Arabic and Islamic Studies
Recent papers in Arabic and Islamic Studies
At a close analysis, Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī's Maqāṣid al-falāsifa [Intentions/Doctrines of the Philosophers] reveals itself as a richly stratified work, where the most rational trends of Avicennan falsafa intertwine with an approach strongly... more
The W.W. Norton Company has developed something of a reputation for producing definitive anthologies; as a young undergraduate I vividly recall lugging around two hefty volumes of The Norton Anthology of English Literature over three... more
The Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Bonn is advertising two RA/TA positions which are attached to the Alexander von Humboldt-Chair for Islamic Studies (Prof. Dr. Judith Pfeiffer). Applicants should work towards a Ph.D. in... more
Kitabın pdf.sine şu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz. Sadece kişisel okuma içindir, ticari amaçla kullanılamaz. 29.03.2022
The Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Bonn is advertising two Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant Positions which are attached to the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Islamic Studies (Prof. Dr. Judith Pfeiffer).... more
Title in English: "Studies on the the historical and doctrinal genesis of Islam - Bruno Bonnet-Eymard and the French school of scholarly skepticism" ENG. The article presents briefly the scholarly theory on the historical and dogmatic... more
The formation of the «Arabian Axis» in the number of state coalition opposing the aggression of Saddam Hussein in Kuwait (1990-1991) is regarded in the article. Research methodology is based on the principles of four types of scientific... more
Zusammenfassung Die Studie skizziert Ibn Rušds einzigartigen rechtsphilosophischen Ansatz, das islamische Recht zu flexibilisieren und es mitten im Leben der Muslime zu verorten. Sein Ansatz erlaubt eine neue Perspektive im Diskurs um... more
RESUMEN: La Biblioteca Nacional de España conserva el ejemplar de la edición impresa de Roma de 1592 de la Āǧurrūmiyya y de la Kāfiyat dawī l-ˀarab fī maˁrifat kalām al-ˁarab (conocida como al-Kāfiya) de Ibn al-Ḥāǧib que perteneció a la... more
Found in *Teaching Arabic Literature in Translation* edited by Michelle Hartman (MLA Publications 2018; pp 41-61), this essay is an exploration of the potential pedagogical spaces of alternative methodologies and theories for teaching... more
The Arab Spring led to a major transformation of political systems of the region's most countries; an increase in the significance of radical Islam in the political life; a degradation of the security environment. In addition , changes in... more
A partir de los textos de las epístolas denominadas zurzūriyyāt, en este artículo se pretende profundizar en las dos caras del personaje en torno al cual se articulan estas originales y singulares composiciones, exclusivas de la... more
ترجمة: رمضان مهلهل سدخان
Reviewed by Mawil lzzi-Dien, published in "Journal of Islamic Studies", 6 no. 2 Jul. 1995, pp. 259-260.
This papers examines Arab migrants' paths in Milan, the way they settled in and dwell in the oldest migration area in Milan, via Padova, space habits that allow them to live in a network of relationships, focussing on women's experience... more
The Arabic language is associated with Islam and is the language of the Holy Qur’an, which Muslims believe to be God’s words. Due to religious, educational, socio-cultural, and geographic factors, Qur’anic Arabic is revered by many... more
A critical appraisal of Western scholarship on Prophetic tradition (hadith) and its reverberation in the Muslim world.
What is the relationship between virtue and piety? Grounded in the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad's sayings, the teachings of Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661)-first Imam after the Prophet Muhammad according to the Shia, and fourth Caliph... more
The article is devoted to the examination of a historical events which took place Dagestan in the 7th -8th centuries during the reign of khulafa ar-rashudun and the Umayyad governors of the Eastern Caucasus in the Arabic historical source... more
VAKANÜVİS-International Journal of Historical Researches, Yıl/Vol. 6, Sayı/No. 1, Bahar/Spring2021. ISSN: 2149-9535/ 2636-7777
Please note that this is the original version of this essay. It has been published in other forms that include changes made without the author's approval, and the correct version is found here. Elia Suleiman's New York-based film... more
The doctoral dissertation provides a systematic study of the commentary on Porphyry’s (d. 305) Isagoge composed in Arabic by the Persian philosopher Ibn Sînâ (m. 1037), better known in the West as Avicenna. The book in question (in Arabic... more
Reviewed by Sophie Kessler-Mesguich, published in "Revue des études juives", 163 no. 3 - 4 Jul. - Dec. 2004, p 554-556.
Can a democratic society and Sharia law co-exist? This question increases in importance as the number of nations who follow Sharia law while modernizing is increasing. One argument suggests that there is no difference between allowing... more
This review has been published in Romano-Arabica XVII (2017): Fictional beings in Middle East Cultures. Muhammad al-Sharkawi, History and Development of the Arabic Language, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, 274 p. ISBN... more
Study on adab literature - Translation (arabic>italian) of some chapters from Ibn 'Abd al-Barr's "adab al-mujalasah" (the good manners in the meetings). Translated chapters: "the good manners in the meetings and the right of the... more
The tendency to release the self from restricting ideological frameworks in the plays of the later phase of the Syrian playwright Sa'dallah Wannous' career led to the emergence in his work of the private space of the individual and to the... more
تطرح هذه المقالة تساؤلات ملحة أمام علاقة الأدب العربي مابعد الاستعمار بالمسمى أدب العالم. و تنتقل الدراسة من مسلمات تلك العلاقة المظلية مستخلصة أن هناك صراعات ايديلوجية حامية بين تعريف الأدب كظاهرة ينتجها تفاعل إنساني ذهني مع اللغة... more
The name of the polymath Ḥasan al-ʿAṭṭār’s name is not one commonly to be found in books on the history of Islamicate medicine. Yet he is an important figure in its history. In 1803, al-ʿAṭṭār left Egypt for Istanbul and traveled widely,... more
This handbook offers an overview of the main issues regarding the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual and artistic history of the Iberian Peninsula during the period of Muslim rule (eighth-fifteenth centuries). A... more
يعالج الكتاب أنظمة الإملاء في اللغة العربية
سَلوة العارفين وأُنْس المشتاقين: إشعار بالنشر: press release صدر مؤخَّرًا عن دار المشرق في بيروت كتاب سَلوة العارفين وأُنْس المشتاقين لمؤلّفه أبي خلف الطبريّ (المتوَفَّى سنة ٤٧٠/١٠٧٧) بتحقيق وتقديم جرهارد بورينغ (أستاذ الدراسات... more
This article explores the performative dimensions of the Zar ceremony as carried out throughout the Persian Gulf. This ceremony is mirrored by similar ones throughout North and East Africa, suggesting that the Zar may have resulted from... more
As asserted by M. Nussbaum (2011) and M. Fiorucci (2011), in order to improve the scholastic inclusion of foreign pupils, studies are needed about the school systems of their home countries. Analysing data about foreign pupils in Italian... more
There has been a lot of media attention devoted to the Islamic prohibition of interest and how this affects financial transactions such as mortgages. Other key Islamic principles that could have a bearing on business include social... more