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While Arabic typography has witnessed significant developments in the last decade, it still lacks standardized anatomy and a typeface classification system. Should Arabic typography stick to its roots and borrow from the long-established... more
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      TypographyType classification systemsTypeface and TypographyArabic Calligraphy
The main goal of this contribution consists on exploring the Arabic handwriting rules for the purpose of their formalization. The development of Arabic scientific and technical documents processing tools can not be undertaken without such... more
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      Arabic CalligraphyMultilingual
This article describes what Arabic calligraphy is, and the differences between traditional Arabic calligraphy and the modern one.

This is an article from
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      DesignArabic Language and LinguisticsGraphic DesignArabic Calligraphy
The past few decades have witnessed an aesthetic trend in the Arabic Writing System and its well-known calligraphic arts, which have exploited features of other writing systems, including Latin and Chinese scripts. Although there are... more
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      LetteringTypographyWriting systemsCalligraphy
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      Contemporary ArtIslamic ArtIslamic StudiesIslamic Calligraphy
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      Calligraphy in Islamic ArchitectureIslamic CalligraphyArabic Calligraphy
Catalog of the 2011 exhibition of works by renowned Tunisian artists Nja Mahdaoui and Khaled ben Slimane at the New Sahara Gallery, Northridge, CA. Co-organized with Galerie el Marsa (Tunisia). Contact me about obtaining a hard copy of... more
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      Contemporary ArtIslamic ArtWorld ArtWorld Art History
“A good word is like a good tree having its roots firm and its branches in the sky”

- Quran 14:24 (part)
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      SayingsWord and Image StudiesQuranic StudiesQuran
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      Islamic ArtIslamic StudiesCalligraphy in Islamic ArchitectureCalligraphy
The desktop publishing revolution of the 1980s and the digital media have forever changed the way information and visual images are created, transmitted, and experienced. For the majority of the countries that use Arabic script these... more
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      Islamic ArtDigital ArtsArabic Calligraphy
Publisher's description: The lost archive of the Fatimid caliphate (909–1171) survived in an unexpected place: the storage room, or geniza, of a synagogue in Cairo, recycled as scrap paper and deposited there by medieval Jews. Marina... more
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      Medieval HistoryPapyrologyMiddle East HistoryJewish History
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      Persian LanguageArabian/Persian Gulf StudiesArabic CalligraphyArabic Typography
Islam entered China as early as during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). With time, Chinese culture merged with Islamic culture to produce very distinct phenomena. One of these is the "Sini" style of Arabic Calligraphy still... more
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      material culture, silk road, Islamic and Chinese ceramicsArabic CalligraphyIslamic CultureChinese Culture and Identity
A comprehensive textbook of the early Arabic Kufic script, written as a complete reference book for calligraphers, designers, and students of art history and the history of Arabic language and scripts. This beautiful and powerful script... more
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      ArabicQuranic StudiesQuranMonograms
Ayasofya sanat tarihi için önem arz eden, mimarlarca aşılmaya çalışılan bir yapı iken siyasi tarih bağlamında ise ele geçirilmeye ve üzerinden siyasal mesaj verilmeye çalışılan bir yapı olmuştur. Fatih Sultan Mehmed tarafından bir cami... more
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      Calligraphy in Islamic ArchitectureIslamic CalligraphyArabic Calligraphy
Published in The World of the Fatimids (exhibition catalogue), ed. A.S. Melikian-Chirvani (Toronto, 2018)
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      Islamic ArtFatimidsArabic EpigraphyArabic Calligraphy
Renklerin insan hissiyatına doğrudan tesir ettiği yaygın olarak benimsenir. Ressamlar, tezhip, minyatür ve ebru sanatçıları, mimarlar, iç mimarlar, tasarımcılar, modacılar, psikologlar gibi sayısız meslek erbabı renklerle doğrudan doğruya... more
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      Cultural HistoryAestheticsArt HistoryOttoman Studies
Arabic Calligraphy is one of the main artistic features which belong to the identity of the region. While the calligraphy crafts are widely spread recently in the Arab world markets, they belong still into the field of hand made... more
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      Product DesignTypographyApplied ArtModern and contemporary crafts (Art)
A short discussion of a Shiʿi prayer text in Early Abbasid script preserved in the Cairo Genizah.
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicJewish HistoryShi'ism
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIslamic ArtIslamic' ArchitectureIslamic History
This research discusses how Arabic Poetry can be reenacted through the medium of Poetry films. It gives an account of the different movements of Arabic Poetry, and how the role they played in the Arab and Egyptian culture has changed over... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryArabic Prose LiteratureAnimation
Sanat eğitimi, asırlar içinde tecrübe edilerek genel kabul görmüş birtakım alıştırmaların tekrarıyla başlayıp basitten karmaşığa doğru ilerleyen bir seyir izler. Hat eğitiminde bu safhalar müfredât ve mürekkebât meşkleri olarak... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryIslamic Art
The histories and practices of Arabic calligraphy and Arabic typography are richly intertwined, and this paper explores the narratives in which Arabic letter designers situate their work. It highlights two sites of Arabic lettering... more
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      Arabic based scriptsIslamic CalligraphyArabic CalligraphyPrinting in the Middle East
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic ArtHistory of ArtIslamic Codicology
ÖZ Hat sanatı, bir ibarenin çok farklı kompozisyonlarla yazılmasına imkân sunan bir sanattır. Tarih boyunca Besmele, muhtelif ayet ve hadisler ile kelâm–ı kibar kabîlinden pek çok ibare, sayısız şekillerde yazılarak bu sanatın... more
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      Cultural HistoryAestheticsArt HistoryTheology
TÜM BİLDİKLERİNİZ TARİH OLACAK 2018 | FİYATI 27 TL | KKTC 29 TL 'nın katkılarıyla Özel Sayı 13 ÖZEL SAYI 13 DERİN TARİH 2 İÇİNDEKİLER 06 Hat Sanatının Tarihî Serüveni
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsArt HistoryOttoman Studies
Islamic calligraphy is one of the most highly notable by the Islamic civilization. This art is most prevalent in the countries of Arabs and Muslims alike. Islamic calligraphy is strongly present in many types of buildings, furniture,... more
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      Art HistoryInterior DesignIslamCalligraphy
Published in The World of the Fatimids (exhibition catalogue), ed A.S. Melikian-Chirvani, (Toronto, 2018)
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      Islamic ArtEarly and Medieval Islamic Art and ArchitectureArabic EpigraphyFatimid Egypt
Özet HAT SANATINDA OSMANLI İNKILÂBI Herkesçe bilinen bir gerçektir ki; Osmanlı’yı Cihan Devleti haline getirme ve “Osmanlı Medeniyeti”ni inşâ etme yolundaki en önemli adımların atıldığı dönem, İstanbul’un Fatih’i Sultan II.... more
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      Art HistoryOttoman StudiesIslamic StudiesCalligraphy
The library of Astan-e-Quds has long been housing most precious and exquisite Qur'anic Manuscripts which were donated to this cultural organization by aficionados and believers of Imam Reza.The compilation of this volume was made possible... more
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      Manuscript StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic ArtIranian Art History
Irina GUSACH (Senior Staff Scientist Azov Müzesi, Rusya) Fekete LASZLO (Serbest Sanatçı) Julianna Illes MAJOR (Macaristan Vonyarcvashegy Kültür Müdürü) Mohamed HACHICHA (Serbest Sanatçı)
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      AestheticsArt HistoryQuranic StudiesOttoman Studies
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      AestheticsArt HistoryOttoman HistoryOttoman Studies
Özet Hüsn-i hat, tezhip, ebru, cilt ve minyatür gibi başlıca geleneksel sanatlar, genel bir isimle “kitap sanatları” olarak bilinmektedir. Mevlevîliğin sanata verdiği değer ve Selçuklular döneminde Konya’ya davet edilen ilim ve sanat... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryIslamic StudiesHistory of Ottoman Art and Architecture
Not: 25–26. sayfalarda resim altları karışmış.
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      Calligraphy in Islamic ArchitectureOttoman art and architectureOttoman CalligraphyIslamic Calligraphy
Elif aşktır.
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      CalligraphyTasavvufArabic CalligraphyArabic alphabet
Bir alfabede yer alan bütün harfler o dil için önemli ve gereklidir. Ancak her dilde bazı harflerin diğer dillerdekine nispetle daha fazla kullanıldığı da bir gerçektir. Sözlüklere göz atıldığında bile bunu fark etmek mümkündür. Yine,... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryIslamic StudiesMetaphor
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      HistoryArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicAramaic
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsOttoman StudiesIslamic Studies
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      Islamic ArtArabic EpigraphyIslamic art historyIslamic Calligraphy
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      AestheticsQuranic StudiesOttoman StudiesEstetik
Özet Türk-İslam kültüründe Ehl-i Beyt sevgisi, çok sayıda eser ile hat sanatına yansımıştır. Muhtelif yazı çeşitleriyle ve birbirinden farklı tasarım şekilleriyle, “pençe-i âl-i abâ” olarak da bilinen “Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v.), Hz. Ali... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryOttoman StudiesIslamic Studies
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      AestheticsArt HistoryQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
ABSTRACT Having served the Ottoman Empire as its capital for almost five hundred years, Istanbul is a museum-city housing monumental works built by countless statesmen, notably the Ottoman Emperors. The Imperial mosques constructed in... more
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      AestheticsIslamic StudiesHistory of Ottoman Art and ArchitectureFine Arts
This collection of essays and images is the first to present a comprehensive overview of the life and work of Mohamed Zakariya, the most important American Islamic calligrapher, told through the words and eyes of the artist himself,... more
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      Islamic ArtOttoman CalligraphyTurkish Islamic Calligraphy,tezhip and EbroIslamic Calligraphy
TYB 2007 Kültür Sanat Yıllığı kapsamında, 2007 yılında Türkiye'de geleneksel Türk sanatlarıyla ilgili olarak yapılan önemli faaliyetlerin listesi verilmiştir.
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      Art HistoryIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Paper marblingIslamic Calligraphy
The contribution of this thesis to the existing field of tiraz textile studies is that it has tried to overcome the existing rift between historians and textile specialists, in approaching the subject in a more unified way, which takes... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryEconomic History
Islamic calligraphy is a form of art that enables different compositions of a written. Many elegant phrases such as the Basmalah, and various verses and hadiths have been written in numerous ways and design alternatives provided by... more
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      AestheticsDesignIslamic StudiesEstetik
Examines discourses on the sanctity of the Qurʾān as a physical object expressed in early theological and juridical writings.
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      Islamic LawMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of the BookManuscript Studies
‫تراها‬ ‫التي‬ ‫التعديالت‬ ‫إجراء‬ ‫ا‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫النهائي‬ ‫الن�س‬ ‫يقدم‬ • ‫قر�س‬ ‫على‬ ‫التحرير،‬ ‫وهيئة‬ ‫العلمية‬ ‫المراجعة‬ ‫لجنة‬ MS Word ‫الكتابة‬ ‫برنامج‬ ‫ا�شتخدام‬ ‫مع‬ ‫ممغنط،‬ ‫العربية.‬ ‫للغة‬ 14 ‫وبنط‬ ‫أجنبية،‬ ‫ال‬ ‫للغات‬ 12... more
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      ArchitectureLebanese HistoryLebanonIslamic Studies