrimonial que contaba con elementos arquitectónicos con una fiabilidad... more
Vác and its surrounding areas geographically lay in the Ipoly-valley along the Danube. Here due to the local stone and other raw materials in the mountain and hill regions, the proximity of the rivers, which make a great way of... more
Der Beitrag stellt die Fundgeschichte und die Zusammensetzung zweier Sichelhorte aus Südostsiebenbürgen wieder auf. In Cristian wurden bis 1905, 12 Sicheln gefunden, die durch einen Bronzedraht zusammengebunden waren. Weitere acht Sicheln... more
अफगाणिस्तान मधील अमेरिकेने सैन्य माघारी घेतले आणि जगाचे लक्ष वेधले. अफगाणिस्तान आणि भारत पाकिस्तान यांचा इतिहास पुर्वकाळ बराच सारखा आहे पेक्षा सामाहीकच आहे.
Сравнительный анализ сообщения ал-Мас‘уди о кашаках (касогах) Северо-Западного Кавказа, как о “маджусийа”, с другими известиями мусульманских авторов о “маджусах” Европы заставил автора статьи усомниться в том, что здесь речь идет о... more
The Late Classic Maya village of Joya de Cerén's extraordinary preservation by the Loma Caldera eruption circa 660 CE allows for a unique opportunity to study ancient Mesoamerican landscape management and agricultural practices. Various... more
HE SCHOLARSHIP on the Akropolis of Athens is the most extensive, intricate, and potentially confusing of that for any site in Greece. This is owing partly to the intricacies of the site itself, whose stages extend from the Bronze Age... more
On the occasion of rescue archaeological excavations carried out in the historical centre of Timişoara, one of the most important medieval and early modern towns of the Banat region, researches have been made in the “core” of the late... more
The Late Classic Maya village of Joya de Cerén's extraordinary preservation by the Loma Caldera eruption circa 660 CE allows for a unique opportunity to study ancient Mesoamerican landscape management and agricultural practices. Various... more
Oldenburg was part of a close network of pan-European scholars interested in Asia and exploration. This paper discusses Oldenburg’s correspondence with scholars based in Britain, including Cecil Bendall and F. W. Thomas but concentrating... more
Since 1982 thirty-one bronze cast coins of Selinus have been kept in the Martin-von-Wagner Museum, the University Museum in Würzburg. The coins offer an important addition to the study of the 5th century coinage of Selinus since specimens... more
Like most of the world, I am in lockdown, writing this NBC during the social distancing measures designed to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Restrictions in travel, movement and social encounters, and being fully reacquainted... more
Antik Dönemde Orta Toroslarının kuzey kesimi Isauria olarak adlandırılmaktaydı. Bu alanın kuzeyinde Lykaonia, batısında Pisidia, doğusunda Kilikya yer almaktaydı. Bu makale, 1980-1991 yılları arasında bu bölgedeki yüzey araştırmaları ve... more
nr. TH3-12 HOW TO MAKE A FIELD SCHOOL WORK: managing issues, dangers, opportunities Archaeology Field School is supposed to be a training environment for students who aspire to ultimately become archaeologists, but is it the right place?... more
The present work aims to quantitatively explore and understand the relationship between mobility types (nautical versus pedestrian), specific technological traits and shared technological knowledge in pedestrian hunter–gatherer and... more
Promoting standards as an effort to allow more diversity might seem counterintuitive but providing a stable, yet dynamic, core of archaeological science will allow archaeologists better accessibility to scientific methodology and with it... more
full title: "Terenowa weryfikacja danych z archiwum Feliksa Jakobsona. Przykład cmentarzyska w Sternwalde na Mazurach. Die Verifizierung der Informationen aus dem Archiv Feliks Jakobsons im Gelände am Beispiel des Gräberfelds Sternwalde... more
Depuis le colloque international organisé à Strasbourg en 1991 et celui qui s'est tenu à Athènes, à l'Ecole française d'archéologie, à l'occasion du centenaire des fouilles de Delphes, aucune rencontre internationale n'a été eu lieu. Ce... more
I presented this paper at Cairo University on the 23 April 2019 and to the 'Museums' Sectors', Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities on the 12 December 2019 at the Islamic Museum of Art. The aim of this talk is to spread the word regarding... more