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This study aims at classifying land use land cover (LULC) patterns and detect changes in a 'secondary city' (Savar Upazila) in Bangladesh for 30 years i.e., from 1990 to 2020. Two distinct sets of Landsat satellite imagery, such... more
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      UrbanizationArcGISmodeling LULCCspatial changes
There has been an unprecedented growth and increase in the domain unstructured/semi-structured data is increasing over the years. While relational database systems remain popular and relevant, they are incapable of handling the growth... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningDatabase SystemsNoSQL
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      Remote SensingArchaeological GISGeoreferencingImage Registration
African swine fever is the viral disease of pigs that can lead up to 100% mortality among infected animals and causes huge economic losses in the Russian Federation. The space-time analysis of the disease spread conducted by means of... more
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      Spatial ModelingArcGISProbabilistic risk modelingAfrican swine fever virus
Groundwater is of fundamental importance in water resources planning, development and management. Groundwater flow has many applications, among which are agricultural developments, domestic use such as supply of drinking water,... more
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      GroundwaterGroundwater modelingModelCalibration
Accuracy assessment for the satellite image classification
ArcGIS 10.5
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      Landscape EcologyAssessmentClustering and Classification MethodsSupervised Learning
Desde os tempos remotos o homem buscou aproximar-se aos cursos dá água, visando obter proveito dos mesmos, através da captação de água, navegação e disposição de dejetos. O crescimento urbano desordenado acaba por forçar a ocupação pela... more
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      ArcGISInundações UrbanasFlood Inundation ModelingFlood Modelling Using Arcgis and Hec Ras
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    • ArcGIS
The purpose and the goal of the paper are to introduce a framework based on onto Geographical information systems (GIS) to integrate geographic information of Urban areas taking Khartoum State as an example. One of the main... more
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      ArcGISGMLGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      ArcGISGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The study aims to delineate the Groundwater Potential Zones (GPZ) of Vaippar Basin. Groundwater potential zone identification can be done using advanced as well as recently developed geospatial technology such as Remote Sensing and GIS.... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyRemote SensingGeotechnical Engineering
Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα από μια έρευνα κατά την οποία εφαρμόστηκε ένα διδακτικό σενάριο που αξιοποιεί την κατασκευή διαδραστικών διαδικτυακών χαρτών από τους ίδιους τους μαθητές σε μια ενοποιημένη προσέγγιση της... more
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      ArcGISΔιαθεματικότηταψηφιακό εκπαιδευτικό υλικόχάρτες
This paper evaluates the foodscape of Texas A&M University’s main campus in an effort to understand rates of food security as linked to food access at a tier one University. To do this, we employ two methodological approaches. An ArcGIS... more
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      Food SecurityUniversityArcGIS
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      Software EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionComputer EngineeringDatabase Systems
Erosion map of a watershed offers a wealth of knowledge and can be crucial for implementing site-specific management interventions. Thus, watershed-based soil erosion assessment was conducted to recognize erosion hotspot areas, while... more
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      Soil ErosionArcGISUSLE Model
2012.23 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyPaleoclimatology
مقدمة في إنشاء الدوال بلغة البايثون
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L’aménagement et la gestion urbaine du territoire sont devenus, actuellement, tributaires à l’utilisation de nouvelles technologies qui facilitent davantage une bonne organisation de la ville. Dans ce cadre, le Système... more
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      CartographyUrbanismUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Transportation
The purpose of this thesis is the observation of the over-time changes of the Dead Sea for the years 1972 – 2019, with the utilization of Geographic Information Systems and the use of satellite and other data. Particularly, the problem of... more
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      GeographyCartographyDigitizationSatellite remote sensing
الدليل العملي لادارة واستخدام خادم نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (ArcGIS Server) , ArcSDE Geodatabase
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      GeodatabaseArcGISGeographic Information Systems (GIS)ArcGIS Server
Spatial statistics notes following the ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst extension. These notes are to be used in conjunction with the Powerpoint slides, Geostatistical Analyst.
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      Physical GeographyGeomorphologySpatial StatisticsRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
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      Software EngineeringArcGIS
يتم القاء الضوء عن اهم تعاريف نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وكذلك مكوناته وعناصره الاساسية الاسئلة الخمسة التلى يجيب عنها مع بعض الامثلة واخيراً تطبيقات واستخدامات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية
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      ArcGISComponentsFunctionsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
The current study conducted to analysis the ground water potential zones in Mysore Taluk. The study is based on the secondary data, which is collected from concern department and through internet. Totally nine parameters have been... more
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      Remote SensingGroundwater modelingGeospatial ModellingArcGIS
Digital mapping is an important for showing any location of the world. For this purpose, ArcGIS 10.3 is important software. Any kind of maps like 2D & 3D may be drawn simply by using this software. To draw a map with ArcGIS 10.3, it is... more
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      Remote Sensing3D GISArchaeological GISRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape Research
In the present study, the eighteen miniwatersheds of Kadam watershed of Middle Godavari sub basin (G-5) have been prioritized using GIS based on morphometric analysis. The highest Bifurcation ratio is found to be 11.95 for 4E3C5a. The... more
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      GeomaticsRemote SensingWatershed HydrologyArcGIS
Heritage studies now utilize state-of-the-art cutting edge technology in the digital application with great success. Due to the flexibility and precision of this technology, the digital application has opened up new frontiers in heritage... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Conservation
Create Fishnet Using ArcGIS
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      Remote SensingArcGISGridFishnet
Laporan praktikum Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) berikut berisikan langkah-langkah untuk memetakan daerah rawan bencana tanah longsor dengan studi kasus Kabupaten Temanggung menggunaakn ArcGIS.
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      Urban And Regional PlanningArcGISSistem Informasi GeografisLaporan Praktikum
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      Civil EngineeringRemote SensingArchitecturePlanology
يتم القاء الضوء عن اهم برامج نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ومنها ArcGIS - QGIS والفرق الاساسي بينهم وتاريخ ونشأة برنامج ARCGIS ومكوناته الاساسية
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      ArcGISComponentsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Tutorial arcgis
هذا الكتاب، محاولة لتقديم صورة صحيحة ومتكاملة عن وظائف نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، من خلال مقاربة تجمع بين مناقشة الأفكار الأساسية لنظم المعلومات الجغرافية والتدريب العلمي باستخدام واحد من أكثر برمجيات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية شعبية، وهو... more
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      ArcGISأسس التحليل المكاني في اطار نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS Spatial Analysis (in Arabic)نظم المعلومات الجغرافية - الدراسات البيئية - الدراسات الخرائطية - الدراسات الجغرافية
Trabajo fin de Grado de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio
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      Risk and VulnerabilityNatural HazardsFire BehaviourFire Behaviour Modelling
Utility and guide for application of Local Relief Model (according to Hess 2010) in ESRI ArcGIS 10 software using Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extensions. Those two extensions have to be licensed to make the utility work properly.
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      ArchaeologyRemote SensingAerial ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
The mangrove is one of the most endangered ecosystems on the planet. Indeed, despite all the benefits that it recognizes, namely the reduction of the risk of coastal erosion, the breeding and nursery grounds for fish or the sequestration... more
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      GeographyGeomaticsRemote SensingEnvironmental Studies
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been intensively developed since their origin in the early 1960s and employed for a variety of purposes both in academic and commercial fields thereafter. Following in the steps of precocious... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyRemote Sensing
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySettlement PatternsPrehistoric Settlement
Global Mapper adalah perangkat lunak System Informasi Geografis (GIS) yang saat ini dikembangkan oleh Blue Marble Geographics yang dijalankan di Microsoft Windows. Perangkat lunak GIS bersaing dengan GIS ESRI,GeoMedia,Manifold System, dan... more
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There are different natural hazard, among these different natural hazards flood are most devastating and frequently occurring calamities taking human lives and causing economic damages. This report has been prepared to present hazard... more
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      Remote SensingHydrologyWater resourcesEnvironmental Remote Sensing
Nowadays urban sprawl is a major threat aspect for infrastructure development. An increased urban population and growth in an urban area in a disorderly manner has financial impact and concerns municipalities have to face. Urban... more
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      Remote SensingPopulation GeneticsUrban SprawlArcGIS
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      ArcGISPerencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota
Online mapping platforms enable citizens to generate geographic content that can be geoprocessed and displayed in real time as scientific data. Typically, this is implemented through 3-tier architecture including GIS server software and... more
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      AdvertisingEducation for CitizenshipCitizenshipCitizen Science
ATTA Converter is a new program developed at Palacky University for converting native data formats of GIS (Geographical Information System) products ArcGIS and TerrSet. This program is built on top of open source libraries and is hence... more
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      ArcGISGeographic Information Systems (GIS)GDALData Format
Background of the Study: Health facility is a major concern for any developing countries like Bangladesh. As Bangladesh is in a monsoon region and seasonal change has a major effect in the life style, different kinds of severe and... more
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      Public HealthArcGISLand Suitability AnalysisPublic Hospital
Askari Kurumlar, Özel Sektör ve Üniversite hizmet alanlarina kurumsallasmis bir is anlayisi ile, en ileri teknolojileri kullanarak, zamaninda, güvenilir, ekonomik ve sorunsuz bir hizmet sunmak ve bu hizmetlerin gelisimini ve sürekliligini... more
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    • ArcGIS
DEPARTEMEN ILMU KELAUTAN / OSEANOGRAFI FAKULTAS PERIKANAN DAN ILMU KELAUTAN UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO SEMARANG 2018 I. PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Penginderaan jauh atau remote sensing adalah teknologi yang mengandalkan tenaga... more
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      Archaeological GISRemote sensing and GISArcGISDEM & ARCGIS
Modul Panduan Penggunaan Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) merupakan sebuah Modul Ajar pada Mata Kuliah Pemetaan Pemantauan Lingkungan Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Brawijaya yang dipersiapkan pada tahun 2017. Adapun... more
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      ArcGISGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Shoreline ChangesDigital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS)
cara bagi para pemula untuk belajar menggunakan arcmap arcgis
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Abstract This report describes the contents of the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for GPlates, describes how the maps in the PaleoAtlas were made, documents the sources of information used to make the paleogeographic maps, and provides instructions... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyPaleontologyAnimation