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We present a new method of regularization of seismic data using the finite offset common reflection source (FOCRS) traveltime approximation. This method fits curves of common reflection source to the reflection events and... more
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      GeophysicsSeismic data processingExploration GeophysicsApplied Geophysics
Monografies d'Ullastret 3, Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, Ullastret, 2017
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      GeophysicsGeomaticsArchaeological GeophysicsApplied Geophysics
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      GeologyExploration GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsMineral exploration
The Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) method, which enables surveying without contact with the ground, is suitable for ground surveys in a wide area and has been used in mapping geology and in mineral exploration for decades.... more
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      Applied GeophysicsGeology and MiningPure and Applied Geophysics
This paper presents the results of the application of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, or Georadar, in outlining a zone of contamination due to solid residues at the waste burial site of Rio Claro in the state of São Paulo, SE... more
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      GeophysicsStratigraphyCase StudiesGround Penetrating Radar
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      GeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarMultidisciplinaryApplied Geophysics
In elastic wave forward modeling, absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) are used to mitigate undesired refl ections from the model truncation boundaries. The perfectly matched layer (PML) has proved to be the best available ABC. However,... more
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      GeophysicsElastic wavesApplied Geophysics
The goal of cathodic protection is to prevent corrosion by maintaining buried pipelines at a constant potential with respect to the surrounding soil. In practice, however, the implementation is very complicated since many factors can... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsCathodic ProtectionElectrical Resistance
A number of lode-gold occurrences are hosted by hydrothermally altered greenstones along the southern boundary of the Palaeoproterozoic Central Lapland Greenstone Belt. The hydrothermally altered and mineralised zones are related to a... more
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      GeophysicsPetrophysicsFractureGamma Rays
Levees are civil engineering structures built to protect human lives, property, and agricultural lands during flood events. To keep these important structures in a safe condition, continuous monitoring must be performed regularly and... more
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      Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)Applied Geophysics
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      Archaeological GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsMagnetic surveyPasargadae
A Valley of Mummies was discovered recently by an Egyptian team at Bahariya Oasis, located about 380 km west of the pyramids. Four tombs were excavated, and inside them were found one hundred and five mummies (105), many of them... more
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      GeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarApplied GeophysicsData acquisition
Dear researchers, Geoscience and the progress of technology can be put to the service of the environment for the improvement of human living conditions. In this context, the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Natural Resources (LGRN),... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyHydrogeologyRemote Sensing
With this depletion in the groundwater table, there has been an overuse of water in the aquifers. Hence, in order to study the subsurface geology of the area and in order to investigate the aquifer presence in the area, we selected 8... more
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This brief review presents the international approaches to assessment of the content of geotaxis impurities (residual solvents and various inorganic and organic impurities) in pharmaceuticals. Nowadays, it has become necessary to provide... more
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      GeophysicsExploration GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsGeology and Geophysics
Recently, encouraging results have been obtained to estimate hydraulic conductivity in unconsolidated sediments from induced polarisation (IP) measurements. The work focussed on laboratory experiments in order to establish semi-empirical... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsLaboratory experimentGeomatic Engineering
To improve the knowledge of the regionally important Continental Terminal 3 (CT3) aquifer in south-western Niger, fifteen magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) were carried out in December 2005 in the vicinity of wells and boreholes. The... more
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      GeophysicsGroundwater rechargeApplied GeophysicsMagnetic Resonance
This study aimed to evaluate the different configurations of an electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor, the EM38DD (Geonics Limited, Canada) with fluxgate gradiometer measurements on an archaeological site. The EM38DD allows measuring... more
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      GeophysicsMagnetic fieldApplied GeophysicsSurveys
Metamorphic processes, leading to mineralogical and structural changes of the rocks in response to physical (pressure, temperature) and chemical conditions, can be associated with the development of sin-metamorphic or post-metamorphic... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsStructural GeologyMetamorphic Petrology
Ground-penetration radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that is commonly used in archaeological and forensic investigations, including the determination of the exact location of graves. Whilst the method is rapid and does not involve... more
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      GeophysicsForensic ScienceGround Penetrating RadarInterpretation
The MT interpretation procedure begins with a set of sounding data in the frequency domain. The overall quality of these data can be variable both as a function of frequency and location. Many simple interpretation procedures, such as the... more
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      Earth SciencesGeophysicsAlgorithmsMagnetotelluric
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      GeophysicsNear surface GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsLithology
An inexpensive infrared beam barrier and proximity detector has been designed and analyzed using solid state discrete components. The result showed that a security system using infrared technology is possible and viable where the breaking... more
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      ElectronicsApplied GeophysicsSolar Energy Technology
Stratigraphy and the oil industry are intricately intertwined and have been so ever since the early days of hydrocarbon exploitation. Stratigraphic understanding forms the basis for all upstream activity from basin exploration through... more
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      GeophysicsExploration GeophysicsReservoir CharacterizationApplied Geophysics
Collapse and overtopping repeatedly occur in LUSI Embankment. Discontinuities (crack or fracture) in the embankment are major reasons for embankment failures or collapses. Very-low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) measurement is... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsGeomatic Engineering
Different types of sinkholes have been recognized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The sinkholes are of various sizes and shapes and occur at different depths. Their presence may create a direct risk to the infrastructural facilities such... more
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      GeophysicsRemote SensingApplied GeophysicsApplied
Frequency domain electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensors with a small coil separation are used for near-surface surveys in a variety of domains. Regardless of the application, the instrument response(s) may suffer from a drift, meaning... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsGeomatic Engineering
An integrated interpretation was made of data, from ground penetrating radar (GPR), seismic refraction and seismic transmission tomography, collected inside the catchment tunnels of a potable water source in central Italy.
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      GeophysicsGround Penetrating RadarWater PollutionGeophysical Survey
An important problem of marble-quarry management is assessing the quality and the homogeneity of quarry blocks before excavation. In this study, we decided to image the limestone, which we studied in a marble quarry, in terms of layer... more
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      ManagementGeophysicsFractureGround Penetrating Radar
The aim of this study is to define and characterize water bearing geological formation and to test the possibility of using geophysical techniques to determine the hydrogeological parameters in three areas in the Vientiane basin, Laos.... more
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      GeophysicsHydraulicsGroundwaterApplied Geophysics
The paper presents a numerical algorithm that performs accurate lithology corrections for thermal (CNL/TNPH, CNL/NPHI) and epithermal (SNP) neutron logs, in the whole range of porosities normally encountered in practice. It is known that... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeophysicsPetrophysics
Laboratory and field measurements were made in a study of a small number of chromite deposits in the Josephine ultramafic complex of northwest California, to examine their physical properties and to search for possible diagnostic... more
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      Economic GeologyMiningApplied Geophysics
The study area is located in the northern and western parts of Moldavian Platform, the oldest platform unit of the Romanian territory and representing the margin of the East European Platform. Two hydrocarbon systems are recognized in the... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsStructural GeologyOil and gas
In hydrogeology there is a variety of empirical formulae available for determination of hydraulic conductivity of porous media, all based on the analysis of grain size distributions of aquifer materials. Sensitivity of NMR measurements to... more
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      GeophysicsHydrogeologyNuclear Magnetic ResonanceApplied Geophysics
In contrast to the use of marine seismic reflection techniques for reservoir-scale applications, where seismic inversion for quantitative sediment analysis is common, shallow-water, very-high-resolution seismic reflection data are seldom... more
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      Seismic reflection dataMarine EngineeringSeismic data processingNear surface Geophysics
Depositional environments are characterized by their sedimentary lithology, sedimentary structures, paleocurrent patterns and fossils. Sedimentary facies are bodies of sediment that originate simultaneously in adjacent depositional... more
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      GeologyPetrophysicsExploration GeophysicsApplied Geophysics
Environmental seismology consists in studying the mechanical vibrations that originate from, or that have been affected by external causes, that is to say causes outside the solid Earth. This includes for instance the coupling between the... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsGeomatic Engineering
Geophysical methods play an important role in exploration strategies worldwide. The addition of such data can contribute to a better understanding of the geological sector of interest. By carefully applying basic principles, explorers can... more
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      Earth SciencesExploration GeophysicsApplied Geophysics
2D seismic refraction data, from seven traverse lines, were used to investigate subsurface geology in the Appollonian Formation of the onshore Tano Basin of Ghana. Tano Basin is one of the four basins of Ghana and the most important one... more
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      GeophysicsExploration (Geophysics)Exploration GeophysicsNear surface Geophysics
The determination of index properties of rock, such as Cerchar Abrasivity Index, Shore Hardness, Protodyakonov Index and Vickers Hardness in laboratory or insitu conditions is time-consuming and requires special equipment and expertise.... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsGeomatic EngineeringExperimental Study
Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) has been used in association with Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCPT) for Geotechnical investigations at two sites, proposed for thermal power plants, in Uttar... more
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      GeophysicsApplied GeophysicsElectrical ResistanceGeomatic Engineering
An innovative sensor technique has been developed to detect water leaks in supply pipes, especially in cases where the existing prevailing methods do not offer reliable solution, such as in PVC pipelines or for minor leaks. The presented... more
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      GeophysicsDigital Signal ProcessingApplied GeophysicsElectromagnetic Waves
Since 2016 the Department of Culture and Civilization History at the University of Bologna has been conducting a study under the direction of Giuseppe Lepore and Enrico Giorgi, on the 3rd insula of the Roman Hellenistic Quarter of... more
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      ArchaeologyGeophysicsGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)Archeologia
Small, low cost Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) provide ideal platforms for shallow water survey, as they are capable of unmanned navigation and can be programmed to acquire data at constant depth, or constant altitude above the... more
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      GeophysicsArchaeological GeophysicsExploration GeophysicsNear surface Geophysics
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can assist decision making in a number of fields by enhancing our knowledge of subsurface features. Non-destructive investigations and controls of civil structures are improving day by day, however the... more
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      GeophysicsDecision MakingGround Penetrating RadarApplied Geophysics
The electromagnetic profiling and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) data were acquired from some communities in the Twifo-Hemang Lower Denkyira District of the Central region of Ghana, in order to determine zones of high groundwater... more
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      GeophysicsHydrogeologyExploration (Geophysics)Groundwater Hydrology
In this study, we assessed recent GOCE-based Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) and EGM2008 in Niger. The combined GGMs EIGEN_6C4, GECO and EGM2008 were evaluated up to their maximum degree and order (d/o) 2,190 to select the one for... more
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      GeodesyPhysical GeodesyApplied GeophysicsSatellite Geodesy
Integrated electrical and electromagnetic surveys were carried out in hard rock areas of Purulia district (West Bengal), India, for delineation of groundwater-bearing zones that would be suitable for construction of deep tube-wells for... more
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      GeophysicsVery Low Frequency ElectromagneticsApplied GeophysicsGeomatic Engineering
Introducing and applying an appropriate strategy for reservoir modeling in strongly heterogeneous and fractured reservoirs is a controversial issue in reservoir engineering. Various integration approaches have been introduced to combine... more
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      Seismic data processingApplied Geophysics