Arabic based scripts

122 papers
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Arabic-based scripts refer to writing systems that are derived from the Arabic script, characterized by their cursive style and use of diacritics. These scripts are utilized for various languages, adapting the Arabic alphabet to accommodate phonetic and grammatical features specific to each language.
This article presents a survey of sixteen translations of the Lord’s Prayer in Northern Kurdish published from 1787 until 2019. Attention is given to the development of different orthographies and literary standards for Northern Kurdish... more
The article reveals the importance of research competencies among domestic and international teachers of different educational institutions. The purpose of the article is to assess the demand and significance of research skills among... more
Наряду с очерком истории коллекции в этом разделе книги публикуются 33 печатные таблицы с назидательными текстами и изображениями мусульманских святынь, напечатанные в казанских типографиях в начале 20 в. Особое место отведено публикации... more
The art of Divine Writing-Calligraphy has exceptional features that truly revolve around the Islamic ideology. It is represented in diverse visionary, imaginative and creative ways. In many parts of the world the importance of hand... more
The Programme of the International Workshop Titled: “Epigraphical Monuments in Arabic Script of the Golden Horde and Its Successors”, organized by IRCICA, Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies and Aqtobe Akimat. It is the key part of... more
Morphological Awareness (henceforth: MA), defined as the ability to understand the morphemic structure of the words, has been reported to affect various aspects of second language performance including reading comprehension ability,... more
This research sheds light on the poetry (rhymes) selected for the Arabic Language Curriculum (LOGHATY), taught across the lower elementary school grades in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2023)(2024). It also provides a linguistic analysis... more
This research sheds light on the poetry (rhymes) selected for the Arabic Language Curriculum (LOGHATY), taught across the lower elementary school grades in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2023-2024). It also provides a linguistic analysis of... more
This paper is a survey of Punjabi language to explore the computational facilities available for orthography of this language. The two scripts used for writing Punjabi are Shahmukhi (a derivation of the Perso-Arabic script) and... more
* The subject of this contribution to the festschrift for my old friend Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu is partly derived from my valedictory lecture to Leiden University on December 10, 2010, entitled Het einde van het islamitische handschrift.... more
As a result of political changes and numerous language reforms in the 20th and the 21th centuries, the trans-border languages of post-Soviet Central Asia and North-Western China, which had been written in Arabic (Perso-Arabic) script,... more
The design of Arabic typefaces is one of the most crucial elements in visual communication. It provides graphic designers with a powerful visual language for their designs. In this respect, it plays an effective role in establishing... more
Objective: The study objective was to determine the role and applicability of the culture-based approach to Group B Streptococcus(GBS) screening and the effect on pregnancy outcome. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective... more
The design of Arabic typefaces is one of the most crucial elements in visual communication. It provides graphic designers with a powerful visual language for their designs. In this respect, it plays an effective role in establishing... more
Objective: The study objective was to determine the role and applicability of the culture-based approach to Group B Streptococcus(GBS) screening and the effect on pregnancy outcome. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective... more
Translation of some of the 19th century northern Mozambican documents in Arabic script (mainly in Kiswahili and Kimwani), part of the collection of Mozambique Historical Archives in Maputo. Documents are the correspondence of northern... more
This unfinished PhD study of the 3 main Arabic traditional printers of Kano city and their published textbooks illustrate the traditional output of their literature used all over the sahel and found in other West African countries.from... more
Although the arrival of the French army dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, Niger became a colony only in 1922. Today, Niger is made up of different ethnic groups which makes it extremely heterogeneous. French coexists with... more
This article looks at the lawḥ (wooden tablet) in traditional Quranic education in Africa, through the lens of the phenomenology of religion. It argues that, the set of pedagogical practices that are sustained with the support of the lawḥ... more
This note describes the tools and the techniques used by Kaʾana Umar, a contemporary calligrapher based in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State (Nigeria), to produce a Quranic manuscript that is now preserved at the Centre for Contemporary... more
is article explores the transformation of the study of tafsīr in Kano city (Northern Nigeria) during the twentieth century, highlighting the role of a Sufi phenomenon of revival (al-fayḍa, the 'flood') within an established order (the... more
Выходит 4 раза в год Журнал зарегистрирован 24 марта 2005 года в Комитете информации и архивов Министерства культуры, информации и спорта Республики Казахстан. Свидетельство о регистрации: 24 марта 2005 г. №5844-Ж. «КЕРУЕН» №2, том 75,... more
This article examines the intensifying efforts of Bosnian Muslim scholars to promote and standardize a modified Arabic script for their native language over the long 19th century. A local variant of aljamiado literature, this Arebica... more
The Kufic font takes its name from the location in which the font was created around the end of the seventh century, Kufa, Iraq.  Kufic was the principal script used to replicate the Qur’ans until approximately the eleventh century.... more
Problem Definition: One of the most important developments in writing in Islamic lands has been the emergence of the Six Scripts (Iqlam Sethe). The decline of the Kufic script and its replacement with the Six Scripts, as well as the wide... more
Nowadays, Kurdish programmers usually suffer when they need to write Kurdish letter while they program in java. More to say, all the versions of Java Development Kits have not supported Kurdish letters. Therefore, the aim of this study is... more
With English summary. مع ملخص عربي. "Präarabische Sprachen der Ja‘aliyin und Ababde in der europäischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts" in "Der Antike Sudan" 2023; 34: 135-152
The past few decades have witnessed an aesthetic trend in the Arabic Writing System and its well-known calligraphic arts, which have exploited features of other writing systems, including Latin and Chinese scripts. Although there are... more
Viewing the map of Central and Eastern Europe in 1910 through the lens of Ottoman Turkish (عثامنليجه ʿOsmānlıca) reveals a number of interesting features, particularly in terms of changes from older forms of place names, but... more
This document attempts to demonstrate the different orthographic interpretations of the classical lam-alef ligature form when viewed with Hafs conventions vs those of al-Dani and the difficulties these interpretations raise in determining... more
Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Uyghur have a number of issues related to display of certain characters in the Arabic script. Some of them can be handled by adding annotations and some of them by changing the design of some of the glyphs. Most of... more
The Unicode Technical Committee, in its recent meetings, has accepted eighteen Arabic honorifics proposed by the first author and others. Only characters for which we could find examples in running text in published material were... more
The language relating to climatic conditions certainly plays a major role in the novel Frankenstein, published by Mary Shelley in 1818. The aim of this article is therefore to analyze the use the author makes of this language, which often... more
Recently my coworkers and I have been working on a font intended for use in West Africa. We wanted to support the Warsh (Warš) orthography (or reading tradition) for the Arabic script. Below is a description of three orthographic... more
Proposal for Phonetic symbols in current use in linguistic journals and books; orthographic characters are used in literacy materials, liturgical books and general literature. Priest, Lorna. 2004-08-23. Revised Proposal for Additional... more
This is a short introduction to the manuscripts of the Quran in West Africa. It aims to shed light on how the early Quran manuscripts were compiled and disseminated in those areas. The paper begins by articulating the first introduction... more
This thesis presents the religious activities of an Ottoman Islamic scholar Abu Bakr Effendi and his educational challenges at the Cape of Good Hope. Abu Bakr Effendi was a professor of canon law (Mudarris, Mufti-ul Arbaa 1) who was sent... more
The Ottoman State sent a professor of Islamic theology Abu Bakr Effendi to the Cape of Good Hope in 1862. As an Ottoman theologian, Abu Bakr Effendi's approach to women in Muslim society should be important in order to understand his... more
Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds (2) The All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful. (3) The Master of the Day of Requital. (4) You alone do we worship, and from You alone do we seek help. (5) Take us on the straight path (6) The... more
This chapter provides a chronology of the printed editions of the Qur'an published in Nigeria, in the form of offset lithography, from the 1950s onwards. Reconstructing the history of these publications alongside an anthropological... more
This note describes the tools and the techniques used by Kaʾana Umar, a contemporary calligrapher based in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State (Nigeria), to produce a Quranic manuscript that is now preserved at the Centre for Contemporary... more
This article describes and analyzes barnāwī, the Arabic script of Borno (northeastern Nigeria) and most ancient prototype of what we define as the Central Sudanic family of scripts. Barnāwī shows paleographic features that clearly set it... more
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