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This book provides, for the first time, a visual documentation of the wave of 'starchitect' designed museums under construction in certain Arabian Peninsula states, in China, and emerging economies, such as Azerbaijan and India. It offers... more
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      ArchitectureChinaArabian GulfMuseums
While the canonical literature on oil wealth suggests that hydrocarbon windfalls encourage repressive despotism, Kuwait provides a case of an oil-rich autocracy governing instead through popular rentierism-that is, through a broad... more
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      Middle East StudiesDemocratizationPolitical RegimesArabian Gulf
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is an independent research institute and think tank for the study of history and social sciences, with particular emphasis on the applied social sciences.
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEducationHigher Education
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
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      FolkloreLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsArabic Literature
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      English LiteratureLiteratureArabian GulfYemen
Scholarship on Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) states, which have the highest proportions of migrants in the world, usually explores how they are unique in their patterns of non-citizen exclusion. However, state discourses, geographies,... more
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      DiasporasImmigrationImmigration StudiesNationalism
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      Middle East StudiesSaudi ArabiaArabian Gulf
Dear Colleagues,‎ We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East ‎business, developments and news, for the period ending 2 October 2019.‎ Some highlights of this issue include the... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
For decades, progressive political analysts have critiqued Arab states for abandoning the Palestinian struggle for liberation. According to this critique, while Arab governments often claim solidarity with Palestinians, their actions... more
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      Middle East StudiesRefugee StudiesPalestineArabian Gulf
Portugal in the Sea of Oman - Religion and Politics is an editorial achievement, which is unique in the Arab World. In cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Oman, the University of Aachen and the Centro de Estudos... more
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      Asian StudiesPortuguese HistoryThe Persian GulfIndian Ocean History
Abstract: Dissertation Submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Award of the degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. The root causes of the GCC's employment problems are interlocked – a system of... more
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      Labor EconomicsMiddle East StudiesThe Persian GulfLabor Migration
At the dawn of the 1950s, when the Arabian Gulf stood at the precipice of a period of great social, economic, and political upheaval, two small sheikhdoms embarked upon an enterprise that would have a profound impact on the development of... more
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      History of EducationGulf StudiesArabian GulfKuwait
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryArabian GulfKuwait
2017. Axelle Rougeulle ed., Sharma. Un entrepôt de commerce médiéval sur la côte du Hadramawt (Yémen, ca. 980–1180) in  Journal of Islamic Archaeology 4.2 267–271.
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      Islamic ArchaeologyIndian Ocean HistoryIslamic ArtArabian Gulf
This is an edited new book on social media in the Arab world.
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      Social MediaFacebookTwitterArabian Gulf
A partir de l'étude du chapitre 38 de l'ouvrage du savant mecquois al-Fâsî (m. 1429), Shîfâ' al-gharâm bi-akhbâr al-balad al-harâm, consacré à l'histoire du hajj, cet article tente d'identifier les modes de représentation du pouvoir... more
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      Islamic LawMedieval HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesThe Persian GulfMiddle Eastern History
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesThe Persian GulfOttoman Studies
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisSaudi ArabiaArabian GulfMiddle East Politics
Gathering the proceedings from the 2019 Annual Conference of the Institute of Middle East and Islamic Studies at Durham University (UK), this volume explores the policies and priorities of Gulf Cooperation Council states, the tensions... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesSecurityIranian Studies
This monograph examines the impact that the “Arab Spring” has had on how Arab states relate to each other post-regime change and post-Islamist electoral victory. It shows that the region is undergoing a profound change as some traditional... more
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      International RelationsThe Persian GulfArabian GulfArab Spring (Arab Revolts)
© Bu kitabın her hakkı saklıdır. Tamamen veya herhangi bir bölümü, yayınevinin yazılı izni alınmadan basılamaz, kopyası çıkarılamaz, fotokopisi alınamaz veya kopya anlamı taşıyabilecek hiçbir işlem yapılamaz.
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      Ottoman HistoryIraqi HistoryOttoman EmpireArabian Gulf
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      International RelationsGulf StudiesIranian StudiesThe Persian Gulf
This paper addresses a key social–cultural aspect of sustainability in the Gulf region: Workforce localization (WL). Our research objective is to empirically explore organizational socialization (OS) practices in the context of WL in the... more
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      Workforce DiversityArabian GulfHRM & Organisational BehaviourSocialisation
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      International RelationsGulf StudiesThe Persian GulfArabian Gulf
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      Sociology of SportLabor EconomicsFootball (soccer)Middle East Studies
يوثِّقُ هذا الكتابُ منعطفاً تاريخياً للكويت تمثل بالغزو والاحتلال العراقي في عهد صدام حسين (2 أغسطس 1990م إلى 26 فبراير 1991م). وسيركز على الفترة الممتدة من قبيل وقوع الغزو العراقي سنة 1990م للتعريف بمقدماته وأسبابه، ويستمر بالتغطية... more
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      Iraqi HistoryArabian GulfArabian/Persian Gulf StudiesGulf War
Dear Colleagues,‎ We are proud to bring to you the latest edition of the FORTNIGHTLY, a review of Middle East ‎business, developments and news, for the period ending 5 February 2020.‎ Some highlights of this issue include the... more
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      International EconomicsMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaInternational Business
In 1400 an immense Chinese fleet of hundreds of ships and tens of thousands of men sailed through the seas, reaching Indonesia, India, Persia, Arabia and Africa: sent by a proud emperor to bring to the world the glory and the power of the... more
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      HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesShippingChina
An analysis of the art scenes in the Gulf following on from the July 2017 tensions between Qatar, the UAE and Saudi. Discussion of Jean Nouvel's new National Museum of Qatar and the Saudi plans for Al Ula. I suggest the era of big state... more
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      Museum StudiesContemporary ArtThe Persian GulfModern Arab Art
The site of Kharaib el-Desht on Failaka Island, Kuwait, was explored by an archaeological Kuwaiti–Polish team for the first time in 2013. The project included a survey and underwater archaeological research. Preliminary results indicate a... more
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      Islamic StudiesArabian GulfKuwaitFailaka
Bahrain’s Royal Family, the Al Khalifa, has long pursued a strategy of divide and rule in order to prevent the emergence of cross-opposition coalitions, while exacerbating the country’s sectarian divide has become a critical means of... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryGulf StudiesThe Persian Gulf
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      Saudi ArabiaArabian GulfOil Spills in the Marine EnvironmentGulf War 1991
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      ReligionInternational RelationsMiddle East StudiesHuman Rights Law
'So far, not a shot has been fired. In bleak, besieged Buraimi, Turki still holds out; he has 800 bags of rice, enough for many meals. Around him circles a busy band of British. Happiest of all are the local sheikhs. They figure that all... more
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      Saudi ArabiaArabian GulfYemen (History)Qatar
Pardis Mahdavi’s Crossing the Gulf is based on ethnographic fieldwork in the Arabian Gulf that investigated immobilities and mobilities as well as familial love in the lives of migrant workers. Although her data concentrate mainly on... more
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      Gender StudiesGulf StudiesGender and SexualityEmbodiment
Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are very useful for environmental-related studies, particularly in the field of surface water studies such as monitoring of lakes. The Dead Sea is exposed to very high... more
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      GeologyArabian GulfSatellite DataSea Water
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      Materials EngineeringKineticsTransmission Electron MicroscopyArabian Gulf
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      PaleobiologyArchaeologyArtFunerary Archaeology
This article explores the development of Saudi Arabia during King Fahd's era through research which highlights the challenges and reasons behind the decline in achieving five year plans. Saudi Arabia is one of those Middle Eastern... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPolitical Philosophy
Héritier du trône, le prince Mohammed Ben Salman entend réformer le royaume saoudien de manière profonde et sur tous les plans. Ses promesses de s’attaquer aux causes de l’extrémisme ne sont pas forcément synonymes d’une « déwahhabisation... more
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      HistorySociologyIslamic LawInternational Relations
As the famous French writer and political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville once opined, "There can never be real newspapers without democracy nor democracy without newspapers". Indeed, a political system that protects freedom of speech,... more
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      Media StudiesGulf StudiesThe Persian GulfArabian Gulf
La cité-Etat koweïtienne constitue un bon laboratoire pour l'étude des liens entre aménagement urbain et communication...
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      Middle East StudiesAdvertisingUrban PlanningUrban Studies
Preliminary results from further survey and a series of test pit excavations at the flint scatter site of Ras Ushayriq (QHNER 141) during the 2010 season has led to a re-assessment of the nature and chronology of the site. Over 1500... more
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      ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyArabian Gulf
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      EnergyEnergy SecurityOil and Gas LawArabian Gulf
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      ReligionHistoryPolitical SociologyIslamic Law
This work aims to develop a new mineral porous tubular membrane based on mineral coal fly ash. Finely ground mineral coal powder was calcinated at 700°C for about 3 h. The elaboration of the mesoporous layer was performed by the slip... more
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      Arabian GulfTextile industryMicrofiltrationFly Ash
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyThe Persian GulfIslamic' Architecture