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Increased agricultural intensification has led to well-documented declines in the fauna and flora associated with intensive grasslands in the UK. We aimed to quantify the effectiveness of different field margin management strategies for... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyAppliedEcological Applications
Foreword to the English Edition After the time known informally by diatomists as the “Era of the Green Books” (i.e. the Süßwasserflora) which lasted about until the mid 1990s and during which all the information one needed to have to... more
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      Water qualityDiatom taxonomyDiatoms as indicatorsApplied Ecology
Cooperation between China and India can curtail biodiversity loss, mitigate climate change, and reduce deforestation
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      Conservation BiologyBiodiversityApplied Ecology
1. Increased intensification in agricultural grasslands has led to well-documented declines in the associated flora. Manipulation of field margins for biodiversity enhancement in arable systems has been extensively investigated. However,... more
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      RegenerationEcologyApplied EcologyApplied
Science popularization paper briefly introducing the diatom identification volume: Freshwater Benthic Diatoms of Central Europe (FBDCE): Over 800 Common Species Used in Ecological Assessment. M. Cantonati, M.G. Kelly & H. Lange-Bertalot... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesFreshwater EcologyDiatom taxonomy
The annual occurrence and distribution of the predatory bugs Anthocoris nemorum and Anthocoris nemoralis between apple, pear and herbal vegetation, was assessed in three apple orchards in 2001, and in two apple and two pear orchards in... more
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      Predator-Prey InteractionsApplied EcologyInsect EcologyConservation Biological Control
Pacific leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea populations have been declining precipitously. It has been suggested that fishery-associated mortality is the leading factor causing the decline; however, the sensitivity of leatherbacks to... more
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      Climate variabilityEcologyPopulation ecologyApplied Ecology
1. Land-use intensification is increasing dramatically in production systems world-wide. Livestock production is an important component of production land use, and increases in livestock densities have had a wide range of negative... more
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      EcologyForest FragmentationApplied EcologySpillover
The origins, form and composition of pasture-woodlands are summarized and a description is given of the flora and fauna particularly associated with this type of woodland. Evidence for considering the flora and fauna of these areas to be... more
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      BiologyEcologyApplied EcologyEcological Applications
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      EcologyApplied EcologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Termites are major decomposers in tropical regions and play an important role in soil processes. This study measured the impact of land-use intensification on the termite assemblage of lowland rain forest in Jambi Province, on the... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyRain forestApplied
Post-dispersal seed losses in annual arable weed species are poorly quantified, but may be of significance for natural population control, especially if they can be manipulated. We hypothesized that weed seed predation on the soil surface... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyAppliedEcological Applications
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
During the last few years a variety of methods have been applied in Switzerland to preserve and enhance biological diversity in agricultural systems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate grassland management techniques in respect of... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyLandscape StructureEcological Applications
1. Modern agriculture, in seeking to maximize yields to meet growing global food demand, has caused loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) and compaction, impairing critical regulating and supporting ecosystem services upon which humans also... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
There is growing awareness that biological control carries risks as well as benefits, but there are few data on below-ground effects of inundative insect pathogens. We addressed this issue using entomopathogenic nematodes and the soil... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologySoil faunaApplied
Watersports equipment can act as a vector for the introduction and spread of invasive non native species (INNS) in freshwater environments. To support advice given to recreational water users under the UK Government's Check Clean Dry... more
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      Invasive species ecologyApplied EcologyBiosecurityAlien invasive species
1. Climate change has been inducing range shifts for many species as they follow their suitable climate space and further shifts are projected. Whether species will be able to colonize regions where climate conditions become suitable,... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeConservation BiologyClimate Change Adaptation
The initiation of an invasion event is rarely dated in studies of alien plants. Data from aerial photographs documenting the invasion from the outset facilitate the quantification of the rate of spread, allowing researchers to analyse... more
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      Landscape EcologyEcologyPopulation DynamicsInvasive Species
1. Identifying the mechanisms that facilitate invasion is crucial for the design of preventative measures and understanding the invasion process, but not necessarily for the design of effective control strategies. 2. When a novel... more
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      EcologyInvasive SpeciesApplied EcologyEcological Applications
Culling, either of all animals or infected animals only, is often suggested as a way of managing infectious diseases in wildlife populations. However, replicated experiments to investigate culling strategies are often impractical because... more
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      EcologyMathematical ModellingApplied EcologyWildlife Management
1. Wild bees are one of the most important groups of pollinators in the temperate zone. Therefore, population declines have potentially negative impacts for both crop and wildflower pollination. Although heavy metal pollution is... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyAppliedEcological Applications
The Amur or Siberian tiger Panthera tigris altaica forms a relatively small and disjunct population of less than 600 individuals in the Russian Far East. Because tigers in this region require large territories to acquire sufficient prey,... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyConservation planningDistributed Data Mining
1. Conservation adequacy is defined as the ability of conservation measures to sustain biodiversity. Although river network connectivity is important for maintaining key ecological processes and ensuring persistence of biodiversity, it... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record.
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
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      ZoologyPopulation BiologyEcologyApplied Ecology
Generalist arthropod predators act as natural enemies of insect pests in agroecosystems. Crop management activities may cause a reduction in arthropod densities, either directly through mortality and emigration, or indirectly through... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyCrop managementAnimal Conservation
Despite great concern about the eects of fragmentation on biodiversity, quantitative studies are still scarce with respect to many major groups and important environments. Well-studied natural reference sites are few. 2. Extensive light... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyRain forestEnvironmental quality
Slash harvesting from forests to provide bioenergy reduces the amount of woody debris in the managed forest landscape and changes the physical and chemical environment in clear-cuts. We examined previously unstudied effects of commercial... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyAppliedBoreal Forest
1. Distance sampling is a widely used technique for estimating the size or density of biological populations. Many distance sampling designs and most analyses use the software Distance. 2. We briefly review distance sampling and its... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesEcologyPopulation Dynamics
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      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
The overkill hypothesis was originally proposed more than 40 years ago as an explanation for the extinction of North American Pleistocene megafauna (Martin 1967;. The hypothesis states that when people arrived in the Americas, they hunted... more
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      Social PsychologyHuman GeographyEnvironmental GeographyArchaeology
Comprehensive overview of the impact of tourism on the coastal and urban environments of Bournemouth Table of Contents: Fieldwork Outline 1 Geographical Context 1 Methods of Investigation 3 Coastline Environment’s Features... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipManagementBusiness Administration
In this review, the impacts of climate change on Lepidoptera species and communities are summarized, regarding already registered changes in case of individual species and assemblies, and possible future effects. These include changes in... more
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Many lowland rivers in Western Europe have been substantially modified to aid land drainage and support the intensification of agriculture. Although there have been many attempts at rehabilitation, few have been systematically evaluated... more
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      Western EuropeEcologyApplied EcologyRiver Restoration
1. Acoustic methods are used increasingly to survey and monitor bat populations. However, the use of acoustic methods at continental scales can be hampered by the lack of standardized and objective methods to identify all species... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyEcological ApplicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
1. The resolution of direct conflict between humans and elephants in Africa has become a serious local political issue in recent years, and a continental conservation problem. ‘Problem elephants’ damage crops, food stores and water... more
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      EcologyAgricultureApplied EcologyLand Use
Die vorliegende Konzeptstudie basiert auf einem angewandten Forschungsprojekt und zeigt auf, wie Biodiversität besser mittels raumplanerischen Instrumenten (im weitesten Sinne) gefördert werden kann.
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      Urban Biodiversity ConservationUrban PlanningUrban EcologyApplied Ecology
"Projective Ecologies, is an explicit recognition of a plurality of ecological theories and applied research underpinning contemporary understandings of cultural and natural living systems. It spans a broad spectrum from philosophy and... more
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      Landscape EcologyHuman EcologyRestoration EcologyUrban Ecology
1. Agri-environment schemes (AESs) are designed to create landscape-scale improvements in biodiversity. While the specific aims of AESs do not always include the enhancement of species of conservation concern, associated conservation... more
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      EcologyApplied EcologyConservation StatusNorthern Ireland
In recent years the use of species distribution models by ecologists and conservation managers has increased considerably, along with an awareness of the need to provide accuracy assessment for predictions of such models. The kappa... more
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      StatisticsStatistical AnalysisEcologyAnimal Ecology
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      ZoologyPopulation BiologyEcologyApplied Ecology
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      Climate ChangeAgroecologyArid Land EcologyDrought
DUŽÍ, Barbora - TÓTH, Attila - BIHUŇOVÁ, Mária - STOJANOV, Robert. 2014. Challenges of Urban Agriculture: Highlights on the Czech and Slovak Republic Specifics. In VÁVRA, Jan - LAPKA, Miloslav - CUDLÍNOVÁ, Eva (eds.) Current challenges of... more
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      Landscape EcologyRural SociologyEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Education
L’urbanistica è l’insieme degli atti di pianificazione e di programmazione delle trasformazioni territoriali. Ogni azione tendente a modificare l’organizzazione del territorio, mutando la distribuzione della popolazione e delle strutture... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityApplied EcologyTown and Regional planning
The ISO 9001 (2000) define "Quality" as the ability of a set of inherent properties and characteristics of a product, system or process to fulfill requirements of customers and other interested parties. The "Plan de Calidad de Obra (PCO)"... more
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      ManagementMarketingEngineeringEcological Engineering
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      ConservationEcologyBiodiversityApplied Ecology
1. Human harvesting has a large impact on natural populations and may cause undesirable life-history changes. In wild ungulate populations, unrestricted trophy hunting may cause strong selection pressures resulting in evolutionary change... more
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      Life historyEcologyEvolutionApplied Ecology