Aquaculture Management
Recent papers in Aquaculture Management
Abstract Blood cockles Tegillarca granosa culture in natural habitat is one of the way to increase national production in addition to harvesting natural resources today, but culture in pond is rare to Malaysia. Many factors need to be... more
Tenualosa ilisha popularly known as 'Hilsa' - a commercially important high valued food fish for its delicious taste, immense nutritional values for human health and high preference to the consumers across the South Asia, has received... more
Aquaculture is globally the fastest growing primary industry (>6% per annum). Smart-farming, using sentinel animals equipped with miniature biosensors alongside environmental sensors and farm management systems has the potential to... more
Fishery extension personnel ought to be effective information seekers to perform their role as ‘facilitators’ for accessing farm inputs, advisory services and markets to the farming community. Study conducted among the fishery extension... more
ABSTRACT Aquaponics is the integration of two separate, established farming technologies recirculating fish farming and hydroponic plant farming. There are several components used in aquaponics systems, these include fish rearing tanks,... more
Costa-Pierce and Chopin (2021) covered much of the hype in some proposals for aquaculture development today. Many aquaculture veterans chimed in to us after the article was published and said "so what else is new"? There are more... more
Aquaculture Researcher, Fish Nutrition. Morocco. Aquaponics is a technique that takes advantage of the symbiotic association between aquatic animals and plants by creating an efficient and unconventional crop production system resulting... more
The effect of three low cost feeds, containing different protein levels, on growth performance and economics of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus)were studied in earthen ponds for a period of 120 days. The experiment was conducted under... more
Muslim Muslim, Mirna Fitrani, Ahmad Medi Afrianto. 2018. The Effect of Water Temperature on Incubation Period, Hatching Rate, Normalities of The Larvae and Survival Rate of Snakehead Fish Channa striata, 19 (2): 90-94.
Resumen.-La contaminación biológica afecta a la acuicultura mundial con importantes impactos de productividad y rentabilidad, especialmente en el cultivo de moluscos, donde tanto la especie de cultivo objetivo como la infraestructura... more
of the famed ichthyologist John Bardach at the University of Michigan, who teamed with McLarney and John Ryther, the pioneering aquaculture scientist researching integrated mariculture systems in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, to bring... more
In subtropical fish ponds, many ecological processes depend on aquatic macrophytes, especially free-floating plants. The hypothesis that different free-floating macrophytes would be linked with different biological mechanisms, especially... more
In order to compare the growth performance of trout as two pressed and extruded foods and their impact on the environment, an experimental test was conducted from April 30 au15 July 2009 in a private fish farm. The comparison of the two... more
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Turkey berry (Solanum torvum) leaf extract on feminization of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Five days old post hatching larvae were used in this experiment. The Turkey berry leaf extract (1:1)... more
very interesting backyard aquaponics
Uea waerea kahura ra ka takata a tai, Me turaki atu a takata ki uta Ka tu tenei ahau ki te Pito o Rehu, I raro nei i te maru o Tuhiraki I te taha o te ara moana o Te Tohora Tapu Ka titiro atu ahau ki ka tihitihi o ka Pariwhero, o tenei... more
Growth of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Maryut strain) was studied under laboratory conditions. Four thermal regimes (22, 26, 30, and 34 1C) were tested on 480 20-day-old fry.
The aims of this research were to determine the hatching percentage of snakehead fish egg which incubated on different duration of aeration (oxygen supply). This research had been conducted in the Fish Breeding Unit "Batanghari Sembilan",... more
This paper reviews smart fish farming systems that demonstrate how complex science and technology can be made easy for application in seafood production systems. In this context, the focus of this paper is on the use of artificial... more
Disease remains a limiting factor for the aquaculture industry including fresh waters aquaculture, shrimps culture and maricultur. With respect to the shrimp culture industry, disease outbreaks have been the primary cause of production... more
Budidaya perikanan atau perikanan budidaya adalah kegiatan memproduksi biota (organisme) akuatik (air) untuk men-dapatkan keuntungan. Selain budidaya perikanan, dalam sektor perikanan produksi biota akuatik dapat dilakukan melalui... more
This guidebook is written to help local governments and the communities whom they govern, address the negative environmental impacts associated with aquaculture. Fish kills, red tide, eutrophication, and other forms of aquatic pollution... more
Penurunan kualitas air yang signifikan pada badan air dapat disebabkan oleh adanya kontaminasi. Kontaminasi dapat berupa bahan pencemar dari aktivitas industri, pertanian, peternakan, maupun kegiatan rumah tangga (domestik). Badan air... more
Aquatic Plants is a plant that can live in water such as seaweeds, ferns and many other types with special functions in natural habitats. However, now, these aquatic plants have been commercialized for use in decorating fish aquariums to... more
Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk menyusun manajemen produksi pembesaran teripang pasir (H. scabra) dengan berdasarkan hasil wawancara pembudidaya teripang di Kecamatan Pomala Kabupaten Kolaka dan informasi pendukung dari hasil diskusi... more
In recent years, the recirculating aquaponics system has gained high attention and significant popularity for organic vegetables and fruits production which contributes to the sustainable aquaculture for tropical regions. This review aims... more
Aquaponics loosely described is the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. Aquaponics means many different things to different people, but it's basically all about growing fish and vegetables in a symbiotic system. Fish and plants... more
1 PENDAHULUAN PENDAHULUAN Ikan lele MUTIARA merupakan strain unggul ikan lele hasil pemuliaan di Balai Penelitian Pemuliaan Ikan (BPPI) Sukamandi yang memiliki keunggulan performa budidaya relatif lengkap, antara lain dalam hal... more
The PHILMINAQ project built competence within marine science for monitoring and modelling aquaculture impacts on the environment. This has been achieved by developing three levels of monitoring/ surveys, developing hydrodynamic and... more
Fund for Nature (WWF), RARE, dan Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Seminar Nasional ini dihadiri oleh 118 pemakalah yang menyampaikan 120 judul makalah. Makalah yang disampaikan secara oral 83 judul, dan 37 judul disampaikan... more
Slides of P2MKP Biofloc 165 Trainer
Metabolomics is a fast-evolving field that provides qualitative and quantitative analyses of metabolites within cells, tissues or biofluids. Recent applications of metabolomics approaches in aquaculture research have highlighted the huge... more
Bodies of water provide essentials for both human society as well as natural ecosystems. To expand the services these water provide, hybrid food-energy-water systems can be designed. This paper reviews the fields of floatovoltaic (FV)... more
very interesting backyard aquaponics 3rd issue
Aquaculture production is currently challenged to meet the growing demands for seafood protein throughout the world. To achieve this growth in an efficient, safe and sustainable manner, novel tools and applications will need to be... more
La acuicultura ha mostrado un crecimiento vertiginoso en los últimos años y se espera que esa tendencia se sostenga. El cultivo de camarones es uno de los renglones más vigorosos dentro del subsector, particularmente en Venezuela. Las... more
Aquaculture is globally the fastest growing primary industry (>6% per annum). Smart-farming, using sentinel animals equipped with miniature biosensors alongside environmental sensors and farm management systems has the potential to... more
The opening editorial Comment in the current issue argues that as the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) gets... more
This study was aimed at assessing the effect of stocking density on the survival and growth of Dumbo fish fry raised in a recirculated system. The study was conducted at the the A completely randomized design with four treatments and... more