A study was conducted with 204 Merino ewes as experimental units to assess the effectiveness of four estrus synchroni-zation protocols. The ewes were divided into four groups: TRT A (Control), TRT B (Intravaginal sponges for 12 days), TRT... more
Bacterial diseases can pose a significant challenge to aquaculture in Kenya, leading to significant economic losses. A fish farm in Narok County, Kenya, reported mass mortality among its reared fish which included Nile tilapia, catfish... more
1* Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad del Carmen. Calle 56 #4. Av. Concordia. Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, México, CP 24180. Tel.: +52-938-38-11018; Fax: +52-938-38-26514. E-mail: [email protected] * Corresponding author ... The Lagoons... more
Communication is vital for the socioeconomic and cultural development of pastoralists. If used constructively, communication can help to create a favourable environment for change and modernisation. This paper tries to uncover trends in... more
Although the United States produced 5.4% of the global marine capture fisheries (~4 million tonnes), it also led all other nations in seafood imports in 2020 (1). Among marine aquaculture sectors (finfish, shellfish, seaweed/macroalgae),... more
The aquaculture has surged in Kenya owing to dwindling wild stocks. However, this is coupled with challenges such as limited fish health knowledge and biosecurity measures. A cross sectional study was undertaken to determine risk factors... more
An attempt has been made to study the effect of Aloe vera juice on toxicity induced by chromium on Labeo rohita fingerlings, exposed to sub-lethal concentration of chromium and Aloe vera juice for 21 days. The bio-accumulation pattern of... more
Sulfadimethoxine (SDM) and ormetoprim (OMP) are antimicrobials used in combination to treat bacterial infections in fish farming. The use of this drug combination is not yet regulated in some countries, such as Brazil. Due to the lack of... more
Enhancement of immune system seems to be the most promising method of preventing fish diseases. Several herbal products have immunostimulant properties, and are environmental friendly, economical and can act against a broad spectrum of... more
Veterinarians who work with fish and other aquatic species often must perform examinations, diagnostic investigations, and treatments away from the clinic or laboratory. Careful planning is important, and attention to biosecurity is... more
Through collaboration with Inuit hunters, we examined the stomach contents of 142 seals (ringed seals [Phoca hispida; n = 135], bearded seals [Erignathus barbatus; n = 6], and one harbour seal [Phoca vitualina; n = 1]) hunted between 2007... more
Effect of aqueous leaf extracts of Catheranthus roseus, Calotropis gigantium and Datura stromoneum on common carp, Cyprinus carpio were investigated. C. carpio were separately fed with 1 and 2% aqueous extracts of these three plant leaves... more
Tail and Fin Rot is one of the most common diseases and fishes are more susceptible to the disease when they are reared in suboptimal rearing conditions resulting stress. It is caused by Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio, a Gram-negative... more
Aloe vera is being widely used in herbal medicine as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiinflammatory agent. It is also used as topical application for many skin diseases; its antidiabetic effect in rats is also reported.... more
Temperature is one of the environmental factors with greatest influence on the growth performance of animals. Thus, a 12 week study was conducted to investigate the effects of different water temperature on length gain, feed conversion... more
Microbes can thrive in a variety of environments, extreme environments as well as normal environments in soil and water where most of the other species are found. The ability to adapt in various habitats confirms why bacteria, especially... more
Plasma protein and immunoglobulin (Ig) levels in fish can be influenced by stress reaction, caused by some nutritional factors. This paper shows effects of different feed quantity on total protein and total Ig levels in blood of common... more
Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that normally colonizes the anterior nostrils of humans. Sepsis is one of the most common critical care problems with high morbidity and mortality, it is the main cause of acute kidney... more
Sulfadimethoxine (SDM) and ormetoprim (OMP) are antimicrobials used in combination to treat bacterial infections in fish farming. The use of this drug combination is not yet regulated in some countries, such as Brazil. Due to the lack of... more
This article deals with the challenge of addressing antimicrobial resistance in resource-poor countries. It explores the possibilities of using rapid diagnostic tests to improve animal health management and treatment, particularly in... more
Sulfadimethoxine (SDM) and ormetoprim (OMP) are antimicrobials used in combination to treat bacterial infections in fish farming. The use of this drug combination is not yet regulated in some countries, such as Brazil. Due to the lack of... more
Effect of harmful UV-B radiation and their remedial measures have been studied in Labeo rohita (rohu) larvae. Larvae were fed with four different diets: D1 and D2 contained 0.1 and 0.5 % Achyranthes aspera seeds, respectively; D3... more
Fish is one of the popular health foods worldwide and has huge medicinal importance. Several traditional medical practitioners of Tripura claimed that bile content of fresh water fish may useful in diabetes. Therefore the present work was... more
Indian major carp, rohu, (Labeo rohita) (30±6g), were fed with two types of diets; an experimental diet, containing root extract (0.5%) of Achyranthes aspera as an ingredient and control diet without the root extract. Experimental rohu... more
The present study was carried out to study the effect of different dosages of β-glucan suspension on immune response and disease resistance in Anabas testudineus spawns against a fungal pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica. Eight day old... more
Evaluation of nutritional value of prickly chaff flower (Achyranthes aspera) as fish feed ingredient
The nutritional value of seeds and leaves of Achyranthes aspera as fish feed ingredients was evaluated. The protein and lipid contents were higher in seeds and ash content was higher in leaves. In seeds, total 18 essential and... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
In the present study, the illegal usage of formalin for shelf-life enhancement of fish by fish traders in the different markets of Agartala, India was assessed. Total 99 fresh fish and shellfish samples were collected from four different... more
Faster growth and disease resistance of the cultured species are the most important concerns in present aquaculture scenario. Farmers emphasize on diagnosis and prevention of infection to promote health and productivity. Increased concern... more
The present study was carried out to study the effect of different dosages of β-glucan suspension on immune response and disease resistance in Anabas testudineus spawns against a fungal pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica. Eight day old... more
In the present study, the illegal usage of formalin for shelf-life enhancement of fish by fish traders in the different markets of Agartala, India was assessed. Total 99 fresh fish and shellfish samples were collected from four different... more
For decades hemp has been used as a therapeutic agent for enhancing immunity in animals. Current study was conceptualized to find out the protective role of dietary hemp seed products (hemp seed oil (HO) and hemp seed (HS)) against... more
Immunostimulatory effect of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) on non-specific immune response, immune gene expression, and experimental challenge with Saprolegnia parasitica in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss
Aquaculture is an important aquatic food-producing sector to fulfill nutritional food demand of a continuously growing world population. However, diseases outbreak became a major issue in aquaculture which results in huge economic loss to... more
Aquaculture is an important aquatic food-producing sector to fulfill nutritional food demand of a continuously growing world population. However, diseases outbreak became a major issue in aquaculture which results in huge economic loss to... more
Aquaculture production increases day by day to meet the excessive amount of need for seafood. Deterioration in water quality, stress and malnutrition caused by intensive stocking in order to obtain the highest efficiency from the unit... more
Fish is one of the popular health foods worldwide and has huge medicinal importance. Several traditional medical practitioners of Tripura claimed that bile content of fresh water fish may useful in diabetes. Therefore the present work was... more
This article deals with the challenge of addressing antimicrobial resistance in resource-poor countries. It explores the possibilities of using rapid diagnostic tests to improve animal health management and treatment, particularly in... more
The present study investigated the protective effects of dietary Allium cepa against Saprolegnia parasitica infections and the amelioration of cadmium-induced immunosuppression in Oreochromis niloticus. Saprolegnia isolates were recovered... more
Effect of Nigella sativa (Black Cumin Seed) to Enhance the Immunity of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Against Pseudomonas fluorescens.
The effects of feeding β-glucan on the survival and immune responses of Oreochromis spp. were investigated. Fish received 3% of (body weight of animal) commercial tilapia pellet diet containing β-glucanat the concentration of 25mg/kg... more
The present study was carried out to study the effect of different dosages of β-glucan suspension on immune response and disease resistance in Anabas testudineus spawns against a fungal pathogen Saprolegnia parasitica. Eight day old... more
Water pollution due to agricultural and industrial processes may cause adverse biological effects in aquatic organisms such as fishes. The removal of brilliant green (BG) dye from aqueous solution using seaweed Sargassum wightii was... more
In the present study, the illegal usage of formalin for shelf-life enhancement of fish by fish traders in the different markets of Agartala, India was assessed. Total 99 fresh fish and shellfish samples were collected from four different... more
Through collaboration with Inuit hunters, we examined the stomach contents of 142 seals (ringed seals [Phoca hispida; n = 135], bearded seals [Erignathus barbatus; n = 6], and one harbour seal [Phoca vitualina; n = 1]) hunted between 2007... more
Background and Aim: In the aquaculture industry, the crucial goal is to minimize production costs, especially feeding costs, without significant side effects. Black soldier fly larva (BSFL) is a locally available, eco-friendly, and... more
Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that normally colonizes the anterior nostrils of humans. Sepsis is one of the most common critical care problems with high morbidity and mortality, it is the main cause of acute kidney... more
This study evaluates the influence of mixed algal extract (Chlorella vulgaris, Euglena viridis and Spirulina platensis) on common carp Cyprinus Carpio, which infected infect with bacterial pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila. C. carpio was... more
Temperature is one of the environmental factors with greatest influence on the growth performance of animals. Thus, a 12 week study was conducted to investigate the effects of different water temperature on length gain, feed conversion... more