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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsAutomotive ManagementAutomotive Industry
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    • Apprenticeship Learning
The article describes the apprenticeship structure in France with a particular attention to the "alternance".
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      European UnionApprentissageApprenticeship LearningEuropean Union Studies
This Lifelong Learning Journey Map is an infogram displaying my vision of learners' career journeys moving beyond the confines of the current traditional pathways. it acknowledges some the areas that can change or impact a learners... more
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      Higher EducationFuture of EducationApprenticeship LearningLifelong Education
This paper seeks to address the materialist aspects and the role of apprenticeship in Marquis de Sade’s work Philosophy in the Bedroom. The book deals with the sexual education of a young woman. This education is contrasted between two... more
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      OntologyFeminist TheoryQueer TheorySexualities education
The ward round is central to healthcare practices, to good professional practice and to safe quality care for patients. There is no one single ward round practice but many.
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyMedical SociologySociology of Work
Outcome 1.1-Describe organisational policies, procedures and levels of authority in maintaining office equipment. Outcome 1.2-Describe how to use different types of office equipment. Outcome 1.3 – Explain the reasons for following... more
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      Business AdministrationAdministrationOffice AdministrationApprenticeship Learning
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      Sociology of EducationExpertisePeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Embodiment
Maria Paola ZANOBONI, Donne al lavoro nell’Italia e nell’Europa medievali (secc.XIII-XV), Milano, Jouvence, 2016 VINCITORE DEL PREMIO ITALIAMEDIEVALE 2017: more
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      Economic HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryGender History
Investing in human capital is often overlooked in developing countries, but it is the key element for economic growth and productivity, as seen in the experiences of highly industrialized and developed countries. The Philippines, a... more
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      Labor Law (Law)EducationTechnical and Vocational EducationGermany
How does a craft reinvent itself as 'traditional' following cultural, social and political upheaval? In the township of Dingshu, Jiangsu province of China, artisans produce zisha or Yixing teapots that have been highly valued for... more
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      Traditional CraftsCraft KnowledgeContemporary ChinaApprenticeship Learning
Mau Forest, the home of the majority of the Ogiek people is located in the Rift Valley Province and straddles Kericho, Nakuru, Narok and Bomet districts .Traditionally, the Ogiek as hunter-gatherers have distinctive histories of... more
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      MulticulturalismEducationIndigenous StudiesMultilingualism
The introduction of an apprenticeship levy for employers with a payroll above £3m in 2017 has transformed the landscape for higher-level skills in the UK. While there is some evidence of the economic benefits of higher education, it seems... more
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      Work-Based LearningHigher Education PolicyWork Integrated LearningApprenticeship Learning
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 75 – Understand the customer service environment: Explain the value of customer service as a competitive tool Explain the process of mapping the customer journey and its importance in... more
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      Business AdministrationCustomer Service ManagementCustomer SatisfactionCustomer Loyalty
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 10 - Create Bespoke Business Documents: Understand how to create bespoke business documents : Explain the use of bespoke business documents Describe the factors to be taken into account in... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationDocumentationExamples
Tesi di laurea, corso di Laurea Specialistica in Relazioni di Lavoro (scienze economiche e aziendali) anno accademico 2008-09 Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
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      Labour LawLabour EconomicsTechnical and Vocational EducationApprenticeship Learning
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 1 – Communicate in a business environment: Analyse the communication needs of internal and external stakeholders Analyse the different communication models that support administration... more
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      Business AdministrationCommunicationStakeholdersCommunication Theory
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      EducationAncient Near EastChildhoodApprenticeship Learning
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 24 – Store and Retrieve Information: Understand information storage and retrieval : Describe systems and procedures for storing and retrieving information Outline legal and organisational... more
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      Business AdministrationProceduresCompany LawExamples
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      Higher EducationService Learning in Higher EducationWork-Integrated LearningApprenticeship Learning
Collective article by Precarious Workers Brigade and Carrot Workers Collective. In: Joy Forever: The Political Economy of Social Creativity. Edited by Michał Kozłowski, Agnieszka Kurant, Jan Sowa, Krystian Szadkowski and Jakub Szreder.
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      CreativityCreative IndustriesVolunteeringCreative Economy
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      Human RightsHealthWork and LabourPublic Health
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 5 – Principles of Business: Explain the characteristics of different business markets Explain the nature of interactions between businesses within a market Explain how an organisation's... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationFinance
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 53 -Develop and maintain professional networks: Identify potential networks for professional development from an analysis of their benefits compared with individual needs and aspirations... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness NetworksSocial Networks
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 9 - Deliver a presentation Analyse the advantages and limitations of different methods of, and media for, making presentations Explain how the type and size of the audience affects the... more
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      Business AdministrationEffectivenessAudienceExamples
Based on technical studies of spear heads from Switzerland, Poland, Sweden and Denmark, it can be demonstrated that the blacksmith tradition which forms the basis for the large quantities of standardized weapons in the Danish sacrificial... more
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      Przeworsk cultureApprenticeship LearningEarly Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small findsResearching Early Blacksmithing Techniques
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 63 - Using Email: Explain methods to improve message transmission Explain why and how to stay safe and respect others when using email Explain why, how and when to archive messages Explain how... more
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      Business AdministrationExamplesArchivingQuestions and Answers
Learning outcome 1 Understand how to organise customer service delivery Assessment criteria: 1.1: Explain how different methods of promoting products and/or services impact on customer service delivery 1.2 Explain who should be involved... more
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      Business AdministrationApprenticeship Learning
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      Business AdministrationSelf-helpApprenticeship Learning
Learning outcome 1 Understand the preparation of text from recorded notes Assessment criteria 1.1 Explain the importance of confirming the purpose of the text and intended audience 1.2 Describe the main features of the different types of... more
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      Business AdministrationApprenticeship Learning
This book provides a rich collection of research and practice perspectives around central topics in the field of work-based learning (WBL). Based on an extensive prior literature review of the current state of research on WBL in TVET... more
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      Work-Based LearningWorkplace LearningVocational TrainingProfessionalisation of Adult Educators and Trainers
This dissertation concerns life and work among communities of shokunin -traditional craft practitioners - in contemporary Tokyo. Based primarily on ethnographic fieldwork conducted over a ten month period in 2009, I investigate the... more
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyArt HistoryJapanese Language And Culture
A reflective piece about the research process and fieldwork undertaken for PhD in India.
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      EthnographyHandloomApprenticeship LearningCraft Research
Dalton education is the largest educational reform movement in the Netherlands. Around eighty years ago it spread throughout the world; Dalton education was found in the USA, England, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union,... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationPhilosophy of EducationCritical Pedagogy
This study was conducted within the Koforidua Municipality to determine the competency levels and challenges encountered by both school trained and apprenticeship trained fashion designers to enable improvement within the profession. It... more
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      Fashion designGhanaApprenticeship Learning
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      EthnoarchaeologyCeramic TechnologyFrancophone LiteratureNorth American archaeology
KLARIC L. (Ed.) 2018. The Prehistoric Apprentice. Investigating apprenticeship and expertise in prehistoric technologies. Dolni Vestonice Studies, n°24, Brno, 375 p. Cet ouvrage, intégralement en français et en anglais, rend actes de la... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyPalaeolithic Art
The topics of learning and cultural transmission resonate among anthropologists. The question of how and why behaviors, beliefs, and ideas are learned and shared among a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next lies... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyEthnographyEvolutionary ArchaeologyLearning Styles
Pearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Business Administration (QCF) Unit 4 - Principles of Business Document Production and Information Management for Outcome 1 and 2 in Power Point format
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationApprenticeship LearningBusiness Studies; Report Writing; Workplace Documents
This article uses a reflection on the quality of the time of enskilment as a way of addressing the relationship between sociality and enskilment. I look at key moments from my field research and learning experience in the workshop of a... more
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      Craft KnowledgeSocialityApprenticeship LearningEnskilment
During 2014 I gathered information on traditional weaving practices from 26 weavers from the islands of Flores, Solor and Lembata in Indonesia, including conversations on the topic of 'how did you learn to weave'. I discuss the findings,... more
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      AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesCultural HeritageTextiles
Le répertoire pré-composé de la musique karnatique, ou musique classique de l'Inde du Sud, compte des milliers de chants dévotionnels 1 dont les signataires, saints-poètes et musiciens adeptes de la bhakti 2 , vécurent du XV e au XIX e... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyNotation (Music)Karnatic music
In The Perception of the Environment (2000), Ingold has argued that differences in cultural knowledge are more a matter of variation in embodied skills than in discursive knowledge. These skills develop through the practitioners’... more
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      EmotionPerceptionSociology of EmotionEmbodiment
Understand organisational structures: -Explain the differences between the private sector, public sector and voluntary sector -Explain the functions of different organisational structures -Describe the features of different types of... more
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      Business AdministrationBusiness studiesApprenticeship LearningApprenticeship
This paper describes a very different, and entirely neglected, side of apprenticeship in London: the city’s system of contract dissolution. I suggest that easy dissolution played a vital role in sustaining apprenticeship in London, and... more
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      History Of LondonHuman CapitalEarly Modern economic and social historyBritish Studies
Una storia di oltre dieci anni fa. una riflessione sulle tensioni in un processo di apprendimento istituzionale, tra spinta a assestarsi sui saperi stabilizzati e necessità di destabilizzarli per rispondere a nuovi compiti.
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      Teacher EducationApprenticeship LearningORGNIZATIONAL LEARNING
American employers cannot fill enough middle skill jobs; the manufacturing industry is especially beset by skill shortages and retiring baby boomers. Automation, globalization, and advancing technology will lead to even more jobs that... more
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      Community CollegesManufacturingChildren and YouthWorkforce Development
L'alternanza scuola-lavoro è tornata al centro del dibattito pubblico. Il Governo Renzi, infatti, sia tramite il disegno di legge “La Buona Scuola” sia tramite i decreti legislativi di attuazione del Jobs Act, è intenzionato a rimodulare... more
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      EducationYouth EmploymentVocational TrainingApprenticeship Learning
This review, conducted on behalf of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), aims to identify what can be learned about effective approaches to the development and delivery of employer-sponsored, work-integrated higher... more
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      Work-Based LearningCompetence in PracticeQuality assurance in Higher EducationWork Integrated Learning
Συνέδριο του Ιδρύματος Κρατικών Υποτροφιών με θέμα:
«Εκμάθηση στο χώρο εργασίας. Μια καινοτόμος πρακτική επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης με έμφαση στη μαθητεία».  Αθήνα, 13/6/2016
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      Lifelong LearningLifelong learning and adult educationApprenticeship EducationApprenticeship Learning