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This guidebook is written to help local governments and the communities whom they govern, address the negative environmental impacts associated with aquaculture. Fish kills, red tide, eutrophication, and other forms of aquatic pollution... more
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      Aquaculture ImpactsAquaculture Management
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    • Aquaculture Impacts
The exploitation of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in food and recreational fisheries has a long history in the rivers and coastal waters of the species range. Fortunately, prior to the last few centuries, when river stocks were largely... more
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      Conservation EcologySalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
The well being of fish populations is directly affected by a number of interconnected environmental parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature, eutrophication of the water column that affects the qualitative and quantitative... more
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      Marine AquacultureAquaculture Impacts
Study on length weight relationship and condition factor of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) cultured in earthen pond, Khambhat (Gujarat) SD Prajapati and NC Ujjania Abstract The length-weight relationship and condition... more
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      FisheriesMarine AquacultureSociology of Fisheries and AquacultureFisheries and aquaculture economics
The project TCP/RAS/3203 "Reducing the dependence on the utilization of trash fish/ low-value fish as an aquaculture feed for marine finfish in the Asian region" involved assessing and comparing the environmental impacts between fish fed... more
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    • Aquaculture Impacts
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    • Aquaculture Impacts
Exotic salmonids were deliberately introduced to the Southern Hemisphere during the last part of the 20th century, initially to boost sport fishing and later to develop an aquaculture industry. Early introductions were justified by... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesSalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
From 1983 to 1986 the Rivers Asón and Nansa (northern Spain) were stocked with over 100 000 eyed ova year-1 from a Scottish hatchery in an effort to increase angling catches of Atlantic salmon. An inherent genetic marker was used to... more
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      Conservation EcologySalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
This paper is written to present the current situation of the Philippine aquaculture industry, focusing on the impacts of feed wastage and inappropriate feeding to the environment, as well as its effects to the operators economically in... more
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      Marine AquacultureAquaculture ImpactsAquaculture Management
In Chilean Patagonia relatively pristine aquatic environments are being modified by the introduction of exotic salmonids, initially through their deliberate release for sport fishing since the early 20th century, and more recently via the... more
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      Conservation EcologyStable IsotopesInvasive SpeciesTrophic Ecology
This paper examines two areas to be considered in developing conservation plans for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): goal statements and the general framework for the implementation of a conservation plan. From a biological perspective, the... more
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      ZoologyFisheriesConservation EcologyEcology
Aplochiton zebra (peladilla, zebra trout) is a galaxiid fish endemic to Patagonia and the Falkland Islands, where populations are threatened by salmonid introductions. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of 13 polymorphic... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesAquaculture ImpactsMicrosatellites
Aquaculture is a major source of invasive aquatic species, despite the fact that cultured organisms often have low genetic diversity and tend to be maladapted to survive in the wild. Yet, to what extent aquaculture escapees become... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesChileSalmonids
A previous analysis of proportions of stocked and wild Atlantic salmon among angled fish in the Rivers Ason and Nansa in northern Spain based on the analysis of MEP-2* genotypes is extended. The results reinforce the initial conclusion... more
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      Conservation EcologySalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei were described in present paper. For proposed research work the length and weight of the shrimp was measured from earthen pond of Moriraj Aqua... more
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      FisheriesMarine AquacultureBiologySociology of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Here we critically review the scale and extent of adaptive genetic variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), an important model system in evolutionary and conservation biology that provides fundamental insights into population... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservation GeneticsMolecular EvolutionConservation Ecology
This paper examines two areas to be considered in developing conservation plans for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): goal statements and the general framework for the implementation of a conservation plan. From a biological perspective, the... more
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      ZoologyFisheriesConservation EcologyEcology
Exotic fishes are a principal threat to global freshwater biodiversity. Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta are the world's two most widespread exotic fishes, dominate the fish communities of most cold-temperate... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesChileSalmonids
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      ZoologyBiologyEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental Monitoring
Exotic salmonids were deliberately introduced to the southern hemisphere during the last part of the 20th century, initially to boost sport fishing and later to develop an aquaculture industry. Early introductions were justified by... more
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      SocioeconomicsPublic OpinionConservationStakeholders
We used an invaded stream fish community in southern Chile to experimentally test whether the diversity of exotic species affects their competitive impact on a native species. In artificial enclosures an established invasive, rainbow... more
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      Exotic SpeciesConservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesBiological invasions
Here we critically review the scale and extent of adaptive genetic variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), an important model system in evolutionary and conservation biology that provides fundamental insights into population... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservation GeneticsPopulation GeneticsReproduction
Over the last 50 years, Spanish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations have been in decline. In order to bolster these populations, rivers were stocked with fish of northern European origin during the period 1974-1996, probably also... more
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      Conservation EcologySalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
Here we critically review the scale and extent of adaptive genetic variation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), an important model system in evolutionary and conservation biology that provides fundamental insights into population... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservation GeneticsMolecular EvolutionConservation Ecology
This paper examines two areas to be considered in developing conservation plans for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): goal statements and the general framework for the implementation of a conservation plan. From a biological perspective, the... more
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      Conservation EcologySalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
The tendency of salmon, Salmo salar, to return from the sea to the river of hatching and form 'local populations' has apparently been known for a long time (Calderwood 1908). Writing in 1653, Izaak Walton described how juveniles marked... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesSalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
We used an invaded stream fish community in southern Chile to experimentally test whether the diversity of exotic species affects their competitive impact on a native species. In artificial enclosures an established invasive, rainbow... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesSalmonidsAquaculture Impacts
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      ZoologyBiologyEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental Monitoring
Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta are the world's two most widespread exotic fishes, dominate the fish communities of most coldtemperate waters in the southern hemisphere and are implicated in the decline and... more
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      Conservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesChileSalmonids
We used an invaded stream fish community in southern Chile to experimentally test whether the diversity of exotic species affects their competitive impact on a native species. In artificial enclosures an established invasive, rainbow... more
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      Exotic SpeciesConservation EcologyInvasive SpeciesBiological invasions
Electrophoretic studies of proteins remain a primary source of insight into genetic diversity in many species including the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, one of the most culturally and economically important fish species of the North... more
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      GeneticsZoologyPopulation GeneticsConservation Ecology
Electrophoretic studies of proteins remain a primary source of insight into genetic diversity in many species including the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, one of the most culturally and economically important fish species of the North... more
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      Conservation EcologySalmonidsAquaculture Impacts